Friday, March 05, 2010

Friday Fuckwit Golf Claps and Foux de Fa Fa

Ah my darlings . .it is Friday . . after a week in the "Executive Suite" I have shone! I'm not being paid extra but hopefully I'm getting some 'brownie points'. The rain is tapping nicely on the tin awning outside my back verandah, my dog didn't run away this morning, Adam has a new job starting Monday that actually pays green stuff, Clare's booked our silly but oh-so-necessary flights to Paris and all is well with my world.

Then . . .there is the Fuckwit . . .

Israel's military and one of its soldiers are no longer "friends" after the artillery unit gunner posted details of an impending West Bank raid on his Facebook page, leading to the mission being aborted.

The soldier updated his page on the social networking site, saying "on Wednesday we are cleaning Qatanna and on Thursday, God willing, going home," Israeli army radio reported.

Other soldiers in the unit, who saw the posting, alerted their officers and the planned raid on Qatanna, a village near the Palestinian city of Ramallah, was called off.

"The division commander decided to cancel the operation out of concern that the information had reached hostile groups and would harm IDF (Israeli military) forces," the army said in a statement.

The soldier's page contained details of his unit and the exact time and location of the planned sweep.

The soldier was "sentenced to 10 days' imprisonment, his combat certificate revoked, and he was removed from his battalion and from all combat postings," the army statement added.

The Israeli army says soldiers are barred from posting any sensitive information on the internet

The army frequently carries out raids in the occupied West Bank, detaining suspected Palestinian militants.

And tonight the Palestinians are awarding them 'golf claps' . .huzzah, well done soldier!

I am learning internet French. I think after watching these guys . .I will impress:

Have a wonderful weekend. Mine couldn't come soon enough. I won't have to do laundry because it's raining and I'm only sorry that this blog isn't quite private enough to post le vrai fuckwit de vendredi . .


  1. Paris!

    I bet you're counting your sleeps.

    xx Ribbon

    ps.. I love theses guys, but can't watch this vid as it is too large to see clearly for me:(

    Have a great weekend :)

  2. Well, good one you for your executive "shine." I guess there are some things one shouldn't report on social networking sites. Oops!

  3. silly soldier. Lucky he wasn't shot at sunset! I checked out these guys' first season from the library. They are ubersilly.

  4. wonder if he is twittering from bet he pissed a few people off..

    nice vid.

    sounds like things are looking up at the baino estates. i like it.

  5. Love 'the conchords' - glad things are going well - enjoy the laundry free w/e

  6. Tsup*!* Paris Fa Fa de fantastic, you're booked*!* remember meet me there Sunday ... don't be late ;)

  7. "Ooops!" Today's youth need to realize the power and the world wide reach of social media. DOH!

  8. What a twerp! Good job Facebook wasn't around at the time of World War Two, goodness knows what havoc could have been caused. "Hey, we're declaring war on Germany tomorrow. This should be fun."

  9. That is definitely one of the weirder videos I've seen in a while! Heh, heh!

    That soldier's not too bright, is he?

  10. Well that's one way to get out of combat duty LOL

    Congratulations on the Paris tickets!

  11. they are not on hbo anymore love them

    what a doofus and he calls himself soldier

  12. Anonymous3:54 am

    Have a pleasant weekend as well. I will be quite busy unfortunately.

  13. Anonymous3:55 am

    By the way I managed to post an audio post on blogger. Thanks for helping.

  14. An, Paris. May I join you?

  15. I'm glad you got to shine at the job like you do so often in the rest of your life, and enjoy Paris when you go.

  16. When are you going to Paris? I forgot. That clip was very funny. Now, in French we have the feminine and masculine form – croissant is masculine, you say “un croissant” not “une croissant” like they said on the clip. Today I went to the library book sale. I bought a book to learn Norwegian since I am going there this summer. I need to find a site that gives the pronunciation. While looking I found a site which shows the French, here it is: It gives a lot of sources for French. Bonne chance! I have a lot of sites on Paris and France . If you like I’ll send them to you (those in English.)

  17. Anonymous7:20 pm

    Well, it was my loudest and most understandable speech. In English I articulate much less and I am more quiet.

  18. Anonymous7:43 pm

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. Anonymous8:13 pm

    ... and I censored myself.

  20. Ropi you did fine,. you speak two languages. I speak only one so congratulations to you and your accent is lovely. I adore hearing what my commenters sound like, it makes them more real. I think if you, Mari and I had dinner one night, it would be very interesting and I would be the one feeling 'left out'. Then we could get drunk and it wouldn't matter anyway1

  21. Flights to Paris, it is all happening! Woo hoo!

  22. Paris Is Great, You Been Before?Have A Restful Weekend.I Must Read Facebook More Closely In Future!

  23. Welcome to the 21st century ! LOL! If everyone posted about impending battles on facebook, we might end up with.....peace.

  24. Anonymous5:38 am

    I speak 3 lengues. :D
    Yo hablo 3 idiomas. :D
    3 nyelven beszélek. :D
    Yo parlo en 3 lenguas. :D It is Italian but I forgot almost everything about it.
    I will study Russian from September hopefully. And I reloaded it and edited the post so don't worry. :D

  25. I saw your comment at VE's and came on over.

    Coincidentally, I also live in Sydney, an travelling to France soon and posted a Conchords clip today!

  26. Anonymous8:12 pm

    Great clip you posted Baino.What a laugh. You'll love Paris!

  27. oh g'won, do tell!

    bravo on your executive shining. browny points is goooood

    brownies is also goooood

  28. Good to hear the job's going well, Baino! Great news!

    The soldier .. well, I'm speechless. Either the army is enrolling complete idiots or maybe he meant to sabotage the operation! Even without being sworn to secrecy I would know posting details of a mission on FB was a Very Bad Idea.

    You're learning internet French? I'm doing Italian! What a pity we're not studying the same language! LOL!

  29. Read an anecdote today on another blog about some broad who is driving & trying to shave her pubic area while doing so. She asks her husband to hold the steering wheel so she can do the job. Needless to say, they have an accident. The kicker, she's shaving it for her BOYFRIEND. This was on a blog called "The Peach Tart". Sounds like a Friday Fuckwit to me.
