My son married the love of his 24 year old life this weekend and it was totally, totally, flawless and fantastic. Except for Aunty Rita who's handbag caught on fire . . . . Love you both to bits have a wonderful honeymoon (although they were grounded for five hours at Kingsford Smith)
Wedding Speech:
"Hi, I'm Helen, the grooms mum.
Thank you all for coming to celebrate this pretty awesome event. Thanks too, to Alvedus and Dahlia for helping these two make this an awesomely special day.
You all look stunning. Simply stunning.
I'm very proud of Adam and Amy. They've worked hard to put this together and with no help from me and I think you'll agree everything looks gorgeous. The food's delish and the company's not bad either. I thought it hilarious that Adam wanted a tiered cake and diamonds in his wedding ring, "Why should Amy get all the sparkles!" If I didn't know better . . . .
We loved Amy from the moment we met her. She ticked all the boxes (yes we have a checklist for prospective daughters and sons-in-law). She was tall (very tall), beautifully dressed and coiffed. Polite, chatty, confident. There was a moment when I wondered what a scruffy boy like Adam was doing with a glamour puss like her. But like me, she saw the real Adam - funny, talented, intelligent, romantic and a guy with the same values as her. Also a man who can scrub up well when he needs to.
I knew they were in love the minute she allowed him to mess up her hair and touch her fringe! We affectionately referred to her as the 'fringelet' because she was so possessive of that little crop of hair that hides her beautiful eyebrows. I knew they were in love when she managed to get him clubbing, dancing, dressing in a suit. I knew they were in love when I saw the way they snuggled on the couch, looked sad when they had to say goodbye, laughed and goofed in their photos. I knew they were in love when he allowed her to call him 'Honey', when he took photos of his proposed outfits on his iPhone to gain her approval before they went out. I knew they were in love watching them make pizza on Friday night. I knew they were in love when he started making his bed before Amy came round.
I'm also very proud of Adam. If pride's a sin, then sue me. He's a kid who's grown up without a dad in the house of women, and I wouldn't have been at all surprised if he turned out to be rather effeminate. Quite the reverse, he's definitely a man's man but he's adopted the important things from living in such an environment. Besides embracing what might be called feminine arts such as cooking, he's my Mr Fixit, my computer technician, my evening companion and my friend - He's arguably the funniest man I have ever met. I'll miss him terribly when he's gone because I'll have to put the bins out and carry my own esky! And God help us all if I have to learn how to drive the tractor in order to mow the lawn - You are coming home to mow the lawn?
Sadly, neither of Adam's maternal grandparents are alive to see this event. Adam's Nana died before he really had a chance to know her but he did have 14 wonderful years with his Grandpa and we're both eternally grateful for the influence that amazing man had on my lovely boy. Two others have also had a very positive influence on him and happily they are able to be here today, Bet and Art, Adam's paternal grandparents - You've been very special people in Adam's life and now in Amy's.
Adam, Amy, you two are made for each other. In many way's you're chalk and cheese but where it counts you're like two pieces of the same puzzle, locked beautifully together to make a whole. Both sides of the argument, yin and yang, complementary flavours, music and lyric, words and pictures, wind and wings. One is hopeless without the other. Together, you can soar.
I'm really awed to have you as a daughter in law Amy, although frankly, I've always felt like you were. And I'm overwhelmed that my darling boy has found the girl of his dreams. It's what he's always wanted.
There's a rather nice Celtic tradition and having Welsh heritage made me think of it. The Lovespoon was the invitation to commence a romance between a boy and a girl, and the origin of the word 'spooning' . More importantly, the spoon is symbolic for providing physical and emotional sustenance, a perfect family life and a promise to care for each other over coming years.
It's a little smaller than I thought, I still can't measure anything properly but it's a little reminder of your heritage and a little portend of a happy future together. I wish you both only good things. Love, health, happiness . .
Please join me in wishing them both everything wonderful for their future together.
Can I get pissed now?"
