Sunday, January 16, 2011

Drowning My Sorrows with Possums and Cosmopolitans

I don't know why but a friend, a dear friend, gave me something very special today. His blog. He closed it on the 13th and gave me access. Why I don't know. A parting gift? I hope not, I hope that in time he'll come back. 

The free concert last night did not happen. I seemed to be in a well of tears and looking through a fog all day for reasons not necessary to explain here, until Clare, clearly upset to see me in such a state, invited me over and we drowned my sorrows. I sobbed, she and her lovely flatmate talked and drank. My desolate feelings overcome, intermittently and temporarily, by copious amounts of numbing white wine.

Apologies to Kylie who called me late to see where the Hell I was.  I'd arranged to meet her at Los Lobos Latin night in the Domain but it was raining at the time we intended to go and with all the drama I was feeling . . well I just didn't fancy Latin beats and a Festival atmosphere.  Kyles we'll do lunch, soon, I promise. I thought about a blog sabbatical and taking a break because I feel so numb.

So, how does one temporarily subdue feelings of grief and loss:

Liked the name

Gomes held reservations

Sex in the City - Cosmopolitans of course
Not for me but they looked pretty

Evening Visitor
The lure of mango

Tame enough to touch. This is the first time apparently.

Breakfast with champions
If you're reading my sweet Prince. You are missed and loved by more than me, so please, get in touch.


  1. Is he the one that left long comments for you? I hope he'll get in touch with you again soon.

    It looks like the animals came out to cheer you up. Animals can do what humans cannot.

  2. Gosh, it seems like I have plenty to catch up with. Will chat real soon.

    Hugs, GM

  3. to start with, i didnt ring to find out where the hell you were, i didnt know if i would make it, remember?

    the possum looks adorable and i'm totally jealous!

  4. Everything dearest Baino ..happens for the best and for a reason ..

    I'll email you. xx

  5. no words of comfort - but just hoping that it all works out for you. drinks help...loved ones help more. your bloggy friends love you you know....

  6. awwww.
    i'm sorry this is happening

  7. The irrational one is gone without a rational reason

  8. What's that furry entertainer?

    I love them rainbows I'd love to have them as pets. Surely they're not miserable living in a house? I wouldn't keep them in a cage, except to sleep. I think it's cruel keeping any animal confined unless it's something like a hamster that has a wheel giving infinite exercise space y'know. I've seen caged chipmunks and they do constant loop the loops, kind of jumping. Now that is cruel. Brings to mind the phrase "caged squirrel"

    Now I had a question only bc I'm being a nosey bastard, how many hits do you get a day? And are most of them people you know? Most of mine are accidental hits from google searches I know this bc the page they go to is something from months or years ago. The percentage of people who actually know and go to "me" is only 10%, if that. O yeah you know my email. I checked it the other day but was drowned out by forums I've joined telling useless news. Why do they insist on an email just to comment? That's why I hate myspace/facebook there seems to be no blog and just lots of nothingness I really don't get either of them

  9. you can just leave a comment chez moi if you prefer but beware it's super boring today I'm even bored of it myself in fact I'm really really fucking bored of the subjects I've been writing about. Not being clean but the other fucking shit to do with drs it's really doing my head in I hate drs at the best of times now I'm going to have to keep seeing one as punishment for having drunk too much! Not to mention being a raving smackhead but there ya go.

  10. hope you find him soon...the little furry guy there is cute...sorry...

  11. Sorry to read of your sadness and happy to read that you were able to share your woes in good company.

    Love the possums and miss having them as neighbours.

    Take care and I hope your blogging mate is able to make contact with you soon.

    x Robyn

  12. Hmmmmm... Your possums look like they're a whole lot friendlier than ours here on the other side of the Pacific. Ours really don't like people, and play dead when they feel threatened. If I tried to pet one of ours like you petted yours, mine would flop over and go inert.

    As for your disappearing friend, patience may be the answer. I have a feeling he'll be back around again soon enough.

