Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday Fuckwit - the Wrong Trousers

Fridaaaaaaaaaaay! Can you hear me! Oh .. .MY .. . .GOD . . .what a week.

Executive office fires the MD's PA, muggins is press ganged into the room with the revolving door but so far so good . . My message to you my darlings. Do not ever, ever, ever, get into debt because the price you pay as a wage slave is far too high . . .

So . .TGIF and not before time . . .my internet has been twitty and twatty this week and has chosen not to work in the evenings leaving me a half hour window in the mornings to catch up and thanks to two new a new and totally charming chat friends who catch me right in that half hour window, I've been neglectful.

Would you believe I came home tonight, did all my washing, cleaned like a whirling dirvish and why? So that tomorrow I can spend all morning on the net and catch up with Theme Thursday and those I have neglected. To you . .I apologise but will make amends.

Now . . to the fuckwit . . having been married to a golfer, quite a good one at that, I am well accustomed to the disgusting habit of wearing outlandish trousers. I was once picked up for a dinner date, direct from the course by the man I loved wearing the most obscene cream and green chequered pants that I sent him home and refused to entertain as much as a 'how do you do' to the sartorially defunct love of my life. Well that was the 70's. Tiger might be a man slut but he is sartorially elegant on the fairway. Not so my lost love . . .and it seems not so the Norwegian curling team OR their downhill countrymen . . .although I'm not really looking at the pants if you catch my drift!

WHISTLER (Reuters) - Norwegian super-G gold medallist Aksel Lund Svindal says his country's colourful curlers are also-rans when it comes to fancy pants.
With a mixture of pride and disdain, the tall Alpine skier suggested on Friday that he was in another sartorial league altogether.
"The curlers' pants? Have you seen my pants?," he told reporters when asked after winning his race what he thought of the curlers' dashing red, white and blue harlequin-patterned trousers.
"Not the ones that I am wearing now but the ones that I wear on the (piste) inspections and stuff. The curling pants are nothing compared to my pants.
"They (Svindal's) are tie-dyed pants. You've got to check that out," he added.
"And I actually have a vest to go with it too, so check out the photos from the inspection."

Sadly I can't find Svindler's Trousers . . .but Wallace's are Awesome!

Svindal honey . .a crazy hat might be cool on the piste but tie-dyed pants . . .so last Tuesday. . .and 'pants' to my internet but 'happy pants' to you this weekend. One thing about being a wage slave . . the weekends are bliss! Talk to you on the web, Skype me, ping me, gmail chat me or Facebook me I WILL be online . . .I lovz youz all! The beauty of online chat . . I don't give a rat's arse whether you're even wearing trousers!


Brian Miller said...

i need to get me some of those pants...i am a jeans man...80% of the time...right now actually...wouldnt leave you a comment and not be in my how

Anonymous said...

LMAO! I was waiting for the Wallace and Gromit bit :D Those blokes look like harlequins, minus the facepaint, wot? And really, why the bloomin' heck is curling considered a sport?

Gledwood said...

Gotta be careful about not wearing trousers when you're on webcam for hours on end... then stand up

Mara said...

I love those Norwegian curling pants. Mind you, I tend to look more at the faces of them: they are so cute...

nick said...

So why shouldn't a bloke wear cream and green chequered pants? Or red, white and blue for that matter? When you look at some of the things women get away with.... Old-fashioned gender sterotypes, sexist oppression blah blah.

Lisa said...

Friday already? Had it all day and didn't even realise it.

Happy chatting and happy weekend Baino.

Roy said...

Heh, heh! The late American golfer Payne Stewart was famous in the 1980s and '90s for wearing the whole 1920s golfing get-up - knickerbockers, plus-fours, ivy cap, and while I don't remember any checked pants, he certainly didn't believe in subdued colors. He was truly a sight to see on any golf course.

Still, those pants on the curlers are a little hard to look at.

Anonymous said...

Well, in my opinion more emphasis should be put on the achievements. Ulsrud and his team are quite good by the way. By the way I like those trousers. I have bad sense of fashion though. My mother doesn't let me buy clothes alone. :D

Janice said...

Those curling pants are truly crazy.

i beati said...

fine form in those pants though

Colette Amelia said...

How did you know? I am shocked to be found out!

kj said...

i'll catch up with you this weekend, honey hells. tsup!

Tom said...

if you think the curler's pants are wild, then look at the fans...they are really nuts.

Sounds like you've got a good plan for the weekend...i'll be at work all Saturday morning, but after that i'm not going out for nothing.

Bimbimbie said...

Tsup*!* If anyone's going to hold their own trousers at your workplace it's going to be you Helen, just make sure their combat styled ... remember you wear the badge of a mental ninja HIYA*!*

Vita said...

It's a good look first thing in the morning!!! :-0

Mike said...

eh, I just wear a kilt! haha!

Kath Lockett said...

My Dad was (and still is) a mad keen and very skilled golfer whom my Mum called 'Bozo' when he'd set off - around 1976 and the way to at least 1985 - in his brown, orange and yellow checked trousers.

I've not seen a second of the Winter Olympics (something I'm rather proud of) but those curling pants are dead ringers for the board shorts I used to kick about in during 1987!

Argh, so the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!!

Minka said...

LOL! I love it how you put the things together - the curkers, Svindal and Wallace!

California Girl said...

Gawd you're funny!

Megan said...

"Dip, dive, socialize, get ready for the Saturday night!"

New chatters, eh? Fun fun! Expect some pingage tomorrow (today?) sometime if Ann actually shows up here as she has hinted she will...

River said...

Debts or not, we're all wage slaves, Baino. It's impossible to live without money. The trade/barter system just doesn't work these days. Imagine going to you electricity supplier and trading baking or laundry for the cost of your bill. Ha Ha.
Pants? I need new fave old jeans are almost dead.

lettuce said...


yeah, pants to work
hope to catch you later!

Anonymous said...

Baino, you are seriously funny. I like this one. Who but you could have put this up?
Wallace and Gromit are amongst my favourites. said...

I'd go with Wallace's pants... they provide better protection against wayward stones.

a. said...

It's the wrong trousers! And they've gone wrong!!