Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Mnemosyne Mad

Sorry for the crappy posting lately but I've got myself embroiled in this writing challenge thingy where a load of ratbags post up 9 topics and you have to write a continuous narrative or post a continuous creative piece with a narrative and just 14 days to finish the thing. That in itself isn't too bad but the muses are ridiculous and the competition challenging. I guess that's why it's called the River of Mnemosyne Challenge not the River of Mnemosyne Liesure Swim. 

First, big fat apologies for not visiting as frequently as I should. I shall catch up.

Secondly, with work obligations, writing commitments and an exercise regime being sadly neglected, and probably, until I've got all my pieces up (five down, four to go) things will be a little dull at Baino's Banterage. Bear with me, I'll be back and I'm sure I'll have time to find a fuckwit by Friday, hey they're everywhere.

So make a cuppa, hit the link and see what you think of the crazies knocking themselves out on this one. I've so far managed to cope with Deep Sleep, Deep Space, Deep Shit - Reluctant Titans - Fuck Origami - En Plein Air and The Faint Hint of Ambergris. What I'm going to do with Space Illiad and the remaining topics, only my muse knows:

"So who are he crazy nits that came up with "Fuck Origami" and "Space Illiad" hmm? Hmmm?"
Yep, looks like I feel right now!

And there isn't even a prize! Go figure!


  1. somehow I like that painting .Every morning I arise to the smell of forest fires..Please send rain !!

  2. You are a genius! No kidding..

  3. i am stuck at origami...but i will prevail....

  4. Sounds very challenging...

  5. Gosh, I don't even understand half of the words.
    I'm sure you can write an interesting piece about anything. Even about Space Illiad (haven't a clue). Ambergris?
    Anyway, we'll be here, waiting patiently ;-)

  6. I'm in hiding from the resurfaced idiot : don't tell him where I can be found.

  7. I shall go and take a look at the link when I have a minute. Got to get the dog walked and the dinner on when I've finished this cuppa. But I'm sure you'll make a great job of the themes, because it's amazing what can be done with even the most umpromising subjects if you put your mind to it! And being you, you will!

  8. yup...you're in for a load of hurt. I'm way behind in the reading as well-good luck

  9. Hey, at least you're giving it a crack - I haven't done any of the challenges in months - too much other work to do......

  10. Anonymous11:34 am

    what link ? am I blind ?

  11. Yes Anon you are (if it's Clare you're also stoopid). Click on the words River of Mnemosyne, there's a link that takes you through.

  12. Well, I do not have the same excuses for the relaxed posting schedule over at my place, since I only just scratched out muse 0!
    Thanks for the polite typo heads-up, indeed it was a mistake. Ally is just not the same as alley... -J

  13. Aha. Just the kind of challenge I love to avoid.
    Good luck with it, I'm sure you'll do well. But no prize? Pfft!
    There should be an honorary mention somewhere at least.
    That's a great painting you've got there.

  14. Well Baino, you do love to torture yourself, don;t you. Yes, certifiably mad, I tell you! nuts. Waht crazy subjects. I would go quite bonkers too. LOL. Good luck! I'm sure you;ll need it.

  15. Baino, 'dull' is something that you NEVER are, dear. :)

  16. at first glance i read that as: river of menopause... go figger!

  17. oh don't bother with fucking memes and competitions

    if you wanna do a meme you already got friday fuckwit going and you could always do furry fridays, furry friday on saturday if you prefer

    come on,wait till saturday and post something furry just for me

    no muffs please. furry animals only

  18. i'm too tired to understand.

    all i know is you're writing and i know that is good.

