Saturday, August 01, 2009

Number 8 (It's my lucky Number)

Over at kj's we're moving into Blogland Lane. We're all different and all have different tastes so she's challenged us to come up with our plum property, our lubly lifestyle our acre of gorgeousness in her street. There aren't many blocks left so get cracking! Bags number 8!

Someone else has cornered the ocean view so I've gone for the mountains. It's cooler but it rarely snows. They're blue due to the haze of eucalyptus and the Curawongs sing their melody all day. Red and Blue Mountain Lowrys and King Parrots and Black Cockatoos fill the air and as the sun goes down, you can hear cattle baying in the valley . . .

There's my house, bottom left. Nice view huh? I can hanglide off that cliff if I had a mind to but I'd rather entertain guests for lunch on the verandah. . . come and chat a while . . .(if you can get a word in edgeways!)

Ah here she is in all her reproduction turn-of-the-Century glory. High ceilings, two fireplaces, a cool verandah all round . . .very mod inside!

This is my boudoir . . Special guests only . . . strictly male, handsome and must give a mean shoulder massage . .
Nice view huh? Open windows and nobody looking in!
Can't wait to squish among those pillows. Half of them will end up on the floor
whether there's a bloke there or not.

I'm a kitchen girl. I love kitchens, so choosing the perfect one was hard. It's not quite right but I like the white and the cupboards with bulkheads plus an island prep area where I can show off when guests arrive. Damn that stainless steel fridge though. So hard to keep clean . . how come they call them 'stainless' steel when they're always streaky? And who left the toaster on the bench. Surfaces people, surfaces!

Ah the pool area. Of course there's one outside as well for the summer but a girl needs a little aqua therapy in the winter too . .it's heated so strip off and come in . . .the water's fine! You can skinny dip without anyone ever knowing. No bombing!

Oh sorry Chris, I didn't realise you were still here! Finished cleaning the pool?

This is the pool of course.

Ok all refreshed? Time for lunch perhaps? Seafood al fresco in sarongs and thongs, because on my block of Blogland Lane, it's always 75 F or 25 C, sunny with the gentlest of breezes
and it only ever rains at night.
If anyone mentions my frizzy hair they get baked beans!

Pink champagne for the ladies . . Gents? Boags Premium?
Glass of Jamiesons on ice?
A nice bold Red from Margaret River or the McLaren Vale?
Don't ask for Coke or 7-Up or any other lolly water!
You can have spring water in an iced jug if you're teetotal.
Or a nice non-alcoholic mango daiquiri . .the bar is OPEN!

The table's set . . told you it never rains on our lunches and
that there's a pool outside and a view to die for . . .

Of course Curtis made it all and will do the washing up when we're finished . .

Pogged? Me too!. . How about a Jacuzzi before a little stroll around the garden?
Take it easy on the bubbles!

All dry, ready to walk off your lunch . .

These are the stables . . the horses come in at night . .

But during the day, they're free to gallivant as nature intended . . .
This is my fantasy Fresian . .gorgeous thing . . .
Bugger to catch. He can see me and my milk crate coming.

Feeling a little snoozy? Time for the latest, in the theatre room of course. .
watch out, they're recliners and if you're not careful you'll do what I did at Gold Class in June and miss all of Angels and Demons but the credits!

Bugger off stretch!
Damn those Giraffes, they always want to watch Madagascar!

Now where's Curtis, I can feel the nibbles coming on!


Wieneke said...

What a wonderful house and the poolcleaningman is uh... YES. I sit a while at the table in your garden and look around me. Whow! Thanks for having me and greetings from number 30.

Grow Up said...

Nice gaff, but I could live in those mountains until I died, even in just survivalist mode! Nice.

Anonymous said...

Nice photos except the guys. I edited my last post (I added and not took away this time).

Bimbimbie said...

Tsup neighbour*!* I just moved into number 53 ... I've got great views of your mountain home and pool guy too - shouldn't he be wearing thermals in the mountains? he seems to be a little goosepimpled.

Tell the Black Cockatoos they can drop by anytime ... as can you ;)

Grannymar said...

Reading this at noon on Saturday and that plate of food has me drooling! How many servants come with the place to keep it in pristine condition? I'll book in for when my shock absorbers are replaced.... just for views really... all of them! I might need assistance with my crutch, surely those guys could fit it in with cooking and pool cleaning duties.

nick said...

Nah, wouldn't want a house that big, it'd be a millstone around my neck with all the cleaning and maintenance. Give me something picturesque with the same view but much smaller. I fancy some of that food though. I'll just pop in, hoover up the eats and trek on through the mountains.

Debra Kay said...

Howdy Neighbor (no we really don't talk like that in Oklahoma except to make fun of people who do.....well, nevermind).

Oh, how lucky you are to see flocks and flocks of Black Cockatoos! My fave is the Rosella though (of the Cockatoos I hastily add before Oliver the Parrot gets jealous).

I'm at number 13-come down and see us sometime.

hokgardner said...

I'm on my way for a visit!

i beati said...

omg I'm in dreamland fantasy envy mode wow wow . wishit were you forgot nothing !!

angela recada said...

Well hello there, Baino! Thank you for dropping by my very, very humble cottage on Blogland Lane. It's so nice to meet you!

