Monday, June 13, 2011

God Bless Some Queen

Well I'm sitting in my lounge room, about to get on with some creative writing. The house is immaculate after 20 people trudging mud through the place and the weekend has been one of contrasts. Wine Club Friday night, the less said about that the better other than yes, I lived up to my reputation as a lush. Got smashed, left my purse and handbag and had to retrieve it the next day but it was good times, thanks for dinner Westy, it was delish.

Sunday was a double whammy with Amy's Kitchen Tea, silly games, wine, tea and cakes . . lots and lots of cakes. I once said I didn't have a sweet tooth but after Saturday, I think that might have been shot down in flames. Of course there were family, friends, presents, guess how many jelly beans in the jar and  . . . . make a wedding dress out of toilet paper. Not a bad effort. 

Then raced back on a cold and wet night for our annual June Long Weekend Bonfire. While I felt it might be a good idea to postpone the event due to super soggy firewood and pissing rain, my son was not going to be deterred and with 20 litres of petrol for ammunition the thing went off with a bang, then a fizzle, then a frantic effort to get it going but eventually, we all basked in its warm glow and this morning - just a steaming heap of . . . . well you get the gist. Right, time for a little 'hair of the dog'. (She's exhausted!)

The cupcakes were pretty but the brownies were . . . 

One of three tables well spread

Annika in the Kitchen

Guess what's in Amy's handbag (Purse for you Yanks)

Toilet Tissue Princesses, far left won!

One needs sustenance on a rainy night

Oil drums have their uses

Picnic for pyros

Off with a bang  . . . then a fizzle

Petrol sniffers (Look at the glee on Adam's face)

More fuel to the fire

Sorry Jeffscape, you aint getting this back

Group Meeting. Will it catch in the rain?



  1. me likey! aww I want some cake! are cupcakes any good? I've never tasted them :O!

  2. they did fairly well with the TP dresses...having a bonfire in the next day or it built just need to a light...

  3. Anonymous9:45 pm

    That bonfire looks great from where I'm sitting frozen in Adelaide. Even your kitchen tea gathering looks warm, could be summer! Great ways to enjoy Winter Helen!

  4. stop saying immaculate- I got in a lot of trouble this weekend went to a dark unforgiving place

  5. Immaculate not my house

  6. Hmmmmm... Busy weekend, eh? Heh, heh!

  7. tom hanks would be impressed.
    you go from 0 to 60 in a hurry, don'cha?

  8. ebony has never had a cupcake? oh dear god ebony: go at it! there's not a minute to waste.

    hells, this looks like quite a bash and blast. you and yours know how to throw parties! adam's persistence paid off and looks spectacular!

    your life is looking like a merry-go-round these days. up & down on a hand carved horse with gleeful organ music in the background

    (oh jeez)

    with love

  9. Lots of fun going on! I want one of those brownies. Now.

  10. That looks like a fantastic weekend ;-)

  11. like some wag put it: i'd rather have a bottle in front of me, than a frontal lobotomy...

  12. Anonymous5:54 am

    The missing word on the brownies picture is, I presume, awesome.
    Ebony has never had a cupcake?!
    Meanwhile - those toilet paper outfits are a great idea. Must encourage that round our way of an evening.

  13. I'll have one of those steaks on the grill and 3 of the brownies! ha.

    Love a good bonfire! Sounds like loads of fun. Love the TP dresses! What a riot!

  14. Everything looks wonderful. I sat in my apartment all weekend. Oh, I walked to the store and back...


  15. You guys know how to have a good time, don't you? Quite a weekend. No wonder you're thanking old queens.

  16. Well, I rank that as an EXCEPTIONALLY FUN weekend...tired yes...but WORTH IT!

    Good company!
    Good eats!

  17. Jeez, I wouldn't have bothered with the bonfire myself, I'd have stayed inside in the warm, scoffing all those mouth-watering treats and catching up on the gossip.

  18. When you said cold and wet in the same sentence as June, I thought maybe you lived down the block from me. And herein lies the great injustice. You're supposed to be heading into winter and we into Summer. Oh, wait a minute...never mind's obvious to me that you folks are much better versed in having fun too. Perhaps I should pick up and move.

  19. Beautiful photo shot, thanks for sharing.
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  20. Watch out! That bonfire had too much fire!

  21. Anonymous6:39 pm

    In Hungary people are quite careful with fires, because sometimes you can cause a forest fire with a thrown cigarette only. Especially in the summer when it is hot and dry.

  22. You write some funny shit.

    You also have or go to alot of fun parties.

    Wine is full of sugar. Of course you have a sweet tooth!

    I say "handbag".

  23. We know what handbags are :)! But, my English friend's wallet was stolen on the Metro with me in France, and she kept screaming, "My purse is gone!"

    Seeing her purse (handbag) hanging from her shoulder, I kept saying, "No! You are wearing it." I finally realized she was calling her wallet a purse. :) All English words, but still a language barrier between two English speakers friends!

  24. your photos are amazing...dont give up the blog, maybe just include email or something, surprising how old school email is yet still a main form of new age media!!!!fun blog!
