Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Polka Dots - Or How to Waste a Morning Searching for A Theme

Siobhan . . did you know I was almost Christened with that name but my mother thought it too hard to spell? I could reach across the Tasman and stick a few Polka Dots where the sun don't shine right now!! How hard is this one? Theme Thursday, suggested by our NZ sweetie, once again and my New Zealand, used to be friend, came up with "Polka Dots" What was she smoking?

Ok I could bore you with old cartoons:

Or quirky dot-obsessed Americans:

Or God forbid that Itsy Bitsy song which I'm sure someone will post.

Not quite what you were hopin' for boys. Hey its a bitch in a bikini!

But no, this was a challenge. I didn't want to go cutesy with fashion or fabulous cakes. I didn't want to post animals with Dots or believe me, I did research ladybirds, Polka Dot Box Fish and spotty horses . . .

I sought spiritual Guidance:

I clicked through pages of Google Images:

Then . . after lunch at the Norman Lindsay Galleries, I found him. Mr Polka Dot head himself . . The Magic Pudding . . quite a character from this Bohemian Aussie writer/artist.

Now there's food for another blog post.

Ta daaaaa! What? . . . Shuddup . . . Those are polka dots on his head aren't they!

Sorry . . that's all I've got.

As for you Ms Siobhan in the land of the Long White Cloud . . Kia ora kōrua. E noho ra . . .Tongi . . now to reek my revenge and come up with a tough one!

Have to admit that I'm thrilled I have the time to cruise through the contributors this week cos this is a doozey!


Lisa said...

This was quite an assignment researched and presented with distinctions!

Mike said...

Yea, someone was out there on this theme! I got something, though. :)

Mim said...

love the Tom and Jerry cartoon, never knew that Tom had an "owner". and the polka dot man - how cool is he? I'm ready to head down to Winston Salem and visit the man.
Great way to start the day

Anonymous said...

No worries Baino...I didn't post that song( more an intro to it, but then, you'll see it when I finally post, wot? )Just prepare...muwahahahaha...ha!

Anyway, totally forgot about the Tom & Jerry cartoon! HA!

Baino said...

Ocean, you're too kind. It was VERY hard. Come and play or at least go and have a look at the other Theme Thursdayers, they come up with the weirdest things.

Ah New Zealanders . . can't play Rugby, can't play Cricket . . .can't choose themes! (AWW Siobhan I love you . . really!)

I think it goes way back to 1948 or something Mim. I never really liked cartoons. Really . . except the annual Disney masterpieces. I did like Mr Dotty and well worth the visit if you live nearby. I love eccentric people!

Subster, somebody will . .and I'll be the first to go "Nooooooooooooooooo" Yeh I cheated and posted early., Had to, we're off to see Avatar tommorrow afternoon . . it's nearly Thursday here! Really, honest . . .

Alan Burnett said...

Very clever of you to get in early and cover all possible interpretations of the theme. As usual, we will all follow in your trail. Happy TT.

California Girl said...

Baino: really good post and so early! Or is it Thu over there now? hahahhaha!

I'm not even going for this one as polka dots don't resonate...hey, that could be a poem or a Country song title.

Mrsupole said...

I have mine ready too. But cannot post till Thursday. And I am thinking that mine will be different from everyone's, but I think you will enjoy it immensely.

I love all those different polka dot things you found, but my favorite is the "bitch in a bikini". I cannot get the picture of the "quirky dot-obsessed Americans" to come up. Plus Tom and Jerry are always a favorite.

Okay, the last pic is kinda scarey, I like the green rock for some reason and it's those polka dots on his face that are scarey, the eyes are just downright freaky and still he is kinda cute.

God bless. said...

Polka dots... do they still make those?

xxx said...

for a moment I believed you... i too thought it was thursday!

clever post Baino

love to you
Ribbon :)

Carolina said...

If you had been called Siobhan and wanted a nameplate for your door; I know someone, who knows someone who could make you one. LOL

nick said...

So Siobhan, oops Baino, a challenging theme you have there. It's interesting that polka dot clothes are always seen as a bit frivolous and not suitable for formal wear. I wonder why that is? No more frivolous than stripes, after all.

I'm pretty laid-back about supposedly weird images, but even I find the Magic Pudding disturbingly grotesque. I couldn't live with that in my house, for sure.

Leah said...

Great, strange, eccentric, evocative and funny images and clips...impossible theme!!!!

I have no idea what to post.

Kate Hanley said...

I agree with you that it's a difficult theme but I love your idea and your final picture - it's great! Happy TT!

Roy said...

