Friday, May 20, 2011

Friday Phonewit

What a God awful week. Well at work anyway, I'm bored as hell applied for over 70 jobs, 3 rejections because yes, I'm overqualified too old! Although had the fam here most of the week. Clare's between flatmates and awaiting a fridge, Adam and Amy were busying themselves with pre Bali holiday preparations and wedding invitations so the evenings were full and fun.

In recent travels with my intrepid American (also when driving my critical children) I have been accused of not focussing, driving like a Nana, not being able to park perpendicular to a curb and turning left when instructed to turn right. All valid I might add but I never, never, drive whilst using my mobile phone:

A bus driver in the Italian capital has been suspended from duty after being videoed while speeding through the city's notoriously dangerous traffic using a mobile with one hand and a smartphone with the other. He was steering with his elbows.
The soundtrack shows he was taking instructions on the mobile on how to set up email on his smartphone. Visitors to Rome will be interested to know that the video was made on a journey from the Anagnina metro station to Ciampino airport – a route much used by low-cost airline passengers on their way out of the city.
The regional official responsible for transport, Francesco Lollobrigida, said the driver had been suspended and an inquiry would be held

Yeh he's a fone fuckwit. 

Busy weekend ahead for this empty nester, entertaining tomorrow night which involves lots of mortar and pestle crushing of Indo spices (or maybe I'll just buy them in a jar) and moving fridges and washing machines via manual ute on Sunday so . . . if I don't injure myself in the process  . . should be interesting to say the least. Interesting how all the burly men in my daughter's life disappear the very weekend she could do with a little muscle? Hmmmmm?

Have a good one folks!

Thanks Jeffscape for the heads up on this one but he's clearly not 'Indian'


  1. There are idiots like that all over the world.

    Enjoy your weekend.


  2. Go ahead and buy the spices in a jar, much easier.
    Driving with his elbows eh? Talented multi-tasker.

  3. Is this talent? Nah! Stupid really.

    Driving like a Nanny???? Well, that is offensive! No way!

  4. hey, he's italian... nuff said! :P lol

  5. smiles, what an idiot...hope your weekend is better than the week...

  6. Hm mmmm... There are so many states here in the US with laws about distracted driving that had he been caught doing that here, that driver would have lost his driver's license (commrcial AND personal) as well as his job. And he would have deserved it!

  7. Once while driving on a busy highway in Toronto, I saw a man shaving while driving.

  8. A lot of drivers seem to see driving as a challenge to their multi-tasking abilities. Driving is too easy, so they have to shave, apply make-up, light a fag, read the CD jacket, have a beer, adjust their bra - or anything else they can think of that's nice and fiddly and distracting.

  9. OMG the older I get the stupider everyone else gets. can you imagine? aaaarrrggghhh!

  10. Baino, I'd rather be accused of driving like a nanna than feature on your Friday Fuckwit like this Italian meathead!

    Best of luck re finding a better job - they'll be very glad and grateful when they find you!

  11. Driving like a Nana can be a good thing. Well, depending on the Nana... but there is nothing good to be said about your "fone fuckwit."

  12. Does your daughter like muscly men? Urkkkkkk. Only atractive thing about body builders is all those lovely veins!!!!!

    Why don't you just lie about your age on your CV/resume? I would. I was thinking of applying for jobs using an African surname. I think that would really improve my chances of getting into the local council. I was going to be a Kenyan illegal immigrant with paranoid schizophrenia and a rape conviction. Hey at least I won't have to make up the schizophrenia now will I har har har.

  13. I drive like a nana also - and am proud of it!

    typical italian traffic - never experienced anything like driving up the coast of italy last year - yikes!!! I had to get AGRESSIVE...and frankly - it was fun!

  14. driving with his elbows? oh my!

    At least your evenings sounded fun with the house full of family.

    Take pics of the food! yum!

  15. Anonymous4:32 am

    Well, I think it is totally normal in Italy, he was just caught.

  16. Here in Philly, last year I think, a tugboat sailor (mate? not sure what they are called) was on his cell phone when the tugboat crashed into a duck boat (tourist bus that can go into the water) and killed 2 Hungarian tourists. I don't understand why people think it's an okay thing to do.

  17. saw this on the news. No way do i phone while driving...hell, if i even talk to a passenger while driving i end up missing my turn and lost.

  18. honeyhells, i don't text when i drive but i do (sometimes) (ocassionally) (sometimes often) check my blog or chat on my cellphone. but when i do i stay in the slow lane and drive like a turtle.

    if i were ever your friday fuckwit, i would be willing to laugh along with you. but how would i qualify? (i can think of a few ways) :^)


  19. Anonymous8:35 am

    Are you kidding???No way!!...and I'm sure he thinks he's such a busy guy,so damn clever into the bargain. Bet he's got all the time in the world now to play with his phones!
    Funny about the daughter's mates. Mine has muscly mates,and mates with vans, but they disappear at moving time (as does husband pleading age issues)leaving good old Mum with the cleaning gear,a two-door Mirage,and bad back. What's with that!

  20. Not excusing his behaviour but did anyone notice that he was actually driving quite well, stops and all. I know more than a few people who, while applying all of their faculties to the task, scare me more than that guy.

  21. My experience of Italian bus drivers is that whatever they are or are not doing they a a danger to the continuation of the human race,

  22. Anonymous8:57 am

    Sympathy for your indefatigable job applying.
    Meanwhile - I've found that bus driver's Venezuelan cousin who has just made history.

  23. And here I thought that one might be safe if one avoided driving in Italy and relied on public transportation...
    Good for that passenger for ratting him out and with documentation.
