Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Bringing Up Baby

It's been a ballistic day at work playing musical desktops while my own brand spanking new computer was installed (it took 2 hours and still I have to upload custom software). I tried hard to be polite to poor ITBaseT and was a total bitch to TMAPITW despite my Lent decree. However, the Argentinian blew me a kiss for sacrificing my beautiful 22 inch flat screen to him so it was sort of worth it. I found out that Rattie Mattie is visiting the blog which is kinda cute and I discovered that Kahlerisms makes a bloody bonza fairy complete with pink organza skirt and Tiara (check the Flickr site). I also had a D & M with lovesick JD (are there any girls in South Carolina that want a new age man?), mopped up a huge leak on my lounge French doors thanks to a blitzer of a storm late this afternoon (any roof plumbers out there?). I didn't have to worry about dinner thanks to four burley blokes who had whipped up a mountain of Spaghetti Bolognaise and Garlic Bread for dinner - thanks Lemmerman, the sauce is bellisimo. I then had to find a pair of board shorts to fit string bean Ottley who is a diminutive 26 inch waist (Clare's did fine but don't tell the other boys) So all in all a very busy and quite fulfilling day with no room left in my brain for anything other than nagging the boys to turn XBox live down a tad before midnight. My day has left me reeling and in need of serious Spicks and Specks and a bit of Little Britain. So I cheated and posted what should have just gone to my funny email recipients. I just hope this isn't serious advice to parents but it sure tickled my funny bone, wherever that is. Credits David and Kelly Sopp

There is more . . .later . . .


  1. Anonymous11:03 pm

    There must be a virus going the rounds - Bad Day Virus! You got it then Grandad and I had it too. Hopefully it lasts only 24 hours. :D

  2. Well, good thing I never had kids - I'm bound to have got it all wrong - I thought hosing the kid down, especially after a bad bout of colic would have been the sensible option!


  3. Grannymar: Not so much a bad day as a mad day, at least the time wend quickly! Chin up, hump day's over oops well just beginning for you!

    AV: Tell the truth,I have hosed a toddler or two before now and a play pen isn't unlike an animal storage unit and I'm sure mine have cut their teeth on the odd shoe!

  4. Anonymous7:18 am

    And if I may say so, your two turned out mighty fine despite any um...unusual parenting skills!

    I loved those cartoons btw!


  5. Have a sister who is due to drop a baby next week, might borrow some of your images to be sure she only literally drops it once! Hhehheee

  6. Anonymous10:01 am

    Hey, having youngun's meself, I can truly see the benefits of the cage....romantic dinners with hubby...check your coat and your cage at the door! And the calming one - love it - nothing wrong with a lady (and a baby) drinking alone! But my personal favourite would have to be the bonding! Love a coffee with friends - why not share with baby!

  7. LOL...Okay, guilty as charged, I reckon. :)

    I wouldn't have sacrificed my 22inch LCD monitor! No freaking way! Me loves me wide screen (badass) LCD! It is so freaking big that I sometimes lose the cursor. :)

    What's wrong with number 12? Toddlers can't play chess? :)

  8. Thanks Baino! I bought the mini safe baby handling kit for Sis!

  9. Thanks Steph, I think they worked out alright despite the hosing and being kept in a cage!

    Babysis: Trust you to go the coffee option . .

    JD: That's the point! They can eat the pieces tho! I have a couple of well chewed chess pieces. Yeh, I was very generous with the screen - hey I got a kiss for it!

    Anon: She'll love you for it! (or hate you!) No middle ground with that one!
