Friday, January 01, 2010

All Over Bar the Hangover

I was prepared to hunker in for a night of telly and a bottle of Christmas Moet Chandon this New Year but Thommo came to the rescue and a bunch of us headed out.

First stop, the
Cremorne Orpheum. A lovely art deco theatre where we bought tickets for "Bright Star" the story of John Keats love affair with Fanny Brawne (or should I say a sniffathon and coughing spree because there was no real 'contact' in the story). Beautifully filmed, stunningly acted and pathetically slow and laborious despite it's gazillion star rating. My com padres bar one were left snivelling in their popcorn. I managed to be woken from my mid film doze by my phone going off, right in the middle of a tense scene. Very embarrassing to have it singing "Hellooooo Answer the phone . . answer the phone . . ." Still it woke me up.

Snack Bar at the Orpheum. I wasn't allowed to take pictures without 'written permission'

We indulged in arguably one of the best Thai meals I've had in a very long time. Lots of Goong and Larb, a nice chardy and a lovely sparkling red before walking 2 kms downhill (always a bad thing because you know you have to walk back up again!) towards Cremorne Point for the early fireworks. Sydney has two sessions. A lesser display at nine then the big bang at midnight. Being old farts, we weren't prepared to hang around for the late night show.

"Special Event" parking restrictions were in place and in this case, strictly enforced. These guys are towing cars parked in a no parking zone!"

Still, the crowd control was friendly enough. This is 'family time' so the yahoos were only on their 19th beer and hanging off balconies despite the 'alcohol free' zone signs planted everywhere. They'd emerge later I guess when the mums and dads wonder home with their sleepykins.

I love the harbour in that twilight twinkliness. This wasn't the best vantage point unfortunately, the bridge blocked by Kirribilli Point where Kev o sev is probably hunkered down waiting for the spectacle to begin. Then I'm nos sure he's in the country. Our Prime Minister is frequently in absentia . . .

See, isn't it pretty as dusk fades. All the little boats bobbing on the water and the buildings beginning to twinkle.

After a short wait at 9pm on the nose, the fireworks began. I was very pleased with the performance of my 50mm lens because I've had great difficulty getting night shots and for a hand held job, these turned out pretty cool.

Such a shame about that bloody tree . . .

Still a good night was enjoyed. The walk back up the hill not too strenuous and a quiet but pleasant evening with friends was indeed a nice respite from spending New Year's Eve alone.

For those who have the stamina to find a good spot early, or take a harbour cruise or even own a boat, the midnight fireworks are indeed worth seeing. I watched them on telly and downed a few bevvies . . now this is why they close the bridge:

When I arrived home, I was puzzled as to why Lily's head and body were quite wet. It seems that people around us had also been letting off fireworks and the poor thing had spent most of the night under a slightly dripping shower in the shower cubicle!

So to all . . once again I hope you have a wonderful New Year's Eve no matter how you choose to spend it and here's to a new year, a new decade where we can learn from the mistakes of the past and open a new page for the future. Warm wishes and all the very best to you all.


  1. happy new year baino! wonderful pics...actually the tree adds to it for me. sounds like you had a great one. wamr wishes for a great 2010!

  2. The new year has yet to arrive here in CA, but your wonderful pictures put me even more in the mood. Happy New Year!

  3. Happy New Year, Baino! The best of everything in the new year.

  4. Wow you celebrated with a bang! And what stupendous photos!!!!!

    Happy new year and ditto for the great sentiments!

  5. So glad you got to go out! You know, I've never had Thai food. The way people rave about it, you'd think I would have by now, but the opportunity has just never arisen.

    Wonderful night shots. I love them, tree and all. Well done, woman! Still over 4 hours to go, here...

  6. Happy New Year Baino! We have another few hours before the strike of midnight, but I'll think of you when it rings!

    Cheers from across the globe.


  7. Beautiful photos Baino, although a couple of them didn't load on my page, (I'm back to using the so slow dial up), I have a fireworks setting on my little camera, but haven't had the chance to try it out. We watch the fireworks on TV, you know that 5 seconds worth they show during the news? I think the twilight twinkling hour is the best time of day, it's so pretty.

  8. Happy New Year, Baino! I love the twinkly harbor shots, and that snack bar in the theater is gorgeous.

  9. HaPPY New Year, Baino. Again, Sydney by far has the best fireworks display. Way to go Australia! Love it. wish we could have counted down to that instead. It just turned midnight in NY and on local Denver news they showed the countdown with no ball dropping and then as soon as it hit it went to VERY boring local Colorado news. sometimes i hate living in such a remote place like Colorado. Ugh. Hee. Well, happy new year. Happy blogging.

  10. Baino, I hope the year ahead is filled with nice surprises.

  11. You did well. The pictures were amazing. I wouldn't be surprised if the show is the biggest firework show in the world. I can't help imagine how would it feel to witness the show from the water.

    You live in one of the most scenic cities in the world! ~ don't tell that to the Melbournians :)

    Happy New Year Baino.

  12. You made me feel like a Sydneysider even though I'm a Newcastle Granny who went to bed at ten!!! And I think the tree ads to the drama!

  13. Babysis8:00 pm

    Hey Happy New Year Baino! Great fireworks photos.....we did let off a few at canoelands.....just a little better than the harbour ones.....good 'ol "thunder" came through again! And again - happy 2010....luv Babysis!

  14. Amazing photos. We watched the Sydney fireworks on TV and they looked even more spectacular than last year - when we were right there by the bridge!

