Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Eat My Leaves then Flush . . .

OK one day of levity which lets me forget the work, financial and emotional shite I'm in but it wasn't all shits and giggles as the photos might suggest. Yep Christmas day was fantastic but there were a few spanners thrown if you know what I mean.

There was a small drama on Christmas eve when my jam-packed fridge decided to go silent. I mean really silent. Then the freezer section cranked up but nothing happening in the main cabinet. Fortunately, we have a large fridge in the pool room so much to the chagrin of the booze hounds, much beer space was replaced with meat, fish and dairy just in case my old girl packed it in. Anyway it worked out alright on the night an nobody's died of botulism or salmonella so all's well that ends well, even if the fridge is still flying at half mast. That's probably a $300 visit from the fridge mechanic or worse $1800 for a new fridge.

Christmas went without a hitch until Babybro had a dummy spit at about midnight and shunned me for reasons known only to both of us. So immature. God that's an old fashioned word. 'Shunned', not immature. So a nice night spoiled only slightly by his royal Grinchiness. Seriously though. If you want to get someone onside, would you verbally abuse them? Keep it up soldier . . . I don't hold grudges but I have a good memory. Still, him being an asshole on occasion doesn't cost anything. Small mercies.

Boxing day clean-up over by about 1:30pm, cruisy afternoon with Clarebear before she headed north in search of the sun for a week . . .Twilight and a couple of Star Wars movies. I even had a snooze on the couch for an hour. Getting ready for bed, flossed my teeth and shebang de crunch. Half a back molar decided to come out of it's own accord. Damn dentists, they berate you if you don't floss and your teeth fall out if you do! OK so I was looking pretty good pay wise but now that's probably $200 down the gurgler. Maybe I should just get a piece of string and find the nearest door knob.

Then yesterday, I ran up to the shops (not literally you fools, of course I drove) to buy pool chlorine because we've had warm weather and lots of rain overnight so a superchlor is required so that grumpy pants next door has a clean pool for his friend's Bucks Party on the 2nd Jan . . .(I really don't know why I bother and should just let them swim in green sludge). The break lights on my dashboard light up like a Christmas tree. Both the Handbrake and ABS lights. It happened a couple of weeks ago so Adam dutifully replaced the almost non-existent brake fluid and Bob's yer uncle. But after 2 weeks, the warning lights begin to flash again. So there's obv
iously something seriously wrong with my breaks. Kiss another $300 goodbye once the mechanic gets his grubby hands on my pads.

Seriously, every time you think you're financially making inroads, shit happens. I should have invented those bumper stickers, not bloody Forrest Gump . . the gimp. Thank goodness Champagne is still on special . . .

All this and yet the major crisis yesterday according to my son was the loss of a rubber gasket from the new $300 RC somewhere in three acres of land and the destruction of some suspension by driving the thing at 75mph into a cyclone fence. I knew it wouldn't last more than 2 days. Boys and their toys! Just give me the $300 and I'll flush it down the loo for you.

Ooh all shiny and new . . . .

Speedy road test on the driveway . . .

Tweek a few rubbery dangly things . . .

Eat my leaves . . . .



Brian Miller said...

at least you kept it interesting over the holidays...yikes on the wallet crunching...i know the feeling. brake job...yep. need a tax return soon, so hurry up new year!

glad yours was well overall, minus the spanners. thanks for the christmas email as well. smiles.

Jay said...

Ooops! These things never last more than five minutes, do they/

Sorry about all the shit happening down your way, Baino. Amazing how it all comes at once, isn't it?

Our fridge is running OK, but the cooker decided to play up on Christmas Eve, and the only way I could get the main oven to heat properly to cook lunch was to put both ovens on at about 230 degrees Celsius. And my car was in the garage having started to make bloody funny noises a couple of days before that. Oh, yeah, and Sid's little quarterback slide (though I've never heard them scream like that, I must say ... ) cost us about £40 at the vet in Christmas week.

Thank heavens you had a spare fridge! Hope you and Babybro patch it up soon. I mean, good neighbours are worth their weight, know what I mean? LOL!

Roy said...

What was it the White Queen said in Through the Looking Glass? Something like "It takes all the running we can do to stay in the same place." Boy howdy do I know that feeling!

Megan said...

We need a lottery win. A bloody big one.

Leah said...

Oh Baino, do I ever know what you mean about the financial inroads, and then the monkey wrench...I wish I didn't, but I do.

Yup to what Roy said


River said...

Reminds me of something my ex used to say whenever someone bragged about a new toy or gadget. "I had one of those, but the wheels fell off."

Paddy in BA (Quickroute) said...

Yikes it didn't last long did it? - muwst be a big market out there for fixing these flimsy expensive toys me thinks

nick said...

Boys and their toys indeed. Sorry your new year's starting on such a bum note with all the cash problems. Whatever happened to that miracle tooth coating that was going to prevent cavities for ever? Nobbled by high-earning dentists, no doubt.

Anonymous said...

Ouch, Christmas is always painful on the pocket. and never without dramas. We had a few of our own involving teenage sons at war.

Grannymar said...

I suppose there is one benefit to living alone.... nobody to fight with! ;)

The new year can only get better. Have a Good One!

Anonymous said...

