Friday, February 19, 2010

All I Want is Gold and My Two Front Teef

I actually forgot a Friday Fuckwit last week and only one commenter emailed me to object. I was too busy trying on Bling at a handbag and jewellery party but that's another story.

Today . . Germany's silver medallist in the Olympic luge David Moeller took an embarrassing trip to the dentist after breaking his front tooth biting into his prize.

A sheepish Moeller, 28, explained: "The photographers wanted us to bite into our medals at the presentation ceremony. And a corner of my front tooth broke off". Trust the German's to take it to the 'nth degree.

"It wasn't too bad and it didn't hurt," added Moeller, saying that it had happened before to him at home. Guy obviously has brittle teef and should have perhaps worn a mouthguard.

"But it is annoying when you can't smile as you normally do. (Germans smile?) And because I want to have nice pictures and happy memories of my Olympic Games, I went to the dentist to get it repaired," he said. Aww bless . .You do this . . .!!!!!.

and worry about this . . .

. . . .OK not your average tooth fairy . .

Moeller was part of a German 1-2 in the men' luge on Sunday at the 2010 Gamers in Vancouver which run until February 28, with compatriot Felix Loch winning gold.

And I know there are those of you who aren't impressed with the cost and pomp surrounding the Vancouver games but having lived through the Summer Olympics in Sydney I can only say that it was one of the most wonderful, feel-good times of my life and left us with an expensive but wonderful park and entertainment area . .Oh and good on you Tori Bright you little 'beaudy' . . .Half Pipe Gold . .not bad for a country that has snow for 2 months of the year in just one place!

Have a great weekend folks! As usual I am very late catching up on Theme Thursday but I will get there . .hmmm . . .Adam's cooking bruschetta and spaghetti and meat balls . . maybe I won't . . just joshing . .of course I will!


nick said...

Residents of Vancouver's East Side are furious about the lavish spending on the Olympics. There are huge problems of homelessness, mental illness, addictions etc which the local authorities do little about while this prestigious project gets millions poured into it.

As I've said before, I think the Olympics should stay in one place instead of constantly moving around the world and demanding huge resources wherever it ends up.

Brian Miller said...

yeah, think of the money spent even by those just making a bid to be the site and then....its pretty sick...

Grannymar said...

All the hype, and commercialism killed any interest I had in Olympic games be they winter or summer. The original ideal of the Olympics has alas been lost long ago.

hokgardner said...

Commercialism and wild spending aside, I lurve the Olympics, even the winter ones, which seems to be nothing but 20 ways to throw yourself down a mountain.

The lugers and skeleton drivers, though,they're crazy!

Anonymous said...

Und vat's wrong mit takink it to der enth degree, ja?

Wondering if he'd try to sue...ACH!

Kathy G said...

I'd not heard about the broken tooth. Too funny!

Roy said...

I haven't been able to get excited about this Winter Olympics, and I usually love them. But I have too many friends who live in BC who are furious. Apparently the whole province is being bankrupted by this, and the central government (under the leadership of a prime minister who apparently has fascist propensities - he's dissolved Parliament and the country is being run by him and his hand-picked cabinet, and they're cutting funding to everything) is just letting them hang. So I can't get all excited by people gamboling in the imported snow while a whole province falls apart.

Leah said...

I too know BC-ers who are livid...

I haven't watched the games at all this year, either. But actually you've reminded me that Hedgehog would probably enjoy catching some of it, sporty girl that she is.

Bruschetta and spaghetti and meat balls sounds delicious. Maybe I'll make that for dinner tonight, thanks for the idea!

Don't Bug Me! said...

Since half the population of Whistler is Australian, you should do well at the Winter Olympics. I sometimes wonder if there are any Australians left in Australia!?!

BTW Roy - I fear you may only be getting a rather one-sided view of the Games from your friends. Yes, it is costing us a lot of money, but if you go down to Vancouver today, you will get to see a huge number of people having the time of their lives. As for our "fascist" prime minister -hardly, this is Canada we are talking about. I am not a fan of Stephen Harper, and I will be glad when he is gone and I don't agree with proroguing Parliament, but please. This province is NOT falling apart. Things are still pretty good here compared to many other places in Canada and the rest of the world. Get a grip! I'm done, I think.

JeffScape said...

The tooge?

I've been late catching up with my TTs the last few weeks, as well. I REALLY wish they directly linked their entries... some people just post blogs too frequently. I'm always lost.

Janice said... did forget last week's Friday Fuckwit; it got away from me too. I look forward to it. Great story about the German gold medalist and the tooth mishap.

I found everyone's Olympic comments very interesting.

laughingwolf said...

i'm all for honest athletes [there are SOME], but the bullshit politics of the ioc, and their ilk, must end! GRRRRRRRRRR

Jay said...

He broke two teeth on his medal? Hahaha! He'll NEVER live that one down, will he? LOL!

Enjoy your bruschetta and all. Sounds wonderful. Or 'meravigliosa' as it were. Yes, I'm still plugging away at the Italian lessons! said...

Cheers for the Aussie half pipe victory!

