Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Dust Storms One Week - Hail The Next

I'm alive and well but work, life and everything in between is hampering my blogging this week. I'll be back for Theme Thursday and hopefully manage to visit before then. Meanwhile, just so you know it ain't all sunshine and lollipops in Sydney. . our second big storm in two days! Dust storms last week, hail this!

The dogs instinctively know there's trouble brewing and sit in the doorway looking freaky!

Hail begins with torrential rain. . .no it's not 'fall' here but
the Japanese Maple has autumn coloured foliage

Then it slams down just as I arrive home and manage to get the car under cover!

The horses aren't so lucky and cop a pounding

As quickly as it came - it went - leaving snow on the ground and rising mist!

Now excuse me, I have to go and brush piles of hail from my laundry!


  1. Jeepers creepers! Who'd be a horse in that weather?

  2. Are you a photographer?? you should be!

  3. Oh, hehe, poor horses.
    (by the way, ours spend most of the day outside too, I only stable them at night)
    You have some freak weather over there.

  4. Ouch! Poor horses! And I love the photo of the mist rising. The pups do indeed look apprehensive.

  5. Aww poor poppets.

    Freaky weather - just like the UK :)

  6. Those photies are wonderful. And I think I am a little bit in love with your dogs!

  7. Yes like Otin pointed out,great pictures.Yes animals sense danger and many things.What the hell,that world is coming to an end.Impressive.

  8. Nasty... I've experienced some of those hail storms in your neck of the woods.

    Beautiful backyard you have Baino... I'd love to live where you do :)

    Great pics

    xx Ribbon

  9. Dogs make such good barometers LOL But, poor horses and poor you! What weather you're having.

    The photo of the ice and Japanese Maple is a stunner; a beautiful autumn photo and I love it.

  10. Lovely photos although I wouldn't want to deal with the weather. I do love a good storm but only when I don't have to go out unless I choose to.

  11. beautiful pics, though it sounds like you went to hail and back to get them...teehee. hope your week slows down a bit for you. crazy weather!

  12. I'm glad you got the car undercover for this one! The pictures are great!

    Do you think this weird weather is due to climate changes?

    Just wondering and good luck with the cleaning up!

  13. You can keep your hail and dust storms. We have been having little earthquakes all year but not horrid weather like yours. I want to jump into the picture of your labs and hug them to pieces. I am a self confessed lab hugger, cant help myself, theyre so darn huggable.

  14. Anonymous8:01 am

    Good grief! you've given us a taste of the winter that looms ahead for us. Hope your Spring warms up soon :)

  15. Anonymous8:41 am

    Crazy weather everywhere! Not looking forward to this winter( well, actually I am but no more thunder snow! ) Poor puppies and horsies!

  16. Dust storms are common in the desert, but we rarely get hail. I grew up in Colorado next to the mountains and hail storms like your photos show were annual events.

    I'm sorry for all animals that have to be out in bad weather.

  17. rats, glad you got home safe, baino :)

  18. Well...my first thought was that your dogs are adorable! But poor, poor things afraid of the storm...but then I think the horses fared a bit worse!
    You have had the craziest weather!

    Hope things settle a bit for you.

  19. That rain shot on the leaves is my favorite. Glad you got in safe!

    So horribly frustrating - L.A. got the report from the US Geological Survey today, and all the burn areas are predicted to slide down the mountainside with the first rains...:(

  20. Oh No! Don't the horses have a shed they can run into?

  21. Love your photos Baino, your place looks beautiful even if drenched by rain and hail.

  22. Tsup*!* We got our first storm of the season this afternoon, thankfully the hail was not as bad as yours. Good timing getting home when you did to get the great photos*!*

  23. Oh sweet friend the pictures are amazing. You are such a fantastic photographer.

    I love the horses sweet Epona.

    Love Renee xoxo

  24. yikes. for me, with winter coming soon in my neck of the woods, this is depressing.

    see--it's all about me. where is my sympathy for you?

    aww, hells, you know i love you!

  25. I really like the photos Baino! Is it spring there? Spring turning in to winter? Hmm... I'm still a little shocked about that red sandstorm you had the other time! Now this... *the theme from Jaws

  26. Thank you for the birthday wishes, my Dear sweet friend!

  27. Anonymous10:25 am

    Fantastic photos Baino -even makes me feel chilled to the bone, ossteoporitic as it is!! Wow,now that I live in a small unit I feel overwhelmed by that wonderful space you inhabit, though I have lived in the country at various times and absolutely loved it. Poor little birds and horses in that weather.Your dogs look like myself and husband contemplating our return to teaching after these school holidays. In Sth Australia at the moment it's mild and sunny, and has been for a while.Strong contrast!

  28. Anonymous10:27 am

    ..that's one s in osteo Teach - derr.

  29. Poor puppies and holy crap!

  30. PHARK!

    And look at the worry on poor Lily's face.

    .....you take a great photo, by the way...

  31. good picture story!

  32. Well it's still wild and windy down here in not-so-sunny Sydney. Thanks for all the nice comments about the photography but I really didn't 'set up' any of these shots. They're quick happy snaps but sometimes you get lucky!

    After a couple of weeks of Indian summer, it's cold and the heaters and hoodies have been brought out of hiding! This always happens in Spring.

    Happy birthday OTIN Again! And it's true, why do the nicest men have to be 12, 000 miles away! *smooch* Hope you had a good one!

    And no, we treat our ponies a bit rough down here. They're retired lawn mowers. Laurie has a rug on because he's old and has a thin Arabian coat and after 3 days rain on the weekend, the poor thing was shivering! Chippy is a Welshy so doesn't feel the cold or the wet and he's fat enough to withstand 10 minutes of hail! Don't feel too sorry for them, they're well fed, watered, brushed and loved!

    Actually, it's not really freaky weather . . we just get extremes down here. And no, I don't think it's due to climate change . . it's always a little crazy in September, high winds, weird temperatures and the odd storm. Hopefully things will settle down a bit as October moves on.

    And I don't know what it is about dogs. Maybe they get headaches due to the change in pressure or maybe their ears pop or something but they know that there's a thunder storm coming long before we hear the rumble.

  33. yikes!! amazing photos, hope in the end you fared all right.

    the weather in your part of the world has been so extreme it has made our news!

