Friday, December 11, 2009

Friday Fuckwit

A LUCKLESS romeo has sued cosmetics firm Lynx after he failed to land a girlfriend during seven years of using their products.

Indian Vaibhav Bedi, 26, is seeking £50,000 from parent company Unilever for the "depression and psychological damage" caused by the lack of any Lynx effect.

Court officials in New Delhi have accepted dozens of half-used body washes, shampoos, anti-perspirants and hair gels for forensic tests.

Lynx - marketed as Axe in India - is famous for its saucy ads showing barely clothed women throwing themselves at men.

Vaibhav said in his court petition: "The company cheated me because in its advertisements, it says women will be attracted to you if you use Axe. I used it for seven years but no girl came to me."

Unilever refused to comment on the case.

But India's leading compensation lawyer Ram Jethmalani said: "There is no data to substantiate the supposition that unattractive and unintelligent men don't attract women.

"In fact, some of the bestlooking women have been known to marry and date absolutely ghoulish guys.

"I'd suggest the firm settle this issue out of court."

Have a great weekend everyone!


tony said...

Smells Like Teenage Spirit (& old socks)

Alan Burnett said...

I think Mr Bedi has a very good point. Sue the bastards is what I say, it will teach them not to feature men as nothing more than pathetic sexual stereotypes. And anyway, Old Spice never worked for me.

Anonymous said...

We have this kind of spray also. (Axe)

Susan at Stony River said...

NO. Freaking. Way.

Unbelievable! He should be charged with misuse of the court system. I have to admit it worries me to think that there are people out there who take advertising that seriously, and literally. Looooooser...

(but thanks for the laugh!)

i beati said...

oh I see I have to prepare several lawsuits based on this .My soap, deodorant,feminie hygiene companies to name a few- super weekend !!

Kate Hanley said...

This was great. I always watch those commercials wondering who buys this stuff and now I know! BTW: great snow blog (I'm running behind in reading blogs), I remember a friend of mine from Australia was slightly down at Christmas because she was used to going surfing on Christmas day.

nick said...

What ingenious claims people come up with. I guess Unilever could easily argue that no normally intelligent person could possibly believe their grooming products would lead to dazzling beauties jumping into bed with him. Case dismissed.

Roy said...

Yup, that is prime fuckwittery if I ever saw it. Mr. Bedi, I have several bridges and some land in a low-lying area that I'd love to sell to you!

Candie said...

Seriously??LMAO!People are mad!So there are a lot out there who should sue them then?LOL

Thanks for the laugh Baino!Have a great weekend!:)

Brian Miller said...

settle it out of court, then he can afford the plastic surgery it will

Kate said...

Hmmmm maybe somebody should start selling personalities to go with the Lynx Effect!!!!

laughingwolf said...

stupidities, and the stupid people who initiate them, never cease...

Leah said...

This is my favorite fuckwit so far. It's just so fuckwitted.

Miladysa said...

Ha! I'm off to sue Chanel :D

Ronda Laveen said...

What a noodle! What woman would want a guy like that anyway?

steph said...

Good un!

It's teachers I feel sorry for...

Imagine what a hot stuffy classroom full of Lynx-doused teenage boys must smell like...yuk!

Tom said...

if he wins the lawsuit and dollars then he'll get plenty of tail...sleazy women love the smell of money!

ian said...

It will be interesting to see the outcome - if Unilever lose on the grounds of making misleading claims, the whole advertising industry could change.

Not sure about the unintelligent bit, but some women get taken in by thoroughly unattractive men - look at Sarkozy!

Janice said...

Yep...there's a certified fuckwit for you. Excellent choice. I was not disappointed and will continue to look forward to your Friday winners.

Baino said...

Haha . . so it does!

Haha . . .Old Spice .. over promise and underdeliver!

I know Ropi, there were loads of You Tube vids from all over the world. Some are pretty funny. The ones we get here are from the US and overdubbed with Aussie accents.

Yes way! There was no photo but I'm betting his fragrance was not the problem!

I know Sandy . . . I used tampons for years and never could surf!

Aww . . I can't surf or ski so wouldn't miss either actually but being a largely coastal nation, surfings a big deal here.

And you thought 'only in America' Nick. The thing about common sense is that it's very uncommon.

Haha . . nice one Roy! One born every minute!

You too Candie, although I do get angry at the waste of court's time.

I don't fancy his chances Brian.

Well seven years without any interest is a long time! Kate. Trust me I know. (Hmm maybe I should be suing someone)

Wuffa, I'm never short of a fuckwit!

Ah Leah how can you choose! So many!

Well if he'd worn Chanel he might have had a chance!

Hah you said 'noodle'

Aww Steph and I bet they have to put up with it too! Mine used to slosh the stuff on with gay abandon . . smelled like disinfectant!

Ah . . that's trueTom. Maybe the Lynx Effect works after all.

I bet we never do see the outcome Ian. He'll probably just score a load of free smellies. Although they've changed their advertising tactics slightly. As for women and unnattractrive men, you should see the pollies that score over here!

Thanks Janice. There's plenty of choice believe me!

The Jelly Monster said...

The chocolate lynx stuff drives me wild! grrrrrrrr!

Grannymar said...

I wonder if he knew that he had to wash first, before using the product!

Sarah Lulu said...

Hahaha loved the adv.!!!!

Jean said...

lik d vid..thanks

A smile from SJ =)

Mike said...

"There is no data to substantiate the supposition that unattractive and unintelligent men don't attract women."

I am living proof! HAHAHAHA!

e said...

LMAO on this one, Baino!

River said...

Maybe if he'd spent less time in the bathroom and more time actually talking to women....

Harnett-Hargrove said...

Thanks for the hit of human condition! -Jayne

lettuce said...

part of me can't help hoping he gets something out of them. is that perverse?

Renee said...

Honestly what mental cases.


Lizzie said...

I'm amazed at what people will do for money and attention. Good grief!

Have a super weekend! :)

Jill from Killeny Glen said...

LAUGHING! My son is a fan of AXE! The rest of his siblings yell at him for the OVER use of product!!! I giggle at the little slogans ON THE CAN!

That dude must be a very sad fellow!

Darlene said...

Maybe I could sue my hair stylist because she told me I would be attractive with a punk hair cut. Or maybe I could sue God because he made women live longer than men and there are so many women per man at my age I don't stand a chance. Or maybe I could sue nature for not making me look like Judi Dench. The list is endless of those I could sue.salingb

Jenny Woolf said...

Funny story! What's puzzling me is why it's called AXE in India