Sunday, October 28, 2012

A Week of Weirdness and of No Particular Interest to Anyone

It's been a strange week. I have a visitor who's been working on Cruise ships but originally from the US. He's young,love-sick and depressed over a recent relationship breakup and killing time before heading home, or on some other adventure. It's hard to mend a wounded heart, especially when there's (in my opinion) little hope of short term repair. I feel very sad for him and just want to hug him all the time but don't want to make him cry. Anyway, I'll keep him busy until he heads, moves forward or whatever.

I've been estranged from my brother, 2 years my junior, since he moved out six years ago. Yesterday this lean figure wondered up to the shed, fiddled around a bit, then strolled back. It was him. Older, shakier, thinner. The once long mane of chestnut hair, cropped and balding. His moustache and goatee, decidedly grey. He's finally completing the house that he started six years ago, up in the blue mountains and checking out some furniture he'd left behind. It was a reconciliation of sorts. Uncomfortable, awkward but we exchanged numbers, I gave him a warm hug and I promised to visit once he'd moved in about three weeks from now. I hate family rifts and mine's been rifting for a variety of reasons over the past few years. It was good to connect and hopefully, the start of a better relationship between us. I thought he'd 'divorced' his family but I think he's ready to somehow rekindle what was once a close relationship. Hope floats.

We had a baby. Well my nephew's wife had a baby. They live next door and today, Charlie Dunn (also my father's name), all 8.1lbs of him comes home to cause havoc. He took a while to reach the world as his mum was induced on Tuesday night, then had a caesar the following Wednesday but all worked out in the wash and my youngest brother and his wife are now the first grandparents in our generation. I'm just glad it wasn't me!

Had an intense meeting with a large developer who banged on about joint ventures and putting powerlines underground. All it would cost is $165,000. My reaction? "BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA......" Yep, I left the meeting early before I burst into tears at the apparent hopelessness of selling this bloody block. Then had a call from a real estate agent who has an 'offer'. I'm not holding my breath, this particular agent is very naive so we'll meet on Monday and I'll give him the lay of the land so to speak. See if his buyer is still interested.

My laptop USB died. This is a problem because I can't upload photos or use my wireless headset when I'm talking on Skype. So, Bill the local computer guy came and fixed it. The $210 quote ended up being $407, more than the damn thing was worth so I went crazy on credit and bought a new desktop. I know, silly purchase given my financial situation but hey, I'll claim it on tax somehow and finally have a stable and reliable platform for my online shenanigans. I miss the discipline of sitting in front of a screen, in a stationary position. I haven't written a word since for months so hopefully, the regimen of just getting into position will get the juices flowing. Bring on November and the return of The Tenth Daughter of makes me write, it makes me happy.

Finally, my company has designated a three week compulsory leave period over Christmas. This is awesome and problematic. It will use up my entire paid leave entitlement at a time of year when everyone seems to be on holiday or out of the country. But, if a certain person pulls his finger out and comes to visit. Could end up being a delightful summer break.

So...enough about's weirdness in your neck of the woods?


  1. Apologies to anyone and everyone who just had all my blog pics 'shared' with them. Blogger has decided to not show any pics from the blog and in an attempt to rectify....I think I sent you all pics!

  2. cool on your brother...that is awesome...i love to see family come back together...hope your friend feels better soon...broken hearts aint easy to mend...

    had a death threat on me, students planning to shoot up my class a week or so ago...that was a little excitement..

    they are in jail now, so..or detention...only 14 and all...

    other than that, life is pretty good...wallets flat, and hearts big...we alright...smiles.

  3. it's good to see you here with mudane or exciting news either way. I've been a complete turtle

  4. That's a beautiful baby!
    I didn't know laptop usbs could die. Mine has two, so if one carks it, I'll use the other. Nice to reconnect with family, hopefully things will improve there.
    To my thinking if a developer wants to put underground wiring, shouldn't he pay for it as part of his development? Then he reclaims the cost via the sales of whatever he has built.

