Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I Love a Good Wedding When Someone Else is Paying

As you know we were away for the weekend. A rarety these days but we managed to find a lovely little house, understated but with a wonderful view and not too far from town. Adam, Clare, my sweet friend Tina and I wondered down to Kiama about 2 hours south of Sydney ostensibly to have a relaxing weekend together and to attend a wedding.

The view was all we expected and some . . .

The natives were so friendly they ate out of our hands . . .

Our Christmas gifts came in handy . . had a bottle of Moet and a bottle of Verve!

We played silly games after Chicken and Capsicum Skewers and Rocket salad . . .

Adam le Chef, does Bono with Clare's sunnies . . .

The next day we wondered around Kiama which I'll post another time, before getting into the gladrags and frankly hanging in the shade until the big moment because it was hot! The ladies looked lovely . . .although their high heels made Clare look 'short'.

The groom and long, long time friend Adam don't look too fazed . . .

Well maybe just a bit, waiting for the girl to arrive, that's the groom on the extreme right .

And she did . . looking gorgeous and happy and confident . . .
Vows were self-written and made inside a heart of rose petals on the grassy knoll beyond Kennedy's beach. The Bridesmaids had a few difficulties with those shoes. Don't you just love the lady in the pink hat!
Then on to the reception after an hour in the pub . . . the motley crew and yes Kate the purple top worked fine . .

They even bottled their own Coopers Ale!

And that my friends, is a happy couple . . .doing a happy dance!
Breakfast on the beach the next day . . .

Billy tea of course . . .

Fruit, eggs, bacon and buns . . . totally lovely.
This was the wedding of my best friend in the world's son and was truly wonderful. The speeches were fantastic, the catering awesome, Markyboy did us credit with really nice wine and champagne and Tom and Belinda looked awesome and happy and relaxed. Totally wonderful weekend.

Apologies for minimal activity this week, it's filled with drama and distractions but hopefully I'll be back on the ball next week or over the weekend.


  1. what a fantastic weekend.
    I love it in that corner of NSW... truely beautiful.

    Great photos.

    take care and I hope all settles for you soon.
    No big dramas I hope.

    xx Ribbon

  2. Baino were you there ;) What did you wear?

    Sounds like a really great wedding and weekend. Hard to come back down to earth and the mundane after that.

  3. Looks like it was a very splendid occasion. The four lads look like some trendy boy band! All they need is instruments and a crowd of screaming groupies....

  4. wow.baino sounds and looks like a fabulous weekend...

  5. I can tell you relished every moment- looks quite naturally special sandy

  6. Looks like a great time, but where are the pictures of you? We want to see you all bright and shining, too!

  7. That setting is spectacular. Wow. Everyone (and the food) looked really lovely. And I love the personalized ale.

  8. What amazing photos. I almost feel like I was there...
    I wanna go to Australia now!!

  9. It looks like the wedding was fabulous...great pictures.

  10. her dress was fab!! loved the men's outfits, very casual yet classy

  11. I do love weddings! Great, great photos and boy, do I want a fruit plate right now!

  12. Anonymous5:31 am

    Looks like a great weekend.

  13. The photos are so beautiful! Looks like a wonderful time. Missing hangman... :)

  14. Anonymous5:51 am

    Uh, If I marry one day, I will be terribly nervous. :P I don't even dare to think to that now.

  15. Glad you had a lovely time. Your photos turned out awesome. Thanks for taking us along for a mini-vac.

  16. Sending you hugs my friend ...I'm glad you found some joy amongst your mayhem!

    Kiama and the south coast there holds many romantic memories for me! Haven't been there for a long time now. xx

  17. awesome! glad you had fun, and all went well!

  18. A perfect balance of words and images ... it was like being there with you.

  19. Thanks for sharing such a lovely time, and my congratulations to the bride and groom...You are so fortunate to live in beautiful surroundings.