Two Groomsmen, One Groom, One Groomschick . . .all very rude to the photographer | | | | |
Gotta get the hair right |
The Double Windsor no longer a challenge |
Had to stop off at one of the Groomsmen's sister's house for a bottle opener. He needed a calming beer
Arrived nice and early . . . Another beer |
No sign of nerves |
Larking about before 'she' arrives |
Ah, she's coming. . . |
Yep, finally arrived |
Giving her away |
Mr and Mrs Bainbridge
All Done and Dusted
Outside the Church
Nibblies while they're having photos |
Not quite a waltz |
Dippy |
Party times |
He got his tiered cake. That little brown thing is the Love Spoon |
After Party begins |
Four degrees and they decide to swim |
Cold much? |
Hearty Breakfast |
Gifts . . Adam's impressed with the frypan |
That's as close as you get - Honeymooning in Bali |
congratulations Baino! i will read this again and comment better as i got to go prepare breakfast for Ramadhan before it is too late.
It is beautiful, it is beautiful.
Welcome to the MIL Club Baino! It sounds like a wonderful day all round. Congratulations to Amy and Adam.
Your speech was terrific. Not an easy few moment with 'dad' being there beside you. You did well and I am sure Adam and Claire were very proud of you.
Wow amazing! Y'all look wonderful. Even the boys in their skivvies.
Congratulations & lovely job on the speech.
Thank you so much for sharing this; I loved the pictures and almost felt like I was there. Everything was so beautiful, including your speech; and the post partying looked like lots of fun. I wish them much happiness.
ha love your speech...everyone looks terrific as well...congrats to you and the lovely couple...
Congratulations, those photos together with your speech made for a memorable day I'm sure ... gorgeous.
So do they keep the beer or bottle opener up in that tree?
Congratulations! It must have been a great day for them.
I was in Germany and when we went home we watched a film in the bus: the lives of others. It is a German film but you must find it with English subtitles. It is a shocking movie for me because I was born after the era of the film, but it was still entertaining and valid. I thought that after "semi-quiting" blogging you may have more time to such things.
Very lovely.
Congratulations Adam and Amy.
That was a great speech. And it looks as though it was a great day as well. Congratulations to all those involved. Let us hope that your return to blogging will not be limited to just the weddings of your offspring.
It looks like it was a fun, love-filled day. Well done on the speech.
Top speech Baino - lovely and heartfelt and I'm glad you came back to blogland to share the event with us.
What a wonderful moment – I love the speech and the wedding photos. You have an attractive couple there and I send them all my best wishes for a wonderful and loving life together. Congratulation to you and your children.
Helen, I'm so happy for you, your son & his beautiful wife. What a beautiful wedding!!! Not over the top, just perfect, elegant, fun. Why aren't you in any photos? You were taking them, right?
So happy you posted these. Thanks for letting us see a special day in your life.
I, for one, miss your posts.
btw, awesome speech. sniff
aw..i'm glad it was such a wonderful day; you really deserve to celebrate on such a great happy cool occasion!
Absolutely lovely in all respects. And your speech was excellent. How lucky for the happy couple that Mum can write.
Hi Baino
Just happened to pass by and look what a brilliant treat awaited me! Wow!
I just LOVE your speech and the pics are fab too.
Heartiest congrats to Adam and Amy! BTW I love their choice of colour scheme. You all look fantastic!
And I reckon... as MIL's go, they don't come much better than you, Baino!
Thanks for sharing your special day.
Steph x
Oh the wedding looks so lovely! And in the one photo you've allowed us of you, you look great too! Love the photo of the wedding dance, and great speech.
What a great speech, Baino! And it looks like a smashing day all round. How proud you must be of your lad. And Amy is gorgeous!
Congratulations all round!
Wishing Amy, Adam and you, much happiness!
oh it's all lovely and wonderful. The pictures are gorgeous, espec you and the kiddies. just great. Soon you'll be a GRANDMA!!!
Congratulations to all of you. Nothing is greater than having a MIL and DIL that get along. I was thinking that same thing about the grandkids. They are the most wonderful gift that the DIL can give to the MIL.
The wedding looked like it turned out wonderfully and the pics are fantastic. Thanks for sharing this with all of us.
God bless.
What a GRAND affair! I have been waiting for your review. Your toast was TOPS. So happy for all of you.
Looks like a spectacular time was had by all. Amazing dresses and bouquets. For a moment there I thought the wedding cake was part of the bridal dress. That's a most unusual dress, I thought, must be a bit uncomfortable. Best of luck for married life!