Yeah, I'm stuck, too. There are no polka-dots in my vicinity, although I keep looking. I may end up inflicting that wretched ear worm tomorrow, though!

Anonymous said...

Tough theme- but you did an admirable job with it Baino!

Brian Miller said...

dang! now you took all the ideas the rest of us had. nice

Tom said...

polka dots are a bit too fruity for me to comment on...being the polkaphobe I am. Hey, I'll post, but it's gonna be a stretch. Nice looking bikini on that bitch, is it weird that i'm drooling?

think i have dog flu.

Grannymar said...

So you were nearly a Joan! Siobhan is the Irish for Joan.

Polka dots were never my thing and having to do this post would have me seeing spots before my eyes! Well done.

Anonymous said...


Ronda Laveen said...

Love the bitch in the bikini!

Great job with a tough theme, Baino.

Renee said...

I'm still trying to figure out how I would say it.

Okay, I will just call you dotz.


Dot-Com said...

That was a lot of dots! I still have no idea how I'll deal with that theme :)

mouse (aka kimy) said...

you did an absolutely fabulous job darling!!!! what were you bitching about and threatening poor siobhan's bum with!

but I agree it was a most difficult challenge, I just finished my TT post (although it isn't scheduled to go up until midnight my time - I am an anal little mouse about at times)

of course I ADORE tom and jerry toons - in particular jerry!

I took a pretty broad approach to the theme and skipped the itsy bitsy tune too

mouse (aka kimy) said...

man, i gotta go visit the polka dot man!!!

Anonymous said...

My Mum was going to call me Fritha.Had she done that, I'd be wearing the same expression as your magic pudding.(Sorry all the Fritha's out there....)

River said...

Polka Dots make me cross-eyed, especially if I leave my glasses off.

Vagabonde said...

I thought New Zealanders were terror at rugby? I just saw the movie Invictus where Morgan Freeman plays Nelson Mandela and in the movie the New Zealanders look almost invincible. As for Siobhan I don’t know how it is pronounced, I have never heard someone called that – is it an old Australian name? maybe from the Aborigine? To me, no disrespect intended, it sounds like some medicine – take a tablespoon of Siobhan before going to bed and you’ll be fine in the morn, no more irregularities.

Michael said...

Yes, I thought polka dots was hard too but you know this is an entertaining post adn the best take on the polka dot bikini, if not a bit ruff! Dear oh dear. Ha.

I wonder who you;d even have pronounced your name, btw. that would have got you noted, when not forgotten from its uniqueness.

Baino said...

Unusual for me to be early Alan! But no time to post on Thurs. Hehe . . look forward to catching up!

Thursday's just about done now Cali but yeh I was early for once. Still on leave!

MrsSupole, I'm sure I'll enjoy it! He's a pudding! I think the dots are meant to be fruit pieces. It's an old children's story about a cantankerous magic pudding that keeps reinventing himself even when he's eaten. It was outside the cafe where I had lunch on Wednesday.

God Cat, I suppose so. Never owned any myself!

It's a bit like that since Christmas Ribbon, I have to remind myself what day it is!

Haha . . thanks Carolina, but they might 'mispell' it!

Nick I love these Theme Thursdays but sometimes, someone throws a curly one in just to keep us on our toes. He's not a handsome pudding but I think you'd like a lot of Norman Lindsay's stuff. Very provocative.

Leah you'll come up with something wonderful I'm sure.j

Better than a post about the chicken pox Kate which was well on the cards!

Thanks Cinnamon trixy it was. That Siobhan has gone very quiet!

Nah, Brian . . been to yours and you've got a very abstract take on dots, works for me tho!

Tom I put the dog in for Toby not you! Dog flu? As long as it's not distemper and just a kennel cough

I didn't know that GrannyMar. My dad always liked the name but I learned long ago that my mum vetoed it because she thought people would call me see-o-barn

Jen I can't ever remember owning anything with spots or dots. I'm sure I must have at one stage or another but just can't remember.

Thanks Unstranger . . .rare flash of?

Hehe . . get to it Ms Laveen . . I'm on my way over!

Renee it's pronounced "Shi-Vaughn" strange these Irish. What's even funnier is that the Siobhan who suggested the theme is actually a Kiwi!

Veru trixy Dot . . haha . . you're a dot!

Thanks dahling. Amazing what one can do when one has a little time on one's hands. Nah, not a cartoon fan at all actually. How cute is he?

Oh Pam no! What was she thinking. Actually my mother's name was Pamela!

Yeh have that effect on me too River!

