Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Give It Up For Lent

Today is Shrove Tuesday but everyone knows that so it's no real news other than that so get your egg whisks out slap up a batch and flip em onto the ceiling. But that means that tomorrow is Lent. Catholics around the world will be giving something up for the duration . . . pretend you're all good Catholics and tell me what you're giving up. I'm going to stop being a cynical biatch . . but only Till March 23 which is Easter . . . !


  1. WHATTIE Tuesday sounds like a cross between shoving and roving? I had to google it to find out more. OH! Pancakes sound like a very good idea for dessert with lemon and sugar. I'll give up the sinful desire of a panacakes with a can of whipped cream and jam on top:)

  2. Anonymous9:08 pm


  3. Anonymous11:05 pm

    I long ago gave up 'giving up' things for Lent. It always made more sense to me to use Lent as an opportunity to 'take up' doing something new/useful, that is, if you're going to do anything at all which I'm not :-D

    Mind you, I'm only a Prod so what would I know ;-)

  4. Anonymous12:33 am

    What does Shrove mean? More importantly do you eat pancakes? I am giving up caring for lent, I am absolutly not going to give a shit about anything for the whole time.

  5. Anonymous2:09 am

    Well, since for obvious reasons I don't have to pretend I'm a Catholic, I'm giving up alcohol.

    I'll replace them with pancakes.

  6. Anonymous2:57 am


    You are good at gathering Irish Prods.

    Lent for me means no drink. The devil's buttermilk goes from tomorrow until after the vigil on Easter Eve (and I just remembered I'm going to a gig at the weekend).

  7. Anonymous4:37 am

    I gave up pancakes a long time ago. Funny squashy things, never did see the attraction. When's Muffin Tuesday btw? I can't seem to find it in my diary.

  8. Anony: shame on you! Batter up!

    GrannyMar: You gave up men ages ago, and went for ToyBoys instead!

    Steph:Not a bad philosophy but I'm all 'New Year'd' out far too many resolutions so early in the year it's impossible to keep them.

    Nonny: It's a derivative of shrive "to impose a punishment" hence the making a sacrifice at Lent thingy. But I'm not a Catholic so I just have pancakes and be buggered. Awww, you sound a bit down in the dumps!

    d-shizzle: Good move methinks. Although take it easy on the Pepsi, you'll be bouncing off the walls.

    Ian: we're strictly non denominational here! I even have a buddhist drop by now and then. I didn't realise protestants gave anything up for lent (am one myself truth be told but fell off the wagon). So, only communion wine for you for now! Rock on!

    Nick: You are a freak, everyone likes pancakes! Muffin day is every day especially if they're lemon poppyseed, chocolate chip or blueberry and slightly warm!

  9. Oh, Nonny, Pancakes, because they're a version of unleavened bread I think which was forbidden in ancient times or to use up milk and butter which might have gone off during lent.

  10. Anonymous7:00 am


    Anglicans do Lent! (But we do it in a nice Anglican way!)

    Do you remember the bit from Hamlet where Hamlet's father dies unshriven?

  11. Anonymous7:42 am

    A freak? How very dare you. I couldn't be more normal (deafening guffaws)

  12. Haha . . A Catherine Tate fan! Normal is overrated.

  13. Anonymous12:00 pm

    Down in the dumps Baino, who moi? Why I am truly delightful as is my humour. Ah no, my purse was stolen last night I am pissed right off plus my mother did not make me pancakes. So Lent can kiss my ass. The sentiments are nice but, I don't really believe in all things Godly, although.......I would get on my knees for St Anthony should he find my purse.

  14. Anonymous12:33 pm

    Hmmm i was going to give up both Coffee and Alcohol .... Decided that would be too hard, how do you survive a day on the helldesk when you can't have coffee all day and grog when you get home. Decided for the good of the world i would keep on with coffee and grog.

    Mind you, not giving a shit for the whole time isnt a bad idea. Boss might not like it though, and then if i loose my job, i wouldnt need the Coffee & grog anyway.

    Now icecream i could do, chocolate is possible. Maybe i could give up making people feel good ..... all possibilities (in case you haven't noticed, i gave up being able to spell last year, enjoyed it so much i haven't ever gone back).


    (i should sign in, but that anonymous button is just so much easier)

  15. I'm giving up politics...for the duration...never could I give up Women! :)

    And, you are not a biatch! :)

  16. Nonny: Arggh I hate it when that happens. Maybe it'll turn up. Still you've gotta cancel everything just in case, then someone finds it behind their settee!

    Anonymous: I'm really getting quite anxious now. I know, I know you and it's bothering me cos I can't pur my finger on it, unless you know d-shizzle? You're none of my usual suspects and it's driving me insane. Unless you are a particular usual suspect who knows me so well, you know it drives me insane! *bastard* Just click Nickname and give me a clue!

    JD: Yeh, right, you've got six more months of politics before you silly mob elect another Republican! I don't think Americans will ever vote for a Female or a Black president but I'm barracking for Barack anyway.

    Um thanks for the vote of confidence, but trust me, I'm a cynical biatch most of the time.

  17. Ahhh BenchWarmer . . is that you?

  18. Anonymous7:25 pm

    Mmmm Lent.....Shrove Tuesday.....mmmm....I dont do shrove or lent....I am a woman of excess and loving it! Although I could give up work! Ahhhh now theres a thought - wonder if I could claim it on religious grounds? Only problem - I'm not a tyke!

  19. Babysis: Definitely I could give up work . . but who'd keep DrummerBoy in vittels? I've just fed 4 XBoxers mountains of Spaghetti Bolognaise but Lemmerman made the sauce! *Bless*

  20. Er...nothing. Life's too short to be giving up things you actually enjoy!

  21. Anonymous3:30 am

    Life's also too short for diabetes ...
