Monday, February 08, 2010

Terminated . . but I will Survive

Well I officially moved yet again within my place of work. Hopefully to a more permanent hidey hole within the Business Services area reporting to the woman I first reported to when I started there which is a good thing. She and I get on just fine and the team of girls are lovely plus I still get to work with my five men.

There's no shame in being offered a lesser position rather than being asked to go.

However at 11am this morning. All managers were called into the boardroom and told that my big boss, the troll bitch, the one that's been upsetting everyone and behaving badly has 'left the building'. Yep, she was given the shaft, shown the door, sacked, fired, terminated, given the flick . . . I'm not gloating. I take no pleasure in someone else's dismissal. I know what it's like to lose your job and it's no fun but in this case, the decision was a good one. Shame it cost me $7,000 a year in a demotion!

Will she be replaced? Will I get to be a well paid EA again? Who knows.

I think the learning curve has been steep, people have their noses well out of joint and generally, everyone seems very happy to see the back of her.

I do feel in some small way vindicated. I was beginning to feel useless, lacked self-confidence, doubted my ability in all things . . . I can start over now. I'm still looking for something else and had two interviews on Friday which seemed to go fairly well For now, I'm settled, hopefully for a few months.

I have never in my 37 years of working met a more loathsome, back-biting, lying, insidious, intolerant, rude, deprecating and vulgar human being. I'm ashamed that it was a woman who adopted such behaviours just to 'cut it' with the men. Clearly her tactics did not work and I'm happy that she is no longer there.

The big tragedy . . she will have walked away with a handsome sum since her contract was terminated prematurely. And I've had to take a $7,000 a year pay cut!


Mim said...

I have found that, over the long run, the idiots get what is coming to them. The problem is waiting for that to happen, making yourself miserable in the meantime, taking pay cuts to get away from said idiots...and all the rest of it.
Well, at least you can relax a bit. Anyone who would make you lose your self confidence is a complete idiot and I am also glad to see the back of her.

Unknown said...

Best of luck with the jobs you have been applying for!!
Go girl - you can do it :-)
Good karma will make its way back around to you!

Sarah Lulu said...

LOOOOOOOVEEEEEEEEEE that scene from Priscilla ..and you.

Team Baino ...that's me.

Need anything ....I'm not far!

Mike said...

Yea, that is pretty much the norm, you get the demotion, that person gets fired, and will probably get a new job making more than before! said...

Ding Dong, the witch is dead...

But why does she get parting gifts?

California Girl said...

I'm not sure how long the disruptive boss you had was in place but it should tell you alot about your employers. If she was there a relatively short time and they saw the light, that's good. If she was there a long time and they let her stay til they felt they had no choice, that's bad. I worked for a woman who went through four or five Sales Managers in the six yrs I was there. Two of them were just as you describe: sneaky, back biting, pathological; the rest incompetent. I loved my job at that place and I was, luckily, the top salesperson and could get away with telling each,euphemistically, to "fuck off". I realized many years later the fault lay in the woman running the station. She liked to hire people who stirred things up. It gave her the ultimate control.

Gledwood said...

Yeah at least you're still IN work...

my advice is get drunk, watch 9-5 with Jane Fonda and Dolly Parton and stick pins in a boss-shaped voodoo dollie ;->...

Anonymous said...

This was one of the reasons I left me old job...bad manager that couldn't give a sod about anything. He finally got the sack but 'twas due to his mis-management mainly. I came back but after the one year line( which I wasn't aware of ), and took a 1/3 paycut...ouch! But like you, Baino, it's a good grew I'm with :)

Mrsupole said...

Praise to the powers that be and took the troll bitch out. You may not want to gloat but we sure can, oh okay we should be nice, but a minute or two of gloating should be okay.

Gloating 1, 2 , 3, okay times up.

Very sorry she lost her job in a way, but because of how she treated people, nope not too sorry at all.

