Friday, January 08, 2010

Hoisted on My Own Petard

It's no secret that there's 'friendly' rivalry between the Aussies and the Kiwis - we highly contest just about everything from Cricket and Rugby to sheep shagging and take off each other's accents (well why wouldn't you rag someone who eats fush and chups with vunuger), but I think this time, I've cooked my goose, opened my mouth before putting the brain into gear and slammed one of New Zealand's finest by berating her choice of Polka Dots for Theme Thursday . . but please, before you allow me to hoist myself on my own petard, cut me a little slack, show me a little tea and sympathy - the TT site did accredit the theme to our well travelled, French speaking Kiwi.

In the true spirit of engendering good diplomacy and enhancing trans-Tasman relations and and because I don't want her coming over here and doing the Haka in my face and because one day I might need a couch whilst touring the land of the Long White Cloud . . apologies to Siobhan . . apparently, we were misinformed, she didn't suggest the theme!

Anyway, it all turned out for the best. Good effort by everyone I thought and the banter between Siobhan and I this morning has been interesting to say the least. So, allies I hope we remain in the true spirit of ANZAC.

Haere rā, Siobhan and hei konā. .


  1. how humble of you baino. ah some fun banter...and if you ever find yourself my way, we have a guest room if you need it. smiles.

  2. Anonymous1:23 pm

    A musunderstanding...that's the puts. Guess ut guvs an opportunuty for more ribbing,er, rubbing. Um sure all wull be forguven by the New Zealanders.Except maybe thus comment.

  3. Sounds like you ladies polka-d together this morning.

  4. Heh. I'm looking forward to Friday here. ;)

  5. I'd like to invade NZ. For about 6 months. That should be long enough to get a good feel for the place.

  6. Oh Baino, you are a sweetie. I like your Kiwi excent. xo

  7. Anonymous6:07 pm

    There is nothing like a bit of fun banter! Love it :0)

  8. we call the chinese gooseberry a kiwi :P lol

    no, i did not poke anything into an orifice that should not be there :P lol

  9. Bloody Ostraahlians! Haha oh yes, I do a mean haka!