Vagabonde, there's a long friendly dispute between the Aussies and the Kiwis. We love each other really. There's even free movement across borders so we love to rib each other and yes, the All Blacks are indeed a formiddable Rugby team. Siobhan is an Irish name. I'm not Irish but my dad fancied it for some reason. I actually do like the name and there are more Siobhan's than Helen's around these days.

Ooohhhh . . Mr Toasty . . big groan here! It's a more common name than you'd think actually.

Michael said...

it is? Well not here, let me tell you!

Michael said...

Actually, yes Baino, a graphic who can draw a bit anyway. Thanks for that comment on my blog, btw.

Isabella Golightly said...

Lucky you, I got stuck with a middle name starting with 'v' that nobody ever guesses (thank god) & I tell people it's "vilification". I had to check that has only one L.

Maybe you could call yourself "Punto", which is italian for 'Dot', or 'Point'?

Jill from Killeny Glen said...

Aaaaaaaah! BRILLIANT Baino! Nothing SO CREATIVE as a polka dot pudding huh??? That bowl of gloop is SURE to come to life at some point shifty eyes and all.

Laughing here...and NO polka dot bikini for ME thank you VERY much!

Tess Kincaid said...

Are you serious about nearly being named Polka Dot? That is TOO funny!

laughingwolf said...

pudding is FAB!

Candie said...

Lol!Great post Baino!Strange pudding though,lol.Have a nice day :)

Ed & Jeanne said...

I had to can call them polka dots...I think that guy could convince me to call them whatever!

Anonymous said...

The dog is hilarious! And yes, those are polka dots on that thing's head. Rather large, frightening polka dots!


RLM Cooper said...

Way fun post, Baino! Enjoyed it!

Anonymous said...

Sioban is almost Slobodan and it is a Serbian male name. Nowadays it is not so fashionable because he was a war criminal.

tut-tut said...

Ha! and fun

Stephanie said...

The Magic Pudding indeed - looks a bit creepy!

Baino said...

Welcome over Isabella . . you've got me guessing now!

Hi Jill, yeh my bikini days are long over, polka dot or otherwise!

No Willow, not Polka Dot . . Siobhan! Haha! You're 'skimming'

It's a great puddingWuffa . . very grumpy. Good kid's story too, written as a bet against a friend who said all children want to read about is fairies. Lindsay disagreed saying that they liked to read about 'food'.

He is a strange and cranky pudding Candie!

The pudding? VE? He has that gangsta attitude!

I have no idea what the 'thing' on his head is though Angela? Perhaps a slice of fruit cake!

Thanks Angel, still only half way through the others but so far a diffiucult subject, well tackled.

Thanks Toots!

He's very naughty at least Steph. Nice to see you back on board.

Anonymous said...

We had "Goulash communism" which was much softer than Soviet.

Janice said...

Fun pictures and an original take on a difficult theme.

JeffScape said...

You're at your best when you seem bitter. ;)

Siobhan said...

To be honest, I am wondering what I was smoking! I have NO recollection of submitting this theme!! Haha I'll do some investigation!

Lisa said...

Hello Baino, this is what I wrote for you at my comments. Please check out my posts label The Journey. It feels nice to know that you are interested. Thank you.

"Hi Baino, I have wrote some of the experiences and related feelings and outcome under the label The Journey. I think you have read some, and those that are new to you and also future posts, please let me know what you think.

You know, during the Hajj, I thought of you, you told me don't get squished! :)

I am writing more about it. Its comprehension is continuous."

Baino said...

Haha Ropi . . Goulash communism!

It was difficult Janice, very but everyone seemed to take it in their stride!

Oh pfft! I'm a crusty marshmallow didn't you hear?

Haha well Siobhan, it all worked out on the night! Lay off those funny cigarettes!

Great Ocean Girl, I'll take a look. It does interest me.

Siobhan said...

Goodness gracious, all this hostility and I didn't even suggest it! :P

Lizzie said...

Baino, loved your post. You always keep us on our toes, you know that?! You're boat loads of fun. :D Happy TT.

Anonymous said...

You're right...Magic Puddin is scary! The fun jabs Thanks for stoppping by my place.

kj said...

this is a riot and i hardly understand it!

Kat Mortensen said...

Here, at last! (I've been writing up a storm the last couple of days.)

The bitch in the bikini is a classic!

Coffee Messiah said...

Hey, Thanks 4 the intro to Sam!

Cool Beans! Cheers!

Megan said...


The Silver Fox a/k/a The Foxster said...

Plenty of research, and quite enjoyable. Thanks.

lettuce said...

i think the image of that pudding thingy will be with me all day

so thanks for that

The Author said...

Aw, I love Tom & Jerry! lol