Friday, January 11, 2008

To Hot for Skinks

It's hot as hell here today. Not quite as hot as Melbourne where it was 40 at 7am! Thankfully there's a slight breeze but the computer fan is going ten to the dozen and the router is threatening to boil so it's time to power down until the evening cools things off. Plus, after a nice lunch in the air conditioned comfort of Trellini's with Thommo, Strawberry Girl and TheMerryWidow there's nothing for it but a dangle in the pool with my little lad, a cold beer or in my case an icy Grandin, and watching the birds fall out of the trees. The dogs have been hosed and even the skinks are bad tempered and they usually bask in the heat. There have been donnybrooks under the desk, complaints in the kitchen and now two of them are carrying on under the couch over a Christmas beetle, they're both big boys too but unfortunately, they're both camera shy but this little guy wasn't:

Mind you, there are some who really have the right idea:


Anonymous said...

Gosh it was/is a STINKER! I was thinking of you today being more inland but then remembered you have a pool! I've been cleaning out a garage for a 'MovieMania' night for teens and they didn't even notice it looked cleaner - waste of time, sweat and good pool time! HAHA, "birds fall out of trees", not 'really' funny but hahahhaaa!

Baino said...

Anon: Hiya. Well they weren't falling out of trees but were conspicuous by there absence and a few open beaks! There's been a nice breeze so it's actually hotter inside than out (yep I'm an old greenie with no aircon!) Good luck with movie mania and did you really expect teenage boys to notice anything other than what's NOT in the fridge?

Anonymous said...

I would never make it in that heat. Little Bro in Melbourne is having difficulty therapy walking on crutches in that heat. Spoke to him early and late yesterday – it was two different days for him. The pool would do me no good either as my body goes into shock, I go blue and shiver enough for an Olympic Sport. Just send some blue sky and a teeny little bit of heat.

Baino said...

Grannymar: I think you underestimate the warmth of our weather and pools. Ours is in full sun and is literally 'tepid'. In fact on occasion, it's not refreshing at all. We are known to have a skinny dip in the late hours and it's like getting into a luke warm bath. You wouldn't go into shock in fact the aquarobics might do you good! I have friends in Melbourne and they're not happy campers this week that's for sure. They've had half a dozen 40 plus days in the last six weeks! Advice for Babybro . . go to the movies or a shopping mall . .they're so cold you need an overcoat! (If he goes to Gold Class, he can have a nice recliner, put the legs up and enjoy a beer while he watches the movie!)

Anonymous said...

Only 40 in Melbourne?

It's forecast to hit 42 at Dublin airport this afternoon.

Baino said...

Ian: Right, hold that temp, I'm on my way. I look far more attractive in a sloppy jumper and a pair of bovver boots than I do in a bikini. And that's the God's Honest Truth! Seriously, I live in the wrong country. Autumn, Winter,Spring - fabulous - summer sux! Big time!

Anonymous said...

Yep, 42 this afternoon and a low of 34 tonight

Mind you, I don't think much of your summer if it's only 40, we get up to 70 on a nice day ;-)

Anonymous said...

I'm not a lover of the heat alt all. LadyMc's parents have a house in the south of Spain. Anytime we go there I spend the whole day standing up to my neck in water in the pool with a broad brimmed hat on.

Anonymous said...

Also, when I was in Vietnam, there were a lot of skinks around, especially high up on the walls of buildings. One day LadyMc spotted one disapper into a bush. I thought it was a chance, being all David Attenborough and stuff, to get up close and have a look at one proper. As I approached the bush, it (the bush) started rustling. The closer I got the more it rustled until I got so close that it's actual inhabitant made a lunge at me. It was a snake! I just barely managed to avoid being bitten. LadyMc had only seen the tail disappear into the bush and assumed it was a skink!

Anonymous said...

I can’t believe you have a pool, I knew you had a pool before but now that your rubbing the good weather in our faces and the fact that you can go swimming I am truly jealous, spitefully jealous in fact. I’d probably have to sell a kidney to afford a pool or even just the land to put it on. Well I’m going over to Sydney in November and if you invite me to dinner I’m gonna take a leek in that pool before I leave, not to be mean mind just to even things out, I’m sure you’ll understand.

Anonymous said...

if it is that hot here we have heat alert

Baino said...

Jack: Oohh . . Visual imagery is delightful! Sometimes these guys disappear under the couch and give a bit of a shock when you just see the end of the tail. If you try to pick them up, they drop their tails as a diversion. Mind you they're quick! About 20-30cms long and occasionally have to be rescued from the bath with a dustpan and brush! Very handy for cleaning dead insects tho! Not many snakes in the grass at my place thankfully ... unles you count that guy down the road . . but that's another story!

Nonny: nearly everyone has a pool of some sort, even if it's an above ground one from Clark's Rubber! And I'm putting some of that stuff in so we'll know who the culprit is! We will know you by your trail of dye!

Ropi: We used to be sent home from school when the temperature reached 39 but these days, too many parents work so kids have to stay at school! Hahah sux to be them! 40 is unusual though, it hasn't been quite that hot here but Melbourne are copping it this summer! NY Day 2006 was 45! We stayed in the pool all day and night and drank Mango Daquiries.