  13. Hi Hells,

    I thought 'possum' was a term of enderament used by Barry Humphries; I didn't think it had an real substance!

    Can one donate one's blog to someone? Sometimes it would be a tempting prospect.

  14. The idea of you and Kylie together makes me so jealous I can't stand it...


  15. Anonymous5:18 am

    possoms are mean here. when you come visit us, please for heavens sake don't try to pet one.

  16. He loves you...he'll be back. At least you have Skype. The rest of us don't even that that connection! :)

  17. Oh, yes. Now cosmos do appeal to me, so...

    And, you know, if your sweet prince is reading, and still remaining silent... Well, it does make one wonder about the "sweetness." One would think that he'd see that his withdrawal is causing anguish for you and others, and realize that, no, it's not all about him.

  18. Your friend told me once he is a very loyal person, and that he stays in touch with his friends. I am quite sure it is not a parting gift, but one of warm affection.

    I have no idea how to deal with grief, though certainly I have known a great deal of it.

    Here's to friends that help carry us through sorrow!

  19. Just letting you know that I am here for you.

  20. I won't pretend that I understand the situation of your disappearing friend, but I feel your sorrow and your dismay.

    Thank Choc for furry friends, lovely daughters and funny drinks.

  21. Hello friend down under: I am sorry to read your sadness. Perhaps the person in question is just tired of blogging although your description sounds more personal. Maybe I'm reading into it?

    The photos are nice. Pipsqueak beer: I'd order that too. Is it as good as it is funny?

    Ms. Possum is sweet. Cannot believe they are that tame. No rabies to worry about I guess. (I'm thinking of racoons in the U.S. rumored to be rampant with rabies--like the alliteration?)

  22. So sorry for your anguish and tears...

    Perhaps this is just a short hiatus and he'll return renewed...

    Your possums are cuter and friendlier than those in my environs.

    I'm glad Clare and flatmate were able to help.

  23. Honey hells, I wish you the will and means to resolve this in the highest and best way possible . I understand from my own experience how confusing this turn of events must be for so many reasons. but no final chapter yet hells. I hope contact and communication happens soon. It's awful to have to wonder and your caring is so well expressed. You are loved. Count me high on that list.

  24. I hope your friend gets in touch with you and things get sorted out. Meanwhile you have friends, family and possums to see you through.

  25. Anonymous6:11 pm

    I hate to see anyone sad Helen. While sadness gives us a good measuring stick for happiness,there are times when tears well up.I'm glad your daughter and friend were there for you,just when you needed them, bless 'em, and animals are lovely just by their presence. Love the idea of gnomes reserving tables!
    Big hug to you Helen, and hope things work out.xx

  26. The human condition can be such a hurter. -J

  27. what about margaritas? that's what american housewives drink, they have a fun reputation "margareedas"...

    ok now i know what dame edna means when she says Hello possums!

    She was on British telly only the other night. Surely she's as famous in Australia? You can never take that for granted. Les Patterson barely ever appears and isn't he Australia's chief consul ambassador guy?

    Did you ever watch funky squad? Funky squad, return to eden and prisoner (cell block h) are the all time 3 best aussie telly progs

  28. Hope you feel better now. That sweet possum would be a cure for anyone's sorrows.

  29. Helen, I am so sorry that you are hurting. I hope smiles are now in order.

    I guess they toast "cheers" is named that for a reason. I'm glad it helped, if just for a little while.

  30. Reading your post made even me feel sad and it's only 8.30 in the morning so I can't start drinking yet. Last year our local supermarket had 'Fat Bastard' wines, illustrated with a hippo. I bought it just because it made me smile. Turned out to be quite drinkable too.
    Anyway, I'm sorry that you feel so sad. Sometimes things can only get better.
    Your possum (Edna is in my head right now) is soooooo cute.

  31. I do NOT like to hear this at all. Surely you will get to the bottom of it all? And I do NOT mean the Pipsqueak.
