Thursday, August 20, 2009


I used to be afraid of shadows, particularly the reflection and shadowy shimmer that a shiny spoon made on the ceiling. I must have been about 2 years old and in a high chair and totally losing the plot each time my mother shovelled some sort of gloop into my gob because all I could see was this little darting shadow on the ceiling. Amazing that I remember it.

These days shadows mean sunshine and shade and they're a great photographic subject. So in the absence of any creative juice I offer some of my shadowy shots.

Olympic Park Awning

Shadecloth covered walkway at Olympic Park. I love this shot. It just shimmers shadows.

Strand Arcade Ballustrade

Shadow of the Victorian Ballustrade in Sydney's beautifully restored Strand Arcade.


Shadow of our Liquid Amber on a 45 degree day . . .

King Street Wharf

Shadows bouncing on beneath the pier at Sydney's King Street Wharf

I had to post this again, I'd have saved it from the Q Station post had I known this week's theme.

I'm sure there are far more creative efforts over at Theme Thursday so take some time to have a look.

Now, time to get moving and see if I can't become a shadow of my former self!


Susan at Stony River said...

Beautiful, all of them! But I think I like the balustrade best.

Mike said...

The wharf picture looked like a National geographic photo!

Anonymous said...

I'm probably undecided, but I perceive you've just shown your true talent here. The arm chair is superb and the tented shadows would not have been noticed by many. You truly have the artists eye.

Well done you Baino.

Brian Miller said...

my you have such an eye...shadows invokemystery to me...wondering where they are going and where they begin, daring you to enter in...wonderful shots...

Vagabonde said...

These pictures of shadows are very nice. I don’t know which one I like the best – it’s a toss between the Victorian balustrade shadow and the pool reflections. I would go for the Victorian one but the pool looks so tantalizing when we have around 30 degrees temp and high humidity like now here (close to Atlanta, Ga.)

Roy said...

Good shots, Baino! you definitely have the photographer's eye.

Kris McCracken said...

When I grow up, I would like to be a shadow!

Megan said...

I could look at that first one for hours.

And I do love the shadows underneath piers, don't you? Combined with the echo of the water? Ooh, love it!

Baino said...

Suze it's the sweetest arcade with lovely shops. Too expensive for me but nice to walk through. Even the lift is all wrought iron and hand made Victorian tiles.

Thanks Otin, technically it's the worst actually. I was on a bobbing pontoon at the time waiting for the ferry on a 45 degree day!

Thanks Unstranger. It's a work in progress. I love my camera, I just don't know how to use it properly!

Well to us Brian, they mark the shady spots. Good to know when you're sweltering. I love the effect of dappled sunlight but it can be tricky to photograph well.

Welcome over Vagabonde. Indeed that photograph was also taken on a VERY hot day. We had two weeks of unseasonal 40 plus temps last summer. Little to do but find the shade!

Coming from you that's a rare compliment Roy, thank you always lovely to be appreciated by other photographers.

When I grow up I'd like to take shots like yours Kris!

xxx said...

Absolutely beautiful Baino...
especially the first two.

Awesome... loved it :)

Grow Up said...

Nice. I like the walkway best.

Kath Lockett said...

They are delicously lovely, Bainao - the first one is my utter favourite. Have you thoughth about submitting these to istock and see if you can earn some roylaties?

nick said...

I love shadows, they can create the most amazing effects. The pic of the Victorian balustrade is wonderful.

Alan Burnett said...

Great pictures Baino. And I love the story about the spoon - quite scary that was.

Grannymar said...

It was the wind tossed branches of a tree across the path of a street light, waving moving shadows through the glass in the front door to our darkened hallway, that gave me goosebumps as a young child.

I love that first picture of the walkway and under the pier.

Siobhan said...

Gorgeous photos!
And it is amazing that you can remember something from so young!

River said...

Coincidentally, earlier this year I was taking shadow photographs. I love the Victorian balustrade one. The others haven't finished loading yet. I'll see them tomorrow.

Candie said...

This beautiful!I really like those pictures!

Not For Jellyfish said...

Beautiful pictures and shadows. The first two are my favorites.

Harnett-Hargrove said...

It just shimmers shadows...
I like that you mention, and your photos suggest, the movement of the light and shadow working together. -Jayne

jay said...