I see I'll have to visit you often for the views from your veranndah (mostly to ogle at your pool boy!)

Best wishes from Wisconsin,

Brian Miller said...

wow. the view, the house...ok, you can keep the guys...amazing!

soulbrush said...

roflol double! what a great post and what a great hideaway, the first thought that came to mind was 'dream on girl'....and if those pesky giraffes bother you, send them back to me...i looooove giraffes, forget the men, giraffes are prefarable anytime!

Sarah Sullivan said...

OMG it's a deal!! I wanna come visit your mountains..plese come see mine!! Wow what a place and the help well..delicious! I have always love your mountain ranges and yearned to visit!! The Fresian yup want me one of those!!
Wonderful fun..I am choking on my coffee - giggle snort - wonderful!!

Betsy Brock said...

Wow...I love it all...if it's a dream, maybe you'll be lucky enough never to wake up! :)

Anonymous said...

Baino, veeerrrry nice mountain views. That's one heck of a neighbourhood! Mayhaps I could stop over fora visit. I give fairly good back massage ;)

Don't Bug Me! said...

Can I have the giraffe, please?

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful fanstasy!

I might just have to put in a bid for a plot at this Blogland Lane.

*sigh -realises that some people do actually live like this *

tony said...

Bloody Hell! Bit Posh!

New Yorker wannabes said...

Oh my...that was...awesome! Oh, my lucky number is 7!!

Have a great weekend!

jay said...

I'm all packed, Baino, got my passport and all. Now. What was that address again?

Wow, that's nice!

Baino said...

Actually peeps, the house is a hotel in the blue mountains called Lilianfels. Very posh and perched in Katoomba at Echo Point, right on the edge of the Megalong valley. The indoor pool is theirs as well and they do weekend spas and cookng lessons . . or you can just languish. Sadly it does get a lot colder than 25!

I'm definitely going to stay there one day. My problem? Champagne taste on a beer budget. All my mother's fault!

. . the rest are borrowed from Google Images. Although I do often make antipasto or seafood platters and have two beautiful white horses who right now are ogling me much like the giraffe and begging for breakfast!

Thanks for the silly Saturday!

Mike said...

It was all good until the dudes!!! LOL!

kj said...

you are amazing hells. i'm away for the weekend but you know i'll be back.

meanwhile, i'm thrilled that you have moved in across the street from me. double triple yipee!!


Sarah Lulu said...

The giraffe wonderful....but the pool man ...aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Clau said...

hmm - now my 3 x 5 metre studio feels even smaller :-(

Paddy in BA (Quickroute) said...

p.s. - that was me above - forgot to signout of the wifes account!

Kath Lockett said...

Get the guest room ready - I'm coming!

River said...

Nice place. I love the kitchen and indoor pool especially. And the location too. It's always been my dream to live in a place where the temperature is around 23-25, sunny days and rainy nights.

Candie said...

Holy crap!This is gorgeous!All of it!Hum..not sure about the giraff though but really sure about the guys,specially the second one!^^

xxx said...

Hey dude what's going on? .... Have you moved into my place?
That Giraffe looks just like mine.
nah just kidding... I forgot that the lion ate ours last week.

Love your home in blogland. I'll be your neighbour soon, but just having a little trouble with the builders.

xx Ribbon

Stacy Uncorked said...

I'll have to come for a visit...maybe you won't notice that I'll never leave because it's so huge... ;)

studio lolo said...

OMG Baino you've thought of everything!! Holy crap, you can count on me to be a regular haunt at your place!

I can smell the hay and sweet grain and leather in the barn. And I love Fresians too.

fabulously done my dear!

Renee said...

I love it, I will be visiting you often.

I love Curtis too. By the way I don't think your pool guy had on a bathing suit, you might need to have a private talk with him.

I am back to praying and Sheldon is top on my mind too.

Love Renee xoxox

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

I have a feeling that none of us will have to leave Blogland Lane unless we want to, since we will have great food, massage therapy, books, music, wonderful views and a group of neighbors that one could truly only dream of before is/could be grand

Ronda Laveen said...

What a wonderful life! I'm busy signing up for aqua therapy as I type. I think that is an inflatable life preserver in his Speedos.

I just read your spoof over at VE's. Very funny. I'll do a coning tonight for your interviews on Monday.

Baino said...

Thanks everyone . .it was fun but back to the reality today!

Gledwood said...

v nice views...

and look at the veins on that boy! sorry i could not resist

Brighid said...

Too big for my taste, but beautiful none the less.

laughingwolf said...

coolios, baino...

thx for the invite, lotsa stuff i like, but you can send the boys home and bring on the ladies! :O

welcome back to #333 any time, like i say, i'm only HALF evil... but WHICH half? :P lol

e said...

Nice...How much is a room there????

kj said...

hey ms. baino, you are too important to wimp out of your neighborly commitments due to work.

there's more fun to be had on blogland lane, so stay buckled up for a while yet. don't you just love the comradery? (did i spell that correctly?

here's a tsup to my very hip friend.


Megan said...

Can't believe I missed commenting on this one...excellent job with your blogland lane residence! What a cool idea!

Megan said...

I love how all the guys have to be sure to mention they don't like guys. Do you ever bother to do that when a male blogger posts a picture of a hot female??