  20. Apart from the bridesmaids' heels, THAT is the way to hold a wedding!

  21. Awwww, Baino, it all looks positively blissful! How wonderful ... and I LOVE her dress! *Romantic sigh*

    And yes, I did notice the lady in the hat! LOL!

  22. Anonymous10:20 am

    Wonderful post. Just wonderful.Your pics turned out so well.You do "bloody beeeuuutiful" very well in that neck of the woods, be it the stunning wedding party,guests, beach scenes or healthy food platters!!.Good to have you back Baino. Glad you had fun...and thanks for sharing your bright and bubbly good times.Hope you get through the drama and distractions OK.

  23. looks like grand times... :)

  24. Fantastic Photos - looks llike a great time was had by all - I miss Oz :-(

  25. It was lovely Ribbon. Ah the dramas, always revolve around money and this albatross of a property. I'm big enough to rise above!

    I was rather boring GM, just a purple top and some black pants and a little bit of bling.

    Haha . . they do don't they Nick? It was a nice blend of casual and formal actually.

    It was special iBeati because I've known this kid since he was born.

    Much fun Leah and that was just one of many lovely little coves in Kiama. I hadn't been there for years and it's a delightful spot.

    Oh Gleds! You wanna go everywhere! At least you won't have to learn a foreign language!

    Yeh been a while Megs but free food and booze, live band and breakfast! Awesome.

    That it was blackwatertown. Shame it had to end.

    Hey Tori, yep I think Hangman's a thing of the past!

    Ropi, you most certainly will marry one day . . but if she's the right one, you'll lose your nerves!

    No probs Rhonda . . I need a massage now!

    Thanks Sarah, all goodvibes are welcome but it's not a drama that we can't get over. I was surprised how lovely Kiama is actually. I could retire there quite easily.

    Perfect Tom, despite forecast of rain.

    Thanks Alan, I'm happy to bring a little sunshine into your life!

    What? Cows? You can see cows?

    Everyone has beautiful places to visit e, this was just 2 hours south of Sydney but there are loads of places near you which are just as gorgeous I'm sure.

    Not made for grass Kath! Then you should have seen Amy's. She's about 5' 11 anyway and an extra five inches . . .

    She wanted to look like a fairy Jay and she did. It was the first dress she tried on and she loved it.

    We were very lucky with the weather Pam, sunny by day and raining at night. Very lucky indeed.

    Indeed Woofa and a lot of drinky poos!

    Hey Happy St Pats there Quickie . . .if you don't overstay your Visa they might let you back!

    Thanks Cat. I'm very slow reciprocating but will try to catch up ASAP.

  26. The south coast is really beautiful Helen, and I think weddings like this one - relaxed and not too formal - are quite special.

  27. It all looks lovely, beautiful setting, lovely looking people and a great way to start a new life together.
    Your kids are quite gorgeous aren't they???
    But yes...where is the picture of you???

  28. What a beautiful place, and it looks like a perfect wedding!

    Congratulations to everyone!

  29. I'm just catching up through Google Reader.

    What a lovely looking spot and everyone looks to be having a marvelous, carefree time.

    I do love the bride's dress!

    Are you in any of the pics (going back to have another look).


  30. Nancy3:13 am


    Never have I ever seen such GORGEOUS young people as those in the pictures of the wedding.

    They all look so wholesome and healthy and attractive. Your two are adorable!

    Glad you had such a wonderful time.
    I think I saw you at the table with the other lovely ladies....

  31. What a gorgeous place to have a wedding. The pictures are great. It must have been so much fun, thanks for sharing it with us.

  32. what a glorious photo of the bird!

  33. if they are your kids they are gorgeous
    and the brides dress....
    absolutely covetable

  34. aww. so beautiful! I've only seen those beach weddings on the telly. They looked so happy. Wow.. It's so beautiful and sunny out there...

  35. Your daughter is absolutely gorgeous! She looks like a younger version of you! Just beautiful you too and Adam looks so boyish!

  36. nice bling my dear and is that a Singapore T shirt I see!! Nowhere else is there so many things you cannot do!!!