Baino said...

Nick it was the same here. They 'relocated' a number of homeless people in an inner city park and they've never gone back. The Government has just announced a 10 million dollar initiative to help the homeless who have mental illness. Just a drop in the ocean.

Yeh I know your feelings on the Olympics but the atmosphere here was so good at the time. And there will always be expensive projects that ignore the poor. I'd rather watch the Olympics than a 6 billion dollar movie! Or friggin' Tiger Woods apologising to the world for dipping his wick!

Brian I don't see why it has to be so expensive. We didn't break even with the Summer Olympics and it's only recently that Homebush Bay where the main venues were has become a 'usable' or popular space. It's still losing money left right and centre.

True Grannymar. I haven't watched much of it myself. The broadcast is so biased. All we've seen lately is Tori and her snowboard. Although the ice skating started yesterday and I really enjoy that.

Crazy fools aren't they Heather? Especially the Luge dudes. Madness.

Why people feel the need to 'bite' gold I don't know. I can't taste the difference between silver, gold or bronze. Yes Kathy, I tried.

Roy I don't know if you read "The Whole Ball of Wax" but Kim's pretty furious about it alright. Then again, if the crowds attend, it does bring in a lot of income and revenue for local business and the Government. Yes they have their political woes but I'm not sure boycotting the Olympics is going to solve that. Harper won't last. Elections come round often enough and his performance hasn't been good. I'm not sure I'd call him a fascist, just a misguided boffin. The Westminster system will win out.

It was pretty awesome Leah. He's a good cook. Yeh, I'm ambivolent about the games these days. Lot of expense for a few I think. I do love the ice skating, I must admit.

Haha! Is that so? Actually DBM I know a few Aussies who winter there and work the ski lifts or in hospitality during out summer. One of Adam's friends is a chronic skier and goes every year. And you're right. I'd rather be in Canada with it's amazing health system and social services than the US frankly.

Haha . . nice one Jeff! Bet he hath a lithp. "Aw thit . . .mithed that bend!" Now stop talking to me cos I've been on this thing for 2 hours and still haven't read anyone's bloody blog!

I know! How could I. Actually I was distracted by shiny things. My niece in law had a bling and bag party . . girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!

Wuffa . .you've been in the cold too long and it's making you a grouchy old dawg! Politics in everything my friend, everything!

You're a good sort Jay. I'm trying to learn French online. I am woeful.

Ronda Laveen said...

I wondered why you didn't post a Fukwit. Shopping for bling trumps Fukwits.


Anonymous said...

I enjoy the skating events in the winter Olympics and have been watching off & on this week.
But shopping for bling sounds like more fun : )

River said...

Forget the Vancouver olympics....I'm not impressed with the cost and pomp surrounding dental's going to take me 6-8 months of saving a few $$$ here and there just to get a chipped veneer repaired. It's a front tooth and yes, I do keep smiling. I agree with whoever said it that the olympics should be held in one neutral place all the time, instead of it being a moveable "feast". The cost to hosting countries is just too enormous.

Harnett-Hargrove said...

Yes, the Olympics have come a long way since antiquity!
I am so late as well... great bell blog! -J

Megan said...

I hope L.A. gets the Summer Games again someday. I was a bit too young last time and I'd love to actually see some events live!

Darlene said...

I lost interest in the Olympics when the Judges were accused of taking bribes and the athletes were using steroids. Just a few of them, of course, but that's all it takes to ruin to games.

Mike said...

I used to love the winter games. Not so much any more. WTF is curling???

kj said...

for now dearest friend: ♥

Louise Bowers said...

Who made curling an olympic sport. Isn't just like polishing the floor? Come over to my place, I'll give you some curling practice on my bathroom tiles.

Paddy in BA (Quickroute) said...

I have some friends in Vancouver that are super excited about the whole thing - I have yet to watch any of it :-(

lettuce said...

yeah well..... we're so not looking forward to the way we're probably going to balls-up 2012....

Rowe said...

I have not watched much of the Winter Olympics and regret not seeing Tora win her gold.

Anonymous said...

Well, there are situations when even the person you wouldn't expect to smile smiles.

Anonymous said...

That's one funny German. I'll look out for it on the web.

Anonymous said...

PS - I've done you a link. (Should have done before really.)

Vagabonde said...

I still remember the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, Ga. It was great – everyone was so excited and got along together. It was like in the movie Invictus where everyone was behind the games and involved. Our company got a bus for us to go to some of the celebration and we had upper and middle management with the rest of the employees and the union workers, one of the few times we were happy together and on the same side. I enjoy the games.

i beati said...

i am enjoying the games a lot but the coverage is a little lackluster

Kath Lockett said...

....I'm going to admit that I haven't seen more than three seconds of the games.

As soon as I heard James Brayshaw (!!??) commentating, I switched off. Coudln't channel nine have found a real expert instead of a footy boofhead?

Gledwood said...

Isn't it true you can bite into solid gold to test its purity mc-thang??!?

Probably those missing teeth are due to a heavy iron and/or lead content..!!
