Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Wonder Wall Part 2

Right you lot. You know I love your faces and your pets or your environs.

From Monday, I will have a permanent corner of the world and I am inviting you to participate in the Wonder Wall Part II. I've kept your generous donations from the previous wall but you're all six months older, some of you are new or were just shy or damned lazy and not everyone participated. If you're up for a photo of your glorious visage, send it forward, otherwise, if you're shy-like . . send a photo of something that is meaningful to you because I'm buggered if I'm going to spend the next two years looking at a beige fabric covered cubicle.

All contributions to bainbridge1610atgmaildotcom . . . I love your faces! And I will photograph and post the finished product. Here you go, I'll start you off . . gorgeous thing that I am!


  1. i may not have been visiting you 6 months ago...can you post a pic of your previous wall?

  2. alright, pic forthcoming...

    err...the face that rings a bell...lol.

  3. Anonymous12:02 am

    Heh, I'll rustle up a decent recent one for you.

  4. I'll find something email??

  5. lol... i still don't got no digipix of me

  6. Update emailed!

    You've given me an idea...time to update the bulletin board here as well, I think!

  7. Congrats on having a space to erect WWII. Still laughing at Brian's face/bell comment.

  8. Tom, it's in my sidebar on the right below the Flickr slideshow. Got yours thanks. Very revealing! NOT

    Haha . . . better than a bucket of smashed crabs!

    Onya Jay!

    Thanks Sandy, got yours already!

    No excuse Wuffa . you have a son? A scanner? Or I'll keep the pic of Peggy's Cove it's so lovely.

    Yeh he's a cack that one!

  9. keep the cove pic, baino... no guarantees on the rest

  10. There is one on my blog if you want to take it! I am so lazy, lol!

  11. Baino that photo is creepy and I know that you're beautiful... show off your beauty :)

    cheeky x Ribbon

  12. Look at you doing the Twist lol.

    Ok, have fun orchestrating WWII; I'll send a pic for it. You make me smile so often I'll try to find one of me happy (instead of yelling DON'T TAKE MY PICTURE! as usual).

  13. Oh dear Helen, did you get the permanent job, that is what I'm thinking.

    I am so happy for you and you deserve it.

    Thank you for all your love.

    Love Renee xoxo

  14. Can I send a pic of my daughter, she's better looking than me.

  15. you can use th eone on my last blog post as currentl yI have no camera!!

  16. I don't like any of my most recent photos, I seem to be forgetting to smile, plus I look like my mother more and more....I'll go through my files and send something else. Can we see a picture of wonderwall part one?

  17. Anonymous5:01 pm

    Baino, will get a much better one out this week. And this gives me an idea on all the boodle I've received( not to mention sent out ), to all my bloggo friends. Tho 'tis more like a "wonder pile", heh, heh...

  18. I shall have to work on something and send it to you.

  19. Don Wuffa . . .you secretive thing you! I know you're tall and hairy Sasquatch maybe?

    Thanks supercrush. I'll grab it!

    Had fun with some Flickr muckabout site . . I take a shit photo but I'll try to get a decent one up one of these days. Problem is, I'm always the one holding the camera!

    I did darling. Started officially on Monday but it's a bit daunting. Love to you and you know I"d be there if I could. I'm with you in spirit and you have the rest of the family to fall back on. Don't take all on yourself now. Eat your veggies!

    Rowe you can send whatever you like as long as it's suitable for public viewing in a very 'straight' workplace.

    Thanks . . .mmmm . . . it's rather cute if I say so myself. Then I'm an outrageous flirt.

    River it's in the side bar, I didn't have the heart to take it down . .Go on now, you can do it.

    Good onya Subster! I look forward to it. Love a man in uniform if that's any help!

    Alan please do, I love your smiley face you look like Santa's younger brother!

  20. Oh and because I'm middle aged, forgetful and a pathetic blogroll organiser, if I visit you and you're not on the blogroll let me know and I'll link you in.

  21. Anonymous7:34 pm

    Baino (wink, wink, nudge, nudge )dunno if I've any of those kickin' round. They'd be over twenty years old, tho'-oy! Methinks something a bit more current, yes?

  22. LOL kids, dell or dog?

  23. What the heck have you done to your lovely face? HAHAHAHAHA!

  24. oh my! I take horrid pics, but will see what I can do...

  25. Sent - today!! but just thought about it and will send one of the greyhound cos you might like to use that instead!!!
