Sunday, May 09, 2010

Mother of a day ...

Mother's Day today . . might be a Hallmark event but for us it meant, drinks under my sister's Pecan tree ....

Morrocan Lamb on the barbie . . .

Green salad with Roasted Pumpkin and avocado . . .

My awesome sour cream potato bake . . .

Why my family can't take a serious photo really pisses me off . . .

My niece has cleavage. . . SOB

Resty poos between courses . . .erm too many legs?

Borrowed hat but it did the job . . .

Dogs apparently like raspberry pavlova . . .

I see you . . do you see me?


  1. that's a bbq & a 0.5

    can ya chuck some of that lamb in the teleporter ;-)

  2. What a brilliant day!

    Hope it made your heart sing ;)

    x Robyn

  3. That BBQ sure does look good and I do not even eat lamb, so I will pretend it was beef or chicken. Yup, it sure does look yummy. But I do need to ask, what is a raspberry pavlova? It sounds yummy too, and if the dogs like it, then I know it must be good. All berries taste good. Is it similiar to a blueberry cobbler. Now I am hungry and will have to think of something to buy at Costco tomorrow for dinner. Maybe I better just keep pretending I am on a diet.

    Happy Mother's Day.

    God bless.

  4. Haha Gleds, we'd be lost without the barbie

    Ribbon it was a lovely understated but wonderful day. Shows you don't have to spend a fortune to have a good time.

    Sherry a Pavlova is a combination of egg white and sugar whipped and cooked slow until it's crunchy on the outside and marshmallowey on the inside. Cool, top with cream and fruit of your choice.

  5. i'd of eaten myself sick...yum, and potatoes are my favorite. Ya got a cute happy family!

  6. a beautiful day...i wanna cebrate with you! the food looks marvelous...happy mothers day!

  7. i'm heading over to your place for lunch

  8. Any leftovers? I think the planes started flying again, so I'm on my way...
    Those are true labradors!

  9. Looks like a great day, and the food looks wonderful! Happy Mother's Day!

  10. Looks like a lovely day!

  11. i wants a pecan tree!

    fab pics chicken

  12. I was reliving the atmosphere in your post. Any chance you could bottle it?

  13. Barely. I can see you barely in a long sleeved shirt taking the photo.

    Happy Mother's Day to you. Looks like a wonderful meal.

    How 'bout posting the recipe for the Sour Cream Potato Bake? I would like it!

  14. Fabolous Meal. Are we all invited?
    Happy Mother's Day.

  15. A warm family glow coming from this post! - Happy Moms Day!

  16. Happy Mother's Day, Baino! You've a lovely family and the raspberry dessert sounds devine, too.

  17. It looks like a wonderfully fun family day, and the food...well, yum! Especially that potato dish. How I wish I could have a few bites of that.

  18. Yes, I also must have the potato recipe, please?

    Great shots as always and a lovely family and day. Happy Mother's Day to you, my dear!

  19. Happy Mother's Day! Looks like a good 'un. That sour cream potato bake looks mouth-watering.

  20. Now, THAT looks like a great Mother's Day! Lucky you! (Please, please post the recipe for that luscious looking sour cream potato bake!)

  21. i see all went well... again :)

  22. I must have put on several pounds just looking at that gorgeous food! I would also like it if you posted the potato recipe.
    And the one for the lamb.
    Cute hat, btw.

  23. What a WONDERFUL DAY! Simply wonderful...all those photos...I must say that the lamb, salad and potatoes look DELICIOUS! My mouth is watering in anticipation!

    Happy Mother's Day to YOU!

  24. What a great day you had, can you share the sour cream potato recipe - pretty please!!

  25. Wow, it was warm enough there to wear shorts and thongs??

    We three were shivering down here but then again, we all had the lurgy....

  26. Great family photo Helen, sometimes the serious ones look seriously boring. Glad to see you had a *yummy mummy* kind of a day - that delicious food has just made me hungry :)

  27. Life is good Baino. What an awesome day and what would we do without a barbecue :)

  28. What a great day! Your potato cassarole looks yummy. Those dogs look like the REALLY like raspberry pavlova.

  29. It sure looks like you and your family had a great day. The food looks delicious.

  30. Great food!!!! Happy belated mothers day wishes!

  31. Babysis9:13 pm

    Well, was a good day....that potato bake is all gonski now! The pav was well done by breakfast this morning, and I finished the salad with tea tonight! Oh! not to forget the muffins in our lunch boxes....mmmmm....WE LOVE BAINO'S left over lamb I'm afraid.....too good...Happy Mothers Day to all....

  32. Fantastic shots! I want some of that lamb please!

  33. Your family always looks so happy in your get togethers. My family events are stressful!

  34. Lovely day with really yummy looking food.
    Don't be concerned with the niece's cleavage. Be concerned if the nephew develops cleavage.
    Mmm, pavlova....

  35. It is the lamb that has me tempted. OMG that looks delicious!

  36. Its days like these that stay in our memory for ages - it all looks wonderful.... oh and by the way - dogs like anything!!!!
