Friday, August 20, 2010

Friday Fuckwit - Pass the mnchies

 Ah where did the week go. It went fast.  You know me, I  like to get home on a Friday, pour a nice Semillon, get into the comfies and relax big time.  There probably was a time in my mis-spent youth when I shared a spliff or even a toke and ripped into some cheese and gherkin toasted sandwiches but it's been a long time baby . . .not so for this young starter.

(Aug. 18) -- A young Florida mom has taken a hit for posting a photo of her baby holding a bong on Facebook.

Rachel Stieringer, 19, of Keystone Heights, Fla., was arrested and charged with one count of possession of drug paraphernalia, authorities said.

A photograph of her 11-month-old son playing with a large green bong shot across the Internet and prompted a concerned citizen to alert Florida authorities.

Rachel Stieringer, 19, was arrested and charged with possession of drug paraphernalia after she posted on Facebook a photo of her baby with his face in a bong.

Stieringer said it was a joke. "If u look at the picture u can see that there is no bowl in the TABACCO [sic] pipe," she wrote on her Facebook page, according to The New York Post. "And i took a pic to show one [expletive] person and it was a mistake. I would never ever ever let him get high."

After drug testing the little boy, authorities confirmed that the baby didn't get high. But they said they couldn't understand where Stieringer was coming from.

"We are alarmed that any parent would take pictures of their child next to what is obviously drug paraphernalia," John Harrell, spokesman for the Florida Department of Children and Families, told the Post.

Stieringer turned herself in to Clay County authorities on July 29 and was released on $502 bond, according to The Associated Press. Her arraignment is Aug. 26.

Her mother, Sharalyn Harris, told First Coast News that Stieringer is taking parenting and drug counseling classes.

What can I say . .  Oh dear . . . right off to pour a legal drug, get the same feeling without the munchies and begin the weekend. Have a great one y'all.

Big happy squeezes and soggy smooches from Down Under . . . crank it babies!


  1. And they wonder why some people advocate licenses to have kids...

    Scary thought... both of 'em.

  2. I know right - are you much more relaxed on this job??How's it going?no bong for you !! love Sandy I passed my test 3 week course - still in shock.

  3. You know "munchies" has a "u" in it, don't you?

  4. not the sharpest tool in the shed...some people have kids so they can have toys to play with...just shaking head...hav a great weekend baino....

  5. Yup, not very bright.

    True story... Years ago I used to roll mt own tobacco cigarettes, mostly with Drum tobacco. Now I have friends on the Newport police force, so they were used to seeing me roll up on the street. That's the background to the story.

    My friend Bobby was doing the walking beat down by the harbor on a Summer evening, when he happened to see a guy on a bench rolling up, right out in public and all. Bobby didn't think much about it; he knew me and was used to seeing me roll up, and this guy seemed pretty confident and didn't look like he was being sneaky or anything. So Bobby kept walking. He passed the guy, got to the end of the walk and turned around to walk back to the street, and nearing the guy he smelled that smell. Yup, weed! So Bobby saunters over and busts the guy.

    In the course of waiting for a car to come pick the guy up, he asks Bobby, "Is this gonna hurt my job?" When Bobby asked him where he worked, the guy said NUWC (Naval Undersea Warfare Center) on the Navy base. D'oh! Yeah, that one was gonna cost him! Bobby was hysterical when he told me that one.

  6. We might need more than one legal drink tomorrow night for the election, but whatever let's enjoy it.

  7. Anonymous11:02 pm

    Oh dear - the illegality of being in the proximity or paraphrenalia. I'm off to a weekend festival - I'm now scared to stand too near anyone dubious looking - in other words, anyone.

  8. all i can say is "she's 19, obviously a dumbass and now responsible for raising another hapless child." jeez.

  9. Speechless.

    Have a great weekend ;-)

  10. An amazing tale of a genuine fuckwit...

  11. aw, but hells, i discreetly say that the munchies are as fun as ever. sometimes a 25 year hiatus is the perfect way to transition back and forward at the same time.....


  12. is is too early to write that kid off? what a waste

  13. I came across some links to this one, but resisted the impulse to jump on the bandwagon. I did not click. LOL!

    Yeah, she was stupid. However, I have seen pictures of young kids walking around with empty wine bottles , so why is the empty bong worse?

    Don't get me wrong, it's not something I'd do, or recommend. (and I'm so innocent I don't even know what you'd PUT in a bong, so maybe it is terrible) but it kind of feels a bit big brotherish to me when people get FB photos scrutinised and an arrest is made on the strength of it.

  14. Okay, so I'm not a parent, but jeepers, what's the big deal about an 11 month old child holding an empty bong, pardon me, "drug paraphenalia"? As they said, the baby wasn't high and there was no sign he had consumed drugs. Maybe the police would be better employed arresting sex traffickers?

  15. *cough-cough* say what? :P lol

  16. Anonymous6:30 am

    Attitude of authorities in this case is really no different to the attitude associated with religious fanatics. Wankers.
    That young lady should move to a country where freedom to have fun is acceptable.

  17. Legalize it! (But, um, not for toddlers.)

  18. p.s. Nice choice on the music. A Cypress Hill concert is a place to be!

  19. Very, very dumb. Still, here's hoping that a nineteen year old might now 'grow up' a helluva lot faster than she has up to this point and realise that she's now the adult and had a child that relies on her.

    Fingers crossed....

  20. Another clueless druggie--seem to be a lot of them in CA in particular.