Shadows make such excellent photographic subjects, don't they? That covered walkway is stunning - so is the bridge with the shadows of the railings on the ground. Those two are my favourites - though the harbour shot is beautiful, too!

I should take a look at Theme Thursday!

Anonymous said...

Nice photos. Shadow is an essential part of my life since I am photosensitive.

Thommo said...

Lurve the Kings Street Wharf one...looks like schparkly diamonds.

Anonymous said...

Baino, these are fantastic! Especially the covered walk-way and the last image :)

Tess Kincaid said...

This first shot is just brilliant. You had an eye for light and shadow from those first spoonfulls!

Kat Mortensen said...

Well, I for one haven't seen these before and I thought they were fantastic! The one of the chair by the pool looks incredibly inviting - especially with the last couple of hot, humid weeks we've had here.

Good one, Baino!

Kat (Where does your name come from? Bain, means bath, right? Is it something to do with bathing?)

Betsy Brock said...

That one of Olympic Park is stunning!

The Author said...

Beautiful pictures. I really love the first one and the one taken at the wharf.

Ed & Jeanne said...

All the pictures are good but that first shot is just incredible.

Christopher said...

Beautiful shadow shots. It really put me in mind of this lovely passage from Sylvia Plath: "I thought the most beautiful thing in the world must be shadow, the million moving shapes and cul-de-sacs of shadow. There was shadow in bureau drawers and closets and suitcases, and shadow under houses and trees and stones, and shadow at the back of people’s eyes and smiles, and shadow, miles and miles and miles of it, on the night side of the earth."

Only your shadows are much brighter and happier...

Tom said...

the trees in the first picture seemed to dissappear, like negative space between the lit leaves...very cool!

Gabby said...

Beautiful photographs! You have a great eye! I want to be able to snap photographs like you. Happy TT!

Darlene said...

Hey Baino, I finally found you. I saw my name mentioned by you on Vagabonde's blog and came over to see what you are up to.

Those were outstanding shadow shots and I am putting you on my blog list right now so I will be back.

Wings1295 said...

Truly great shadow pics! Love them!

Kandi said...

You called me a little shit! HAHAHAHA!!!!!

Baino said...

Thanks everyone. I was clearly stumped this week so managed to scrape through. I was fortunate that I just had those shots on my Flickr site.

Kat, my surname is Bainbridge and with the Aussie preference to shorten and add an 'o', Baino is a nickname of sorts.

Brian for instant would be "Milsy", Roy would be "Hilsy" and you my friend would be "Morto"

Brandi Reynolds said...

you know, I just realized as I was reading your words and viewing your pictures that I also love photographing shadows for the depth they add to a subject. Maybe the shadow side adds depth to myself...hmmmm....

laughingwolf said...

the water ones i really like... guess i'm just a water baby ;) lol

e said...

Have you ever thought of becoming a photographer??? These were great!
Happy Thursday!

Renee said...

Now Helen, these were beautiful.

Love Renee xoxo

kj said...

universe to baino: don't kid yourself, YOU ARE A PHOTOGRAPHER.

kj said...

hey, i didn't get to finish my comment before blogger saved it. so as i was saying, these photos are really wonderful. i love the concentration on shadows and wrinkles.

i hope that you will post more of your photos.


xxx said...

Baino I'm playing
Tag and I've TAGGED You... come see things about me so I can learn things about you :)

Bimbimbie said...

Tsup I love the shadecloth one. It's a good thing a glass of chardy doesn't have the same reaction as that food spoon did ;)

Baino said...

Haha thank you latecomers. Good God if I was scared of the chardy reflection I would be a shadow of my former self! Have a good weekend kids.

Jill from Killeny Glen said...

These photographs are AMAZING! I would like to have them framed and hanging in my library!!

a. said...

those are some nice shots!

lettuce said...

it is amazing you remember that!
and great pictures.
I very much hope to see Sydney shadows in person one day

Mo said...

The pictures are so beautiful! How long have you taken pictures - seriously. They are really nice!!!!

mouse (aka kimy) said...

beautiful....every one is magic!

ashleigh said...

Heh! You were posting a while back that you needed photography lessons or some such.

I don't think so. Damn good, all them. I wish I could do that well.