    Happy New Year, sweetie. I hope things go a bit better for you in 2010.

  15. Great photos and glad you had a good time - have a happy 2010

  16. Anonymous10:01 pm

    Happy New Year! We had no such a great show. Here our president had a New Year speech in the morning only.

  17. Anonymous10:22 pm

    I kinda like the tree too. Great shots- almost feel I was there! Poor Lily, hope she's ok now:) Happy New Year!

  18. Happy New Year! Hey! this is one difference between Australia & The UK?

  19. Really fabulous pictures, especially of the harbor at dusk. Even more beautiful than the view of the Manhattan skyline at night, and you know how partial I am to NYC so that's saying a lot for me to admit it!!!

    Happy new year and xs and os to you--

  20. I am glad that you got out! What fantastic photos! That last one is magazine worthy!!!!

    Happy 2010!

  21. Fabulous photos! What a way to ring in the new year... hope it's a delightful one for you!

  22. amazing pics...really great evening! Poor Lily..over the 4th of July, Toby was so frightened he ran headlong into the screen door and bounced 12 feet...little dude refused to look at us for an hour, he was so strung out!

  23. Stupendous! I felt as if I had been there with you. 2010? What will it bring ... I predict greatness for you.

  24. Really nice pictures Baino!I'm wishing you and yours an happy new year as well!May it bring only the best and may all your dreams come true!Love!

  25. Thai food sounds delicious...the harbour is truly BEAUTIFUL and finally...poor, poor Lily she will not count her New Year Celebration a smash will she??

    Happy New Year!

  26. Well it was quiet Brian but very pleasant.

    Happy new year Janice. Just signed up to your blog.

    Thanks Angel and the same to you.

    Can't claim the last one Collette, I was tucked up at home by the time the bridge blew up.

    It's very popular and cheap here Megan. Hope yours was a good one too!

    Cheers to you in the Yukon Carole.

    That's no good River, I thought you'd been quiet on the emails.

    You too Roy. It's hard not to get a nice shot despite the poor vantage spot. It's a very beautiful harbour. I don't go into town enough.

    I might be biased Mr Toast but I think they're pretty awesome. They cover fireworks all over the world here and ours win hands down. Haha . . I thought Colorado was a brand of shoes! (I kid)

    Thank you GrannyMar and the same to you. May your hips swivel better than ever before!

    It is pretty Ocean Girl. I love the harbour. Happy New Year to you or do you celebrate yours later in the year?

    Nothing wrong with being a Newcastle Granny Mrs Rinkly. You have nicer beaches up there!

    You too Babysis. What would we do without 'Thunder'

    Nick you're fortunate to have been here at the right time. I was talking to an Irish/Canadian lady at the fireworks. Her daughter married an Aussie and she comes over every Christmas. Says she never tires of them.

    Happy New Year to you too Jenny.

    Well that's not much of a celebration Ropi, you should start something big!

    Ah Lily's fine. She 'learned' to be afraid of fireworks from my brother's old dog. Never used to bother her. Neither did storms but she wedges herself into a tight corner whenever both are happening.

    Tony it's getting like that here., I feel very self conscious photographing people unless I can do it suruptitiously and my camera makes quite a 'click'. I was disappointed that they wouldn't let me photograph more in the Orpheum. It was practically empty at 3pm. I thought it a bit pretentious frankly because it's nowhere near as lovely as some of the art deco you find in America and Europe.

    Ah I'll get to see a Manhatten skyline one of these days Leah!

    Not mine sadly Otin. That was the midnight finale off the harbour bridge. Pinched it from Google images.

    Same to you Cat. Looking forward to Theme Thursday starting up again.

    They hate fireworks don't they? Must really give their ears a hard time I think. Lily's fine. Just a bit sulky. We have fireworks twice a year here, you'd think she'd be used to it.

    I like your prediction Toots. It can only improve as can my attitude I think.

    You too Candie. Did you see the Eiffel Tower all schparkly. Very pretty.

    Thanks Jill and a good year wish for you and your brood. Ah, she'll get over it. Big sook!

    You too Ebs. I heard about the mall shooting over there. Terrible.

  27. OMG the photos are too cool. And the photos of the fireworks are unbelievable!
    Please, tell me, what kind of camera do you use? I'm in the market for a good camera.
    Happy new year, Baino!

  28. Your lens did you proud. Great photos of the fireworks. I kind of like the way the lower bursts are peeking out through that tree.

    I'm into that ol' fart 9 o'clock New Year's too!

  29. Loved the photos ...I liked the police smiling at you ..didn't the camera do well ..and you ..

    Wishing you a beautiful, fun filled, love filled, joy filled 2010 Helen.

  30. You look like you had a great night.

    Happy New Year dear friend.

    Love Renee xoxo

  31. Sounds like you had a great time ringing in the new year. And your camera takes fabulous photos. Thanks for sharing!

    And Happy New Year!

  32. Wow, your lens did do well! And actually, I think the 'bloody tree' is a good counterpoint to the action. I like how you can see the flash and sparkle through the branches too - and also how black the tree is against the fireworks.

    Poor Lily. But perhaps the steady drip onto her head was a useful distraction to the noise? I'm SO lucky that Sid doesn't care.

  33. i'm confused, was sure i'd left a comment.

    maybe it was on fb?
    easily confused by technology...

    anyway, i love these photos.
    I have a 50mm too, haven't done any night photography though. The harbour looks marvellous I wish I'd been there.

  34. Brilliant photos - I quite like the tree effect!!!!
    Happy 2010!
