Saturday, February 13, 2010

By Silken Threads We Connect

Despite hot, sticky and inclement weather . . I don't think I'll ever get used to warm torrential rain . . . today we popped over to the business end of the Powerhouse Museum to see something rather special.

The Powerhouse Museum is so named because it's now located in the converted Pyrmont Powerhouse in Sydney's inner west. It's a modern technology museum with everything from fashion to science, environmental gagetry and space travel. We love it but literally 1km from our house, is the 'business end' of the museum. Their storage facility and the place where large exhibits are renovated and restored, where tiny exhibits are lovingly placed in sliding hermetically sealed drawers and once a month, an open day is run by volunteers.

Much fun and while it isn't your 'traditional' museum, much more industrial and authentic than most, we had fun wondering around.

This Saturday, the open day featured a quilt. A rather special quilt where three of Clare's friends had contributed a 'square' to the main feature. The project was initiated by a Melbourne girl to create a friendship quilt in red and white. Where each participant made a square and contributed to the whole. Three sisters, friends of Clare's, each made their own panel.

Also, because today is the first day of the Chinese New Year (although celebrations do not culminate until the end of February) we were also given a display of lion dancing and cymbals and drums by the local Chinese troop.

The lion waits atop a drum . . .

Not so spectacular without the sound of drums and cymbals. . .

So, as I sit here now at 6:55 having been to the Powerhouse open day, enjoyed some lion dancing and had the most wonderful seafood lunch with an old work colleague and his delightful wife . . including a serenade from the rather sweet long haired Chihuahua named 'Chicka' who likes to sing along to Shaggy . . .I am replete. Friends remembered and friends rediscovered.

I don't care about the drip in my ceiling being caught by a red bucket in the middle of the lounge, or the torrential downpour, or the lizard poo on the carpet. . . I needed a day like today to remind me that there are bonds in friendship that go beyond red silk and the passage of time.

Yes, my roof is leaking . . .such is the downpour

Thank you Emily for making us aware and thank you Henk and Marion for your hospitality. Friends are like silk. Natural, sticky, colourful, delicate but have the strength to endure.

For the first time in a long time . . .I am feeling very, very happy. Now I must away and vacuum up the poo.


  1. That's a beautiful quilt Baino. So many lovingly crafted pieces all in the same colours, it just looks fantastic. What happens to it after the exhibition?

  2. Once again you've snuck round to my house when I wasn't home & photographed my laundry. No lizard pooh though, but I did find a dead skink in my clean washing last week. Well, kind of clean. And, at least you know what a conjunction is. So I can cope with the apostrophies. And, and, I'm very glad the evil witch got the sack. Rots of Ruck with the job hunting!

  3. (((hugs)))

    Here's to you, Baino

    The quilt is fantastic!

  4. Thanks for visiting my humble blog - so here I am returning the favor and i like what I see. Museums? I love them and can wander for hours admiring anything from the bizarre to the beautiful. I love art museums the most and have been fortunate to visit some wonderful examples in various places around the world. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has a leaky roof - although we don't need a bucket yet - there's just a wet patch on the ceiling that will have to be addressed when our winter ends (hard to figure out the problem when the temperatures are so cold and there is a foot of snow on the roof.) Cheers.

  5. what a beautiful post baino. glad you had such a good day. love me some dancing dragons...but dont think i will s many around here.

  6. I'm happy when you're happy!!

    bless happiness, and prosperity"


  7. downpour here too you really did not have to send it here !!But thanks for sharing - that quilt wow

  8. Is it the year of the Lion???

    I'm sorry about the leak..

    I love the red/white friendship theme..

    What vivid colors.. and your bucket matches.. such is life???

    Glad you are feeling happy..

    me too

  9. How cool to see the inner workings of a museum! And you remind me that I probably need to go up to Boston to participate in the Chinese New Year festivities; we don't have enough Chinese people here to make much of a parade, but Boston has a whole Chinatown.

    I'm messy enough, thank heavens I don't have lizard poo to deal with, too.

  10. Lovely post, Baino, and I hope your happiness continues. The quilt is beautiful!

  11. Anonymous2:18 am

    Wonderful quilting, Baino! And I'd not mind a trek thru' that place...hopw you can get the leak fixed, anon...

    @ Ms. Hen 'tis the year of the Tiger, this time round :)

  12. There's nothing like an enjoyable day to take your mind off of mundane things like a leaky roof and poo on the carpet.

    I'm glad you had such a special day with special friends, but sorry you had to come home to the leak.

  13. I was talking about you last night. Little Brother was wondering how you were enjoying the rain. Ignore him, he was one of the culprits in my story yesterday! I love that quilt, did you try putting it in your pocket for me? I would just love to get my hands on it and have a look at every square.

    Glad that you are in high spirits, now stay up there and don't let anyone get you down.

  14. You have frothy rain! I knew there was something funny about Australia! ROFL!!

    And you know you love those lizards. They eat the mosquitoes and spiders, remember? ;)

  15. Wonderfully touching post. I love the idea of a friendship quilt and that Clare's friends added some squares. And your likening of friendship to silk is so apt.

    Enjoy your happy day, Valentine.
    I have to admit, I did not know about lizard poo. But then, everything poos.

  16. What a wonderful day! Who cares about a little lizard poo?!

    I appreciated your TT comment. Yes, we do have lots in common.

  17. gung hey fat choi... and happy poo day, too :) lol

  18. Happy Chinese New Year!!!
    Fab quilt :-)

  19. Sounds like a fun day despite the rain and lizard poo and yes, friendship is everything.

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  20. What a wonderful quilt! Happy Valentine's Day, Baino!

  21. Museums tend to rock, regardless of their content.

    I dunno, I'm just a history buff, I guess.

    I'll come fix your roof for room and board!

  22. i don't envy you your lizard poo...but some hotness would be much welcome...enjoy the rest of the weekend.

  23. Aw, c'mere and give me a hug you big softy!

  24. What a fabulous quilt. Just as much a work of art as all the famous stuff hanging in art galleries. Like Grannymar, I'd love to look carefully at every individual square.

  25. Anonymous11:10 pm

    Great quilt, what a wonderful idea! I don't guess a lizard would poo much. Daughter borrowed our vacuum cleaner for their share house rental inspection. Next time we used it back here at home there was a yucky cat litter tray smell that wafted out of the machine, and then it spluttered and gave up the ghost completely.I think you're safe with the little lizard offerings.

  26. This is wonderful Baino!Happy Valentines Baino!Much love!:)

  27. love the red and white, gorgeous! glad you are's a good thing to be

  28. Aw, love the sentiment, Baino! (hugs) <3

  29. Anonymous4:19 am

    Our old Opel used to leak. :D It was funny. :D Happy Valentines Day.

  30. A little leak and lizard shit will not stand in the way of you being happy! (You should really consider being a photographer!)

  31. ah i'm so glad you had such a happy day. lovely metaphor - and I like the quilt.

    not so much the leaky picture... for some reason I hate water coming into the house uninvited.
    Glad it didn't spoil your weekend!

  32. yes, my dear friend, there are bonds that are so strong they carry you and hold the hope when ever needed. you are that for me and i am forever grateful to call you my friend.

    i just wish we could pop over for coffee when we felt like it. damn distance....

  33. Loved your dragon although I should like to have drums and cymbals as well. Sounds like a GREAT day and as for the lizard poo...well it is a unique clean up duty FOR SURE!

    OH! And sorry about the leaky roof. That needs some attention ASAP!

  34. The quilt is gorgeous, Helen. We almost could have bumped into each other on Saturday as we took our girl to the Aquarium at Darling Harbour to celebrate her 3rd birthday with all the big and little fishies.

  35. Dear Baino,

    When i was in hospital having a mastectomy
    my wonderful bloggy friends kept a candle
    burning for me on their blogs...

    If like me you would like to do the same for our dearest Renee
    follow this link... the Angels can see it too

    (Ps) Pass it on x

  36. Hey kiddo. Yep I've put up the candle. Things are not good for Renee but we shall see. Happy to comply and to keep it burning for others who are also suffering right now. I hope thins have picked up fr you also.

  37. So then - is the lizard poo making the bubbles in the bucket?.... Oh no - they are going on the floor... so what is making the bubbles?

    Keep smiling my friend!

  38. I loved that quilt or blanket that was hand sewn.
