Sunday, May 25, 2008

Honey Bunny

Today, Lily took me for a walk. I was half motivated by Bird Anonymous who's tame Lorikeet Jack has flown the coop, literally . . he was a rescue bird who's been part of their family for ages and worked out how to open his cage. He did a runner so to speak and they're devastated so if a tame lorikeet turns up on your verandah (I think the Euro/American contingency are fairly safe) please CATCH HIM WITH A GRAPE! (I don't mean to be flippant . . he's a member of their family so if you see him . . please try to contain him but wear leather gardening gloves . . the buggers bite).

I have a crick neck from looking in the treetops every time I hear a lorikeet squeak, he's a red banded lorikeet and looks a little different to our rainbows . . the band around his neck is red, and even though I asked this guy, he was very rude and refused to even answer despite helping himself to my camelias.

Anyway it's been a while since we've ventured out the back as opposed to 'outback' so she led the way up the garden path . . . . her mission, she tells me was to catch a bunny . . a good looking bunny . . .a fat tasty bunny untouched by mixi . . . which was hilarious as the at lest 50 bunnies in our back paddock pinged and zipped away long before she got anywhere near them . . .so we walked along the fenceline . . .

First things first . . . a girl doesn't want to be caught short in the middle of a chase so . . time to powder the nose . . .

Invigorated by an empty bladder it's time to up the ante, put on the pace and flush the little fluffies out of their safety zone with a few polar bear style power leaps in the long grass . . .it was fruitless . . .

Technically not bunnies but they made a weird noise and all stood to attention . . .had to be held back from this one fearing an Alpaca stampede . . . .

Just a tad bigger than a bunny and pack a mean punch on the end of those flight after fright fetlocks. . . again, deterred from giving chase (man the offcuts from their hooves taste great when the farrier tosses them her way)

Snoof around the billabong. . . no action there . . . .

"Hey, how about this . . .looks just like a bunny apart from the beak, the long neck, the feathers and the fact it only has two feet and is about the same size as me?" . . . "nah honey . . it aint a bunny!"

At last . . at the end of the path around the lake, standing bolt upright and looking a little too tame for his own good . . his royal Bunninness stands guard . . .

Hang on . . . . . this isn't a feral bunnikins, this is a cute little tame pet bunny that's found it's way out of the hutch . . .lead goes on . . . "suffferinsuckatashsnoofletmeatthim" noises from the would be Jack Russell in Labrador clothing . . . .

Yep, definitely a tame bunny . . pretty light brown, very plump and clean and almost game to walk up to me apart from the fact I'm restraining a very frustrated dawg. I'm tempted to pick it up but with a camera over one shoulder and a dog on a leash dying to eat the thing in the other hand . . .and remembering how they can scratch . . I choose to snap rather than grab . . .there's plenty of feed around and he's so tame that someone will surely find him. He was standing out in the open almost begging to be rescued . . .hope he doesn't meet a feral cat . . .(Kath Lockett are you paying attention? Lost bunny . . . should have had a target on it's chest - Bummer of a birthmark Hal!)

Poor thing is terrified and retreats to the bushes . . .Lily is very pissed off right now and growling, something she rarely does . . ."Mummy gimme the bunny . . gimme the bunny or your slippers gets it . . GIMME THE FUCKING BUNNY!" it's as close as she'll EVER get to the real McCoy . . .

Hope it finds its way to the bunny condo in our creek wall!


  1. Anonymous5:18 pm

    The wild bunnies must have gone into hiding, alerted by the local Bunny Patrol. I guess the pet bunny doesn't have the internet so she didn't pick up the alarm. Lucky escape!

    According to your widget, btw, my blog is worth $14,678.04. What the hell am I still blogging for? I'll just nip out and flog it. Then I'm off on my round-the-world cruise.

  2. Thankyou so much for searching for Jack in your trees Baino! It's nice to know someone over there has a crick neck like a lot over here have had this weekend ;)

  3. Anonymous7:32 pm

    You're no-bunny
    Til some-bunny loves ya!

    Here's hoping Jack and that bunny find their way home soon.

    How are your slippers, Baino?

  4. Haha! I can picture her now! You're so cruel, you should have let her have it! Some wild animal's probably gonna eat it anyway!! Haha! I miss the dawg....and you too!!!

  5. Aw, you mean you didn't rescue the poor bunnikins!? Shame on you, Baino-Bunny! Just think, you could have brought the bunny home and Lily could have played retrieve to her heart's content and your slippers would have been safe forever. Think you'd better go back and fetch that bunny!

  6. Anonymous3:17 am

    sometimes it is great to go to the nature. I do it rarely though.

  7. I think the wild bunnies are snobs and wouldn't let him in . . .I haven't updated my widget for fear I'm worth less than zero!

    Anony: I did too, when you said they can fly as far as 50kms I was vaguely hopeful. We had a cockatoo arrive once with the flock. Clearly tame, it sat on shoulders and talked but eventually happily took off with the others once they'd pillaged the orange tree. Perhaps he's happy with his new family.

    Steph:Truth be told, I don't have any slippers ... fortunately we're over the chewing thing apart from sticks and soccer balls.

    Clare that's horrible! I'd have brought it home if Lily wasn't with me. Apparently they can be house trained!

    AV: You're just as mean! I couldn't play chuckabunny to save my slippers!

    Ropi: what you don't see in those photos is the very CLOSE proximity of office blocks, new constructions and suburbia. It's not as 'wild' as it looks.

  8. Baino I love your blog! I am so glad I stopped by. Your neck must be tired looking up.

  9. Hiya Ces. . come by anytime! Yep, we're all looking out for that blasted bird!

  10. Anonymous7:35 am

    Your photos are great.

    A lot of people from Ireland (including my area) have gone to Australia for a year ... me .... I've never had a desire to travel too far from home.

    I'm happiest when I'm pottering about ....

  11. There are a lot if Irish travellers do their 'gap' year here Paddy. I had no choice, I was brought here as a ten pound pom when I was 11! Then when you have such ready access to Europe and the Mediterranean, why venture down under?

  12. G'day from Melbourne. That first shot is great. Pictorially, a very strong blog. Good on ya.

  13. Gorgeous! I love the picture of your dog leaping in the background.

    Must have been a bunny-themed weekend for both of us :)

  14. Thanks David, coming from you that is indeed a compliment. The trouble with the 40D is that it's just not a'happy snap' kind of camera. You need time to set up the shot. Fortunately the lorikeets are willing subjects if absorbed by food!

    Whoda thunk it Kath