Tuesday, January 01, 2008

And You Thought You Had a Year to Recover?

So the festivities are all over then? Shit no . . . there's one more before Easter and that's on the 26 January - arguably in the middle of one of the hottest month's of the year . . it's Australia day! The idea is to celebrate the British establishment of a penal colony at Botany Bay but many regard it as a shameful day of invasion and exploitation. More about that in another post. Today, the sun is shining, the world is at peace and everyone's nursing their New Year's Eve hangovers so here are some useful facts, hints and tips, should you choose to venture down under for Australia Day celebrations, which I might add, are well worth the trip!

Whatever you do, never, never, never wear one of these
Or be caught alive in a pair of these:

More travel tips available on request including Barbie Ettiquette, How to Treat a Sheila, Footy Tips and how to avoid Drop Bears.


Anonymous said...

Even if your cricketers did look like that, and not like Merv Hughes, they would still beat England.

Can you wear the socks with sandals if they are not green?

Anonymous said...

HAHHAHHAAA thanks for the laugh! I'll be throwing thongs on Australia Day and should be helping cook THOUSANDS of sausage sandwiches ... we'll see if I make it this year ;)


Baino said...

Ian: Quite so but I'm often bewildered about how precious they are in relation to sleding. "awww *sob* he said I have an arm like an octopus!" Sandals and socks, no matter what color - absolutely NOT . . we can pick the Englishman (read British) on a beach by his socks and sandals! (the Irish by their freckles!) BIG taboo!

Anony: We are of the same ilk. Who are you sausage sizzling for? We go to Parramatta Park and watch the hot air balloons at dawn, then have a BIG BREAKFAST but this year we're having ClareBear's farewell on Australia day. Bigger than ben Hur apparently (I'm just the cook) so I match you in sausagedom!

Unknown said...

thats a top ute that one ;)

Anonymous said...

Thankfully there were no snakes!

11.30am here and it is 10°C. Australia Day in warm sunshine sounds tempting.

Do humans melt?

Anonymous said...

funny, happy new year.

Baino said...

Ryan: You wouldn't be getting one in a few weeks? Purple maybe? Glad to see you recovered from NYE! A little birdie told me you were way past tipsy!

GrannyMar: You have to try hard to see both Kangaroos and snakes in the city! I don't think humans melt but then the hottest I've been in is 45 degrees and I felt a little woosy!

Ropi: Same to you and glad you saw the humour in it.

Unknown said...

Black actually :) And yes, your delightful son managed to get the entire thing on his snazzy new camera, lucky me. From what i've heard but can't remember, it was a display not to be missed...

Anonymous said...

The plan is to come visit in March or April, maybe May. She has no vacation time before March. We'll figure it out next week.

Anonymous said...

Hhehhehheeee, we'll see who cooks the BIGGEST BREAKFAST! I'm doing the Northern Beaches up to Narrabeen for Rotary. Will you be trying to fill ClareBear and party to last the whole journey? ;)