Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Merry Christmas One and All

Our annual pilgrimage to visit those who like to add a little Eiffel to their towers was not disappointing although all of us seem a little flat this Christmas. I'm sure we'll buck up come 1pm on Friday when everyone finishes work and heads home for the festivities. The GFC seems to have cut the budget a little this year as the houses we usually frequent weren't quite on their top form but it was nice to have a sparkly evening and begin to feel a little of the spirit of Christmas.  One thing I do know, is that it's only just over a week before we're in a brand new year, full of brand new and exciting possibilities.

To those of you who've not had such a good time this year, look forward to the next. I know there are some of you who are having difficulties this holiday season with family illness or the sadness of remembering those who are no longer with you. I know some who just plain aren't celebrating at all because they simply don't feel like it. Equally, I know those who are going all out to deck the halls and warm the hearth. To Gledwood who's been clean for 18 days, keep up the good work. To Mim who has a MIL in dire straits, I'm thinking of you. To the sweetest man on earth, get on a plane, there's still time.

Wrap up in the north, take heart that it's not that hot down here at the moment. We even had snow last week! Well in the Snowy Mountains but still unseasonal for us. The forecast for Christmas Day is warm and wet, fine if you're with a lover but not so nice when you're carving the turkey.

Me? I'm off to Babysis' with the brood of wacky Santas, then a day with the progeny on Boxing Day to recover and grab a little rest and relaxation by the harbour, weather permitting.

Be good to yourselves, have a wonderful break and I'll see you after the madness.

Sparkles are good in any climate

Outlining your roof is very 2010

LED flavour of the month

Bed time stories from Santa and yes, he's outside

Probably going a little too far

I want one

Even trees get presents

Tastefully gaudy, is that possible?

Aussie Christmas. Everyone knows Santa has six white boomers
However you celebrate it, I hope it's good


  1. Merry Christmas, doll!

  2. "To the sweetest man on earth, get on a plane, there's still time."

    I wholeheartedly agree. If this happened for you, that would make my year.

  3. Oh, I hope your sweet man gets on a plane. The perfect christmas gift for you.
    I love houses lit up for christmas, even over the top gaudy. There's a few around here, but nothing worth seeing, unless you go further afield, like a bus trip to Lobethal in the hills. apparently it's spectacular out there, and can you believe I've never been?
    I have seen the annual display down at the Brewery, it's pretty good.
    I love the reading Santa.
    Merry Christmas to you and Happy New Year.

  4. The sweetest man on earth should get on a place to the most excellent woman.

    Thank you Hells - have a lovely holiday...

  5. smiles. i hope you have a wonderful christmas baino! wonderful pics...and hoping you get all that you wish for...

  6. Here's hoping he can catch a plane real soon. Enjoy!

  7. Anonymous12:25 am

    In Hungary there is more emphasis on the food and less on the decoration. We have Christmas tree though.

    Merry Christmas!

  8. You're sweet! And I hope the guy gets on a plane to your place. Wouldn't that be the best Christmas?!?!

    Anywho, it's snowing here right now. Very Christmassy. Outside decorations like that (that Rudolf is cute!) are quite unusual in our part of the Netherlands. We are a bit too 'down to earth' for that sort of 'bling' I think. Or just too plain frugal ;-)

    Enjoy your holidays sweet, mad Baino. Wishing you all the best for the new year :-x

  9. Happy Christmas, Baino. Have a good one!

  10. wonderful to see the lights at the other side of the world. Merry Christmas to you and your wonderful family! love ya,

  11. Baino,

    Thank you. I needed this post today. It really is very heartwarming and encouraging in its open arma to all.

    "it's only just over a week before we're in a brand new year, full of brand new and exciting possibilities."
    --Love this bit of course too.

    Also, this made me smile:
    "The forecast for Christmas Day is warm and wet, fine if you're with a lover but The forecast for Christmas Day is warm and wet, fine if you're with a lover but..."
    Ha. How true! funny.

    Well, it may be snowing massive amounts up in the high country here in Colorado but not at all dwon on teh Front range. So unfair! so near adn yet so far! It is also expected to be dry here too.

    thank you for your lovely comment on my blog recently and you know, I don't care if you are not in the slightest religious--that is not my biz or anyone's-- you are who you are and I love it. I just want to say thank you for being a great blogger and here's wishing you the most delightful holiday season full of love and goodwill. :)

  12. Wonderfully festive pictures! Yes, apparently one can be tastefully gaudy. Merry Christmas to you and good wishes for the new year.

  13. Have great hols, Hels! (I had to do that.)

    See you when you get back.

  14. Happy Christmas! Love what you said about 2011 being a new year and all. Fresh start, etc. Love it! Have a happy one and see you on the flip side.

  15. Have a great one !!

  16. Merry Christmas, Baino!!

  17. Merry Christmas, Gurly. I'll do me best to send some snow your way, but that's up to Santa. ;)

  18. i love you honey hells. true in 2010 and true in 2011.

    the sweetest man on earth might fly you know where after he flies you know where. i hope he's a wise and smart man besides for sweet, because you my dearest friend are first prize.

    enjoy it all,
    pray i get skype setup for christmas


  19. figgers y'd want a horny one, baino! :P lol

    holiday blessings to you and yours :D

  20. Will you peeps stop making assumptions. The sweetest man in the world is not a romantic interest. Just a sweet man. GAH

  21. ... it's snowing lightly in Montmartre. Joyeux Noel Hels*!*

  22. great pics may our hearts be full and merry Mine is - visiting kids to day taking a few gifts to all.sandy

  23. "Probably going a little too far"
    : ))))
    Funny stuff Baino.

    Happy christmastime to you and yours.

  24. And a very merry Christmas to you, Baino! I know you'll have a good one!

    Love the LED 'flavour of the month' pic, and also 'tastefully gaudy'. Yes, it seems it IS possible! LOL!

  25. Fabulous. I had never considered that Santa would have kangaroos drawing his sleigh...


    Merry Christmas to you from Minneapolis, MN, where the snow is 40 inches deep and it just started snowing again...


  26. I am a big OLD SAP for all the Christmas glitz and glamour! MAGICAL!

    Wishing YOU and your FAMILY a fabulous and wonderful Christmas. May dear old Mr. Claus bring you a little something special!

    Happy Christmas!

  27. for the record, i dont believe in non-romantic-interests when they are described as sweet! it's romantic, whether you know it or not :)

    have a wonderful christmas, you and yours


  28. Whatever those kangeroos are on, I want some.

    Merry XXXmas and a happy 2011!


  29. Have a very Happy Christmas and New Year :)

  30. It sounds like Santa is pulling you into the festivities along with his sleigh. Have a happy one, my friend.

  31. Happy Christmas my very good antipodean friend. I know it is daft, but I feel as though I know you well and I am pleased and proud to think of such a warm-hearted and very talented person as a friend. Stay cool in all that heat and have a great holiday.
    Alan, Isobel and family.

  32. Anonymous10:11 am

    Happy christmas to you and yours Baino

  33. Anonymous3:54 am

    Such a nice post :)
