Friday, January 22, 2010

Friday Funny Fuckwit

I'm still nursing very funny eyes due largely I think to the rigours of air conditioning then coming home to 32/100 degrees at 7pm but they are improving thanks to tea bags and Visine. And for those of you who referred to the 'poo' floaters . . you went there . .please notice I refrained!

Yep we're in for a hot weekend out West. The best I can do is soak a sarong in iced water and drip around the house trying to catch a breeze. I just did that, walked 30 metres to the back fence to feed two very hot and sticky horses and within 15 minutes I was dry as a bone! My computer fan sounds like a V8 under stress so I'd better get on with this as quick as a rat up a drain pipe.

Tonight's FF isn't really a fuckwit. He's a former 'shock jock' who has been employed by the Lamb Marketing Board and each year we look forward to Sam's outrageous encouragement to eat lamb . .especially Australian lamb . . this year he's touched a few taboos, thrown political correctness not just out the window but well over into the next state . .Take it all with a pinch of salt . . .and eat . .well . . lamb!

Whatever you think, this is very typical of Australian humour . . Right . . .I'm outta here, way behind on Theme Thursday catch ups and so must depart . . . in the shake of a lamb's tail! Translation available if you need it.


  1. I am sending you the north wind to cool you and our dear Arija down.

    Goodnight God Bless you dear friend.

    Love Renee xoxo

  2. OMG it's hot here too .... I love our lamb ads lamb on Australia Day!! *smile* ....

    I'm sitting here eating an iceblock with the fan on at 9pm having had a cold shower ...I plan on sleeping with the fan on gale force!

  3. nice. we had freezing rain out last night...i am having little sympathy for having to walk about the house in a wet sarong. smiles.

    could not get the vid to work this morning...will drop back by in a bit.

  4. Great ad. Strangely wishing I was Brian Miller at this moment.

  5. Anonymous11:13 pm

    You'd love it here about now...-2C

    And no worries on the mutton...I can't stand it!

  6. Lamb? Isn't that some funny carnivore stuff, all soft and squishy? I think I might have seen it somewhere. I think I'll stick to my vegetarian haute cuisine, Mr Kekovich. What kind of name is Kekovich, anyways, is he some kind of furrinner?

  7. Well, we're having a heat wave here, too. It's supposed to get into the 40s F (4º - 10º C) over the weekend, and maybe even into the low 50s F (around 11º C) on Monday. Around here at this time of year that's a practically tropical; I'm not even wearing a sweater under my bomber jacket.

    Heh, heh! Your guy in the video sounds like the Oz version of Monty Python.

  8. Whatever about the lamb, have a great day on Tuesday! Enjoy the short week at work.

  9. OMG we had lamb last night for Himself's birthday. I wonder if it was Australian?

    Good luck beating the heat!

  10. Its throwing down freezing rain here - very unpleasant - I'm looking forward to a nice chilli tonight - beef.... of course

  11. Anonymous1:48 am

    What's this?

  12. LMAO!Lamb can reunite us?What about vegetarians?LOL!Hope you're feeling a bit better and that it will heal soon.Have a great weekend Baino.Thank you for the laugh.Your friday fuckwitts are always the best!

  13. give that weekend a run for its money ok ??sk shock everyone

  14. So it's hot over there? Well, it's bloody cccccccold over here. And I'm a vegetarian. Still laughed at the speech though. A load of Istanbul indeed ;-)

  15. That was a great vid! Even though I'm not a lamb lover. Sorry about the heat wave but we're a bit cold here at the moment, not as windy so I can't complain.

  16. Jerusalamb???? IsLambabad???
    Hysterical!!!! love it.

  17. hey now, he's spot on... and NO fuckwit! funny, too ;) lol

  18. And I'm sending you good wishes Renee. I know you feel like shit right now.

    Sarah that's all we can do although I'm thinking if hijiacking my friend's aircon today. Even the pool is lukewarm

    Brian 30 is nice, even 35 is tolerable but 43 is just too bloody hot. Nothing cools you down other than aircon and I haven't got any! I won't be roasting a leg of lamb for some time!

    Me too Rowe . . .I'd love to be all rugged up in front of a roaring fire with a good book!

    That I would . . and it's 'lamb' subby, not some old chewy sheep! Actually I'm not a fan of it myself. Don't mind the odd frenched cutlet but thats about it.

    Hehe . . he's a funny man if you like that sort of humour Cat.

    Hehe . . not sure about the derivation of the name, Croatian I think. Sorry Nickers, didn't mean to offend your sensibilities.

    Haha yeh your 40's are a little different to ours Roy. Well Australia Day on Tuesday and he always does an Australia Day promotion to market lamb.