Bloody hell! Tha' happened to me a couple years back. Cost me $250.00 to have it fixed! And had to replaceall Mum's meds that went bad, to boot! Good thing you had a back-up( as I now do )...

xxx said...

Good luck for a lotto win... it's your turn :)

xx ribbon

Susan at Stony River said...

It never rains but pours. And how does it all know to break down when we've just spent all our money?! It seems to happen every time, to us.

Anyhow, good luck with the brakes and your tooth and everything else: I hope the New Year bring some surprise prosperity!!

Ronda Laveen said...

Oh, girl, do I know how you feel. Didn't loose a fridge though. And the dentist was able to get my crown back on for a "deal" of $150.

I believe Mars is in retrograde. My astrologer friend says it is going to last for some time. She advises that lots of stuff will be crazy so to just be patient with the process and safeguard where you can.

Babybro sounds like a pooper on Christmas. Nothin' like a family gathering to bring "stuff" up.

Mike said...

You will never get ahead financially! I just had that happen the other day with a back molar. A big chunk fell off and now I have to go get it filled. Cars are always breaking down! house always needs something! Life is like a box of chocolates! LOL!

http://howtobecomeacatladywithoutthecats.blogspot.com said...

Nothing says Christmas like an RC car that breaks down the first day you get it... along with the fridge and the loss of the tooth!

But at least you had some swell parties!

Candie said...

Oh I'm sorry to hear that.I know usually it's a serie,hope it will stop there.I'm happy you enjoyed your Christmas day despite of everything,here it was pretty cool too.Have a nice day.

Baino said...

Oh Brian, I'm getting used to it frankly! Never ends.

The fridge seems to be behaving. It's icing up a bit but I reckon I can get a few more paydays out of it. And the car will have to wait. The mechanic is on leave until next week. Nothing a bit of break fluid won't fix in the short term. At least I know where to put it now! Aww poor Siddles.

Haha . . nice to know I'm not alone Roy!

I bought a ticket yesterday for $30 million. If I win, I'll send you a mill

Well at least the weather's cool while I'm treading water Leah

Hey River. Your email still down? Yeh well the wheels frequently fall off around here and not just on the RC!

Quickie, I swear he's had about five and none have lived longer than a few weeks. All fixted for the time being.

Don't count my chickens Nick, the New Year aint here just yet.

Warring sons . . get em an XBox and Call of Duty, two controllers and let them fight it out online!

Better it will be Grannymar! (oooh a Yoda moment!)

Yeh well if I can keep the 'beer' out of the 'backup' it might even be useful!

Thanks Ribbon. I guess buying a ticket is the first step!

Suze, Appliances talk to each other. They're conspiritorial things with devious minds and just plain no good.

I'm having trouble getting hold of my dentist. Fortunately it doesn't hurt but it's just a matter of time. A miracle make over would be fantastic. You know one of those fabulous white veneered American smiles. Mars AND Mercury are in retrograde. Mars until March! Patience is my middle name . . .

Oh don't say that Otin! I so will get ahead one of these days.

Cat it's not all bad. It never is.

Thanks Candie. I'm actually having a very relaxing week. It's good. Not spending any cash either!

Hey Jen. Welcome back. I'll have to get the new blog into my reader. Thanks and a good new year to you too. It's New Years Eve morning! Tomorrow is . .well tomorrow is another decade!

Melanie said...

Isnt that so typical though? As soon as you get money you have a new bill to pay. Now whenever I get extra cash I think to my self "Uh Oh, whats gonna go on the blink now"
All the best for 2010. Cheers!! Is it time for alcohol yet? hmmm it only 10am....catch ya next year matey

Renee said...

First I laughed at last woman standing and am in total agreement.

Then I come here and I'm laughing away.

Oh my God and siblings sometimes, oh my God.


Colette Amelia said...

Isn't that the way? Just when you think life is going smooth and powie...it hits you below the belt just to let you know not to get too smug...and comfortable...and stress free. Yes it seems we should always be dreading just what is lurking behind the corner...pass the bubbly!

Kate said...

My comment - so carefully written - has disappeared. So I will not repeat myself but just wish you lots of love luck and joy for the coming year!!!! Well, you never know!!

Ces Adorio said...

I love remote control cars, toys, I love toys.

Dear Helen,
Thank you so much for your support, understanding, visits, well wishes and friendship.

I hope 2010 brings you your, happiness and prosperity.


Miladysa said...

I sincerely hope 2010 is a great year for you Baino!

Happy New Year x

Ed & Jeanne said...

Well, my blog roll starts anew tomorrow. I'd be honored if you participate again in 2010. Leave a comment and you're on the blog roll! Thanks for visiting and commenting in 2009.

Baino said...

Seems to work that way Mel. Cheers to you too. Keep on reusing, recycling and reducing!

You will be she Renee, I know it. Anything to make you smile. I mean it.

Sorry Collette. Drank the lot last night!

Awww . . sorry Kate. Very frustrating when that happens. Thanks for your good wishes and I wish everything wonderful for you for 2010 as well.

Ces it's my pleasure. I'm hoping for great things this year, the least of which is an improvement in my attitude.

You too Miladysa. And more frequent posts from you I hope.

Bribery will get you nowhere VE. I'll visit because you're fun! Cheers Matey!