Well this is a treat makes you feel a milestone and it was flawless.Great pics i felt like I was there q/o the buzz.Are you working now at a new job??we are starting our 5th year helping underprivileged kids who cannot afford other help..I have 2 this summer. ciao baby
just beautiful, all of it. the only part missing was seeing you and you dress dancing the night away (proof of upright!) (haha)
mim mentioned grandchildren. wait for that, hells. it is a life changer. it's falling in love again.
i miss you always,
I like "ah she's coming", "dippy" and the top photo. It all looks very classy.
That was an amazing speech. I remember when my step bro got married his wife couldn't help turning round and smiling throughout the ceremony and I knew they were for ever. Which is very odd because I'm probably like you and most other people when the truth is told and think "how long will this one last" ~~know what I mean! It doesn't sound like you'll have that wory here so congratulations to all!
And I hope you didn't get too bad a hangover.
O shit was I not ment to say that i never know what to fucking say nowadays i hope i didn't overstep. Only thing I'm good at these days: if there's a mark I'll overstep it~!
Congrats! and lovely speech btw
Good pics - love the larking about in church before "she" arrives.
Want to hear more about the handbag going on fire though.
Congrats, Helen. I so appreciate you sharing this special day with all of us. Your speech was beautiful, and I love the spoon tradition. I wish your son and his new wife all the happiness in the world.
Tina @ Life is Good
Who's the girl with purply-red hair in the very smart dress? Sister of the groom?
I was going to dye my hair a similar more purply colour when I was manic but violet and purple colours do not suit me at all. Eventually I settled on a tomato red by Schwarzkopf but the mood was fading so I'm going platinum yet again. There isn't a lighter brand, I've gone as white as you can go without looking like a pensioner.
O come on start blogging again. Is it cold and dank down that coal mine where you work? Do the men grab your tits by "accient" in the dark? How do you operate Word For Windows and Excell a mile underground? See that's something you blog about! Your extraordinary job...
A fabulous speech, it looks like it was an amazing day, I am sure you are very proud.
PS loved the red bull in the hearty breakfast!! :)
Oh how blissful was that?!?!?!?
LOVED the bride, she's a stunner isn't she?!
ADORED the speech ...brought a tear to my eye.
We are so blessed aren't we ..
my elder son will also marry in January ...
I miss you online. xx
grats to all... sorry i'm late [seems it's what i do best]
Aww Hells, congratulations! Your DIL looks so very beautiful (you all do in fact; very impressed by the conglomeration of beautiful people in your photos) and glamorous. Love your speech. And your outfit. And the lovespoon. And the cake. And the decorations. Hmm... 'love everything' would have been shorter. x ;-)
;-) hello!
C'mon Helen - start blogging again - this is wonderful!
Congratulations on your family's beautiful wedding day. I wish Adam and Amy every happiness and your speech was great!!
I'm pretty sure I've left you a comment last week about how gorgeous and beautiful everyone and everything looks and how I loved it all. Something must have gone wrong, cause it's not here. Anyway... gorgeous, lovely, beautiful and the speech is very entertaining.
Hi Helen... not sure why it has taken me so long to get here. I've missed a wonderful celebration. A huge belated congratulations. The photos along with the speech are truly wonderful.
Thanks for sharing and I hope your mojo returns as you are missed xx Robyn
Just to let you know you haven't been forgotten and that it is time to return to blogging now.
Hi Baino! Nice to hear from you. The wedding looks absolutely fantastic! I am spending a bit of time catching up with old blogger friends- and I am having some difficulty replying to comments on my own blog- so apolgies for this.
re your previous post- I do hope you keep bantering!
I read the speech again, carefully, and it is beautiful Baino. I pray I have the wonderful opportunity like you to tell my sons how special they are. The bride and groom are beautiful and beautiful for each other.
So how is life being a MIL so far? I don't think there is much change, is it?
Ha! I always think of "Princess Bride" when I hear that word...
these pictures are wonderful but PLEASE keep blogging the "sphere" is dull as dirty old dishwater without you
Wow, it all looks so stunning and wonderful (well, expect for the guys in the swim trunks! LOL).
Bali would be amazing too. Never did do a real honeymoon. good for them. So glad it went that well too. Congrats to you as MIL and the bride and groom.
Gorgeous! Wow...congratulations! Had to laugh at the flaming handbag.
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