Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Oirsh and Strine

I had to wait until they arrived home, but on the 28th December, I met up with a long time blog friend and his wife and a new time blogger who actually lives in Sydney but whom I've never met. Nick from Nickhereandnow has been in Australia before a couple of years ago with his lovely partner Jenny and we met for the first time then. Since, we've kept in touch and it was wonderful to see them both again, neither looking a day older. Both sunkissed and energetic despite a whirlwind tour around the great brown land. Nick and Jenny from Belfast, Kylie from  Eclectica in was indeed a pleasure.

Kylie, who's already met up with a number of LA bloggers last year including Megan and Leah just lives on the other side of the city so hopefully, we'll catch up again. And kudos to Kylie's son Liam who kept her company among a bunch of misfits (and for being the only other meat-eater and sharing a shaslik).  Thank you, it was a great evening, good food and fine company.

Jenny, Nick, Kylie

Bloggers three; Me, Nick, Kylie

Vegetarian feast....but I wanted a steak

Seriously, the best Turkish version of Salsa I've ever tasted

Pretty huh?

Seeking coffee in Newtown

Found Coffee in Newtown. Nick and Jen


  1. love it yes the chandelier was quite fetching!!Have a stellar 2012!!

  2. that is really cool...there are quite a few bloggers i would love to meet...some day...

  3. The food looks delicious, but I'm with you...I'd have been very happy to have a steak.

  4. Yummy! But year, steak would have made it perfect. What made the salsa "Turkish" rather than just plain old salsa? Love the chandelier!

  5. A lovely time was had by all. What a great beginning to 2012 for you.

  6. I love to meet up with other bloggers, but I'm terribly lazy about arranging it!

    Sounds like you had a great time, even without the steak!

  7. 'Tis always terrific to meet bloggers you already like, know and admire through their writings :)


  9. Some wonderful photos! So it really did happen and it wasn't just a dream! Great food as well. It was certainly the advertised "banquet". I've never seen so many veggie dishes in one place at one time! You wanted a steak indeed. Honestly, these carnivores are incorrigible.

    You and Kylie both looked great as well. It was fabulous to meet Kylie after all this time. Bunch of misfits, huh? Mildly eccentric maybe....

    I hope it's not so long an interval before we all meet again.

  10. How wonderful to meet up - cant wait to meet you!

  11. How come the Banter vanished from my sidebar after you went into purdah? Anyway, Baino's back and I'm back following her. You can put my picture back up on your wonder wall.

  12. You jet-setter, you! -J

  13. good stuff...

    i`ve only met one, but she lives just off the road from halifax to here, so asked i stop by for coffee... i did :)