I hope everyone there wishes her well and good riddens.

I hope good things come out of those interviews but then who knows that if you stay where you are that maybe you might get to replace the troll bitch someday. I can only say who ever gets you will get a good worker.

God bless.

nick said...

She must have been truly awful to get the sack. I've known so many incompetent, nasty individuals who somehow keep their job for years and then just move on to new jobs with higher salaries.

Hopefully now your self-confidence will return and hopefully also you'll be promoted again. Or you'll find a much better job.

Brian Miller said...

hate to say this but...glad she is out of the picture...amybe this new career path will open up and all of this will be a memory...

Grannymar said...

See what did I tell you!
What great news to get on a Monday!
You just keep your head down and your nose clean and you never know where you will end up.

Keep your heart up!

Roy said...

Well, well, so the troll bitch is gone. As far as I'm concerned that's just karma catching up to her. CG has a good point, though.

Oh my! Priscilla! I haven't seen that in years. That and The Rocky Horror Picture Show were regular Friday night entertainment at the local art cinema here for a while back in the '80s and '90s; RHPS in the '80s, succeeded by Priscilla in the '90s. I think for a while around '97 or '98 they ran them as a double feature on Friday nights. But this was the first time I ever noticed that "I Will Survive" got enhanced by some didgeridoo and Aboriginal chanting. Cool stuff!

kj said...

karmic justice has been restored.

i am SO glad you will not have to share air with her.

and i am praying secret prayers that you get your $ 7000 back. don't forget i keep telling you something big and good is waiting for you.

and your birthday in paris? AAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!

heehehehehheehhhee: the word verf is dancybo. that's a good idea. :)

Anonymous said...

Go you Baino, and feck off to that incompetent begrudging fuckwit. Clearly there's better in store for you.

Colette Amelia said...

It is good that things worked out as we think they should...the not so nice evil ones gets their just desserts but what is so troubling is it either takes far too long for it to happen or it doesn't!!!

Hopefully your patience and hard work will be rewarded and you will get the position and the pay that you need!

Good luck!

e said...

Yay for you! Now you can focus on your job and finding something you really want...

Wishing you a splendid week!

Carolina said...

Every advantage has a disadvantage. And vice versa.
Good luck with the jobhunt, but glad you won't dislike going to the office so much now.

Darlene said...

Justice triumphed! Hooray - score one for our side. Too bad it cost you a pay cut, but I'll bet you will soon be promoted and the pay will be back where it was before.

Anonymous said...

Karma, karma, karma!!!

tut-tut said...

she's gone, baby, gone . . . Now, perhaps you'll be well placed to assume HER position. As I said elsewhere, I wouldn't last half a day there. Onward!

i beati said...

My boss and assistant last weekend have written me the most ludicrous, biting, demoralizing emails and all they do is sit at a computer and check out notes- which they do not like my language etc.. Blah Blah blah

Carry on in my name !!

Rowe said...

Oh thank god it was her and not you, Helen. I almost did not want to read this post when I saw the title, assuming the worst when I saw The Terminator himself. Yippee, TB is gone like the wind.

Anonymous said...

Oooooooooo yeahhhhhhhh!!! She's gone.
"Ding dong the witch is dead
Which old witch?
The wicked witch
Ding dong the wicked witch is dead
She's gone where the goblins go etc.etc.etc"
Sing it loud, sing it long Baino.I am SO happy for you!!!

Kath Lockett said...

Gloat all you want, Baino. For her to behave so badly and make you suffer by losing your confidence there's a helluva lot worse things she deserves than the shaft. Still, I bet she didn't even know it was coming - Yay for KARMA!

And keep applying for better paying jobs. You deserve to get your $7K back tenfold.

Lisa said...

Keep working and looking. It sounds like an exciting future lies ahead.

a. said...

I love that movie

River said...