    Yeh shame I haven't enough leave to warrant taking Monday off too Grannymar but at least it's cool at work! Not so my car when I get into it, I have to park on the roof!

    Could have been Suze, one of our biggest exports although I think we send most of it to the middle east and Japan. I remember New Zealand Lamb being available in England all the time.

    Chili! Gawd. How people in hot countries eat such spicy food, I'll never know. Makes them sweat and keeps them cool I guess. It's as much as I can do to eat a salad in this heat.

    Hey Candie . . Vegetarians? What about the vegetarians hahaha! Yeh my eyes are good thanks, just very dry and irritable.

    Well it's just one day Sandy. Tuesday. I haven't any plans though, it all depends on the weather.

    Oh no not another veggie! They're taking over . . .!

    Kate it's hot AND windy. 6:53am, about 27 and the wind hasn't blown up yet but there's enough breeze to get the chimes going! At least my washing will be dry in record time.

    I know corny but funny Mim . . no-one escapes being lambpooned! *groan*

    Hehe . . .well I thought it was funny Wuffa. It's getting a lot of airplay here at the moment.

  19. I remember Slamming Sam best for getting his gear off when he was playing for North Melbourne.

  20. Hahaha! Love the people in the 'audience' checking their earpieces and looking bemused. LOL!

    I love lamb. We get NZ lamb here, but never Aussie lamb. I wonder why that is? Of course, we have our own home-grown lamb too... but why is it always Welsh, never Scottish or Irish or English? These are some of the Big Mysteries of the universe.

  21. I love Sam's adverts - at least they're entertaining and a nice change from "Go Harvey Norman" or the stupid KFC cricket creep ones.

  22. Oh, man... love the Nobel Prize dig.

  23. i love Australian humor, this was great--never had lamb, so what's it taste like? Thanks for your great comment btw, talk about Aussie humor..hah!

  24. I can't get the video either.

    We are having a lot of rain and it is wet, wet, wet. But cool mornings are nice.

  25. Ah so that's what he was in a former life. Not being a sports fan I wasn't sure.

    Mysteries indeed Jay. Much of ours goes as live exports to the middle east. They don't trust us to Halal slaughter the stock! There have been many complaints about the quality of the conditions in which they're shipped too.

    Kath? You don't like the cricket creep? Did you see the one that caused the kerfuffle in the US. They thought it was a poke at black americans when it was actually about the West Indians and cricket.

    Nothing is sacred with this guy Jeff

    You've never had lamb Tom? Another veggie? God they're taking over the world.

  26. furgot to menshion, immediately brung to mind da wee ditty:

    Mairzy doats, and dozy doats, and liddle lamzy divey
    A kiddley divey doo, wooden ewe?
    Mairzy doats, and dozy doats, and liddle lamzy divey
    A kiddley divey doo, wooden ewe?

  27. Low-Budget Air Conditioning!! I used to put a wet rag in the freezer, and then put the icy cold thing on my feet. Good for about a minute and a half of aaaahhh...

  28. At Coles, we have Sam Kekovich voiceovers advertising eating lamb for Australia Day. I find his rasping voice intensely annoying and hard to understand. Can't wait for Aus.Day to be over so I don't have to hear it anymore.

  29. I am surprised that you did not get LAMBbasted in your comments lol!!

  30. I love you and you are too funny.


  31. I'd like to see you do the LAMBada in your sarong.

  32. That is a great speech on lamb – and funny. Lamb is my favorite meat but here in Georgia it is hard to find or super expensive so I eat it maybe every 6 months or so – I need to visit Australia if you have so much lamb – it would be…lamb heaven!

  33. ha, made me laugh

    i love lamb, we're eating some tonight.

    Shall put Jan. 26th in my diary.

  34. Anonymous1:56 am

    It seems (my friend told me he invited me but I didn1t remember) I also drank a gin tonic on our afterparty in December. I am curious when my drink list ends.

    Oh, I get it. For a while I thought it is serious. He has stupid accent by the way. It is difficult to understand for me.

  35. Just read this having slow-roasted a leg of lamb with rosemary and garlic... dee-lish!

    Big wash-up session afterwards, then collapsed in front of telly to watch holiday programme, to dream about sunny climes. It's zero degrees here with freezing fog (spare us a bit of your heat, please Baino!).

    Returned to kitchen to find one very contented cat washing her face following a feast of lamb!!!

    Hope your eyes have improved after a couple of day's rest?

  36. Hooray! I helped make that ad! My name's in the credits!

    You should follow him on Twitter:

    And on Facebook:

    Okay, that's my shameless plug out of the way.

