Friday, December 14, 2007

Look What I Found

Look what I found in my garden today . . . isn't he bewfuls, all moulted and shiny and ready to rage. A nice big juicy Blue Tongue Lizard and a sure sign of summer . . . snails beware!


  1. Ugh! Snakes and Lizards are not my kinda thing. I guess they are the price you pay for heat.

  2. Anonymous12:57 am

    That's excellent! Y'see that's why I would be terrified of going to Australia. There are too many things that can kill you. But I'll have to get over that next yeqar when I visit Emptyhead and my sister.

  3. Great pic, Baino! Now just tell me one thing - how big is he, from nose to tail? My lizards are all titchy little things - no longer than about 16cms.
    The beasties that get me worried in my garden are the button aka black widow spiders - and they're everywhere! And there some tarantulas lurking in the ivy... Do you think your fellow would be willing to snarf down some of them?

  4. GrannyMar: these guys are very placid and slow moving. You can pick them up.They hiss a bit but that's all.

    Jack: It must seem that way but really, not that bad. Just don't stick your fingers in dark holes! Where are you visiting ... the further north you go, the more 'dangerous' it gets.

    AV: This one's about half a metre, pretty average for a Bluey. Unfortunately, they don't eat spiders . . . I hate spiders, take a look at the one on the brick wall in My Photos!

  5. Anonymous5:27 am

    Doesn't Bill Bryson warn about Australia being a very dangerous place?

    Do lizards make good tucker?

  6. He's gorgeous Baino! Hhahaa, yeah have you ever had blue-tongue for tucker?

  7. How do you know it's a he? He or she is gorgeous though! :) fantastic shot, Baino. :)

  8. Ian: I guess you could eat them but I believe they taste like chicken

    Anon: pretty handsome eh! He/She lives under the coping stones of our pool .. resurfaces when it heats up.

    JD: No idea what it is but was hissing like a pissed off girly swat!

  9. Anonymous12:05 am

    Cheers Baino!! You really didn't do me any favours by directing my attention to the Huntsman spider. I shall begin work on constructing a suit of armour immediately!
    Cheers for the advice on the URL thingy also.

  10. Half a metre long? Oh. My. God! Well, that confirms it, I will definitely not be moving to any country that has lizards that are half a metre long - I don't care how cute the koalas are!
    Very nervously, I am going to look at your spiders...

  11. Jack: Aww don't be like that, they eat the mozzies! It's not all sharks and crocodiles. We just like to frighten the tourists!

    AV: I thought you had tarantulas in your ivy? You also have water laguaan and spiny lizards over there .. hehe you just haven't seen them lurking in your garden!

  12. Awww a bluey!!!! How cute. We had a resident bluey in our backyard and we loved it. On a sunny hot noon and afternoon it would sit on a rock and sunbathe, the lucky bastage. I say bastage because I couldn't do that without getting second degree sunburn!
    It's a great photo Baino. :)

  13. AV: They've got great personalities though - like lounging around watchnig other people do all the work, bit like me really! You should meet one one day, they're kinda cute don't ya think?

  14. Anonymous1:41 am

    Not all sharks and crocodiles hey?