Whew! I read the headline and thought Oh no! Baino's lost another job! But it's the troll instead, thank goodness. Sad about your pay cut, but at least you're still employed. Hey, maybe you can move into the troll's position? Eventually.

JeffScape said...

It is a temporary victory (if even that) for the Troll Bitch.

While you, my dear, are still standing. And have many goats, such as myself, who will try to help you across the bridge.


Louise Bowers said...

I wonder where they stashed the body?

steph said...

Hurray! hurray! hurray!


You will indeed survive and I've absolutely no doubt, you'll do it in style too.

I hope you've got some bubbly at the ready for when that promotion comes!

Alan Burnett said...

Not sure that has been happening whilst I have been away Baino, but everyone seems well shut of the woman. Could she be by any chance related to LSF (Little Shit Face) that I once had the misfortune to work with.

jay said...

Doesn't it make you sick? So why won't they reinstate you, since they've now admitted by their actions that it wasn't your fault?

Still, as you say, you are vindicated! That's got to count for something. And if you go for another interview, they'll probably give you a glowing reference because they'll be feeling guilty. ;)

laughingwolf said...

doubtless your contributions were noted, so only a matter of time when your compensation will be returned...

word verif: emoses

Candie said...

You will be fine that way Baino!Have a wonderful day.Don't worry I did not forget you ;)

Janice said...

The pay cut stinks big time, but at least big boss troll bitch is history for you. And who knows what lies on the horizon? It could be something really good.

Annie Jeffries said...

I cheered when I saw Arnie. I KNEW something good was coming and it sure did. Love this post and the sheer TRUTH of it. My husband had a similar encounter with a co-worker a couple of years ago. We talked it over the weekend after the big event and I told him I would not be at all upset if he went into work the next day and came home retired. And you know what? That is exactly what he did.

The many bad words, many bad words female is still there and she continues to win no friends. I would hate to live in her skin but in the meanwhile, we are much happier with him retired and I'm just four month away from it myself. Life is good.

Wishing you a happy ending to your job search. With luck, you will stay where you are and go back to what you were.

tori said...

Glad to hear she's gone. Good luck with the search. Hopefully it will all work out for the best for you and you'll find an even better job!

tony said...

Life's A Bitch & Sometimes (although ,not always) Literally...But.It sounds like some glimpses of Opportunity.I hope progress is happening for you this week.

Kate said...

Oh my friend - don't you worry - just shine ... it'll all come right and at least you were there to see her go!!!! Yay!!!

Mo said...

Hey B! Oops... I hope things go well with your job and well hopefully you'll get to do stuff you enjoy! Are you going to Paris?

e said...


I know what you mean about the age thing, too, unfortunately...and yes, I'm looking although I'd given up for a bit...I talked with another blogger who had coins thrown in her coffee as she waited for a bus in SF one day, so what is bizarre is how people react to stereotypes without thinking...

Jill from Killeny Glen said...

I say she got her JUST DUE Baino!

What is the saying? "Don't let the door hit you in the ASS on your way OUT!"

Maybe something MUCH BETTER is in store for you!

Anonymous said...

Well, good luck at fixing your working problems! I can be rude at times, but it is because I am lazy to use soft words when I have to criticise.
I am bad at handling humans I admit.

Baino said...

Thank you darlings. I don't have time right now to answer you all individually which does cause me grief but I do look at your comments.

Things are a little 'lighter' at work since her departure, nobody was surprised and I've had a good vote of support. Why she was dismissed I will never probably know but I do feel a little vindicated. She was a very difficult person to deal with.

I've never been a believer in Karma but this one was destined to not survive.

She is not being replaced so in hindsight, my employer did me a favour finding me a position. I assume they knew she was on borrowed time. At least now, I can leave on time!

Anonymous said...


Ces Adorio said...

Ah yes, they get the boot but in the meantime, they have made so many people miserable. Work sucks sometimes.

Nishant said...

Best of luck with the jobs you have been applying for!!

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