  5. Does anyone know why my past photos aren't showing. I've been on blogger forums all day and ca aln't work out why

  6. Good to hear your news. That Charlie is a cutie! How nice that your brother has come back into your's hoping you two can rekindle the past.

  7. nice to see you on the blog. Charlie is adorable. I too hope you and your brother can heal the rift...As for the broken-hearted friend, I know from experience that some things about which a person is broken hearted never quite mend. I do hope things improve in the fullness of time.

    As to my life, I have a wonderful new friend and I am holding my own as the saying goes.

  8. Good to hear from you again, Baino!

    Fingers crossed re the sale of your land and the re-entry of your brother into the fold. Love the name Charlie Dunn.

    My neck of the woods? Paris last week and the first snows of Switzerland this weekend.

  9. Is USB failure a big problem still? I thought modern computers were psychic and could communicate everything wirelessly like a kind of schizophrenic delusion when a person believes the government has a microchip implanted in their head... ukh I don't know what relevance this has; I just wanted to mention schizophrenia to someone.

    Hey are you still a heavy drinker? I don't drink at all now!!!

  10. River that would be my thought exactly. They can take the 165,000 off the sale price. Kath, I'm way jealous. Love Paris. Gleds, I'm not a 'heavy' drinker but I do still like a tipple. Happy belated birthday.

  11. Good that you're (sort of) reconciled with your brother after six years. But older, shakier, thinner? He's not ill with something?

  12. Glad to hear there is a possible mend for the tear in your family. I hope you can pull it off. I see my brother once ot twice a year (he lives about 800 miles from me), but it's a uneasy peace. Family relationships can be hard. Hope you house offer is a dream come true and one you can't refuse. I'll tell St. Joe to send some good vibes your way. He not doing a damn thig for us right now.

  13. Enjoyed reading you Helen. The precious baby is beautiful. It is wet here, the frogs are loud. I'm loving every bit of it.

  14. beeteedoubleu, this is oceangirl.

  15. He is a beautiful baby. I don't often think that.

    Your plate is certainly full. Hope you and your brother mend fences. My husband and his sister really don't speak. She's on the West Coast and has all but abandoned the family for the past 18 years. She is a real piece of work. His mother has seen her once in that time, after the father died. She flew to NH w/o telling any of us, went to see the father while he was in a rest home, semi-comatose, then left after spending 1 hr with her mother.

    Good luck with the youngin'. Give him the benefit of your sage advice and experience. :)

  16. Helloooo there, Baino!! How nice to catch up on all your weirdness .. I mean, news!

    Good to hear your brother has been back in touch and that you exchanged numbers. I hope things keep improving there! And good luck with the estate agent!

    Congratulations on the baby, too!

  17. What an angel. That baby is a blessing and a precious one. Take good care of him. :) He's adorable.
    San Diego HARP Refinance

  18. Anonymous7:23 pm

    Such a beautiful baby.
    The weirdness issues - husband's rellies have ocd, mine have dementia - should be an interesting Christmas.
    I'm sure someone will either straightening the decorations on the tree, or trying to eat them.

  19. how did i miss commenting? a lot to say but i got spooked by brian's comment. don't like anyone messing around with him!

    a desktop, eh? i use only my laptop and i don't sit at my desk the way i used to. i write on the couch on the porch or at the table or sometimes in a cafe. ha! maybe that's why it's taking me so long to finish the novel from hell.

    three weeks at christmas. my fingers are triple crossed for you. i'm glad you're content, hells, glad your brother came around.. and it's only money.

    love love

  20. That is GOOD about your brother...I like to hear that happens every here and there...hope it continues.

    Weird here is always going on...jumping into our Thanksgiving festivities and that brings WEIRD in the form of extended family but mostly good times.

    Always good to see what is going on in your part of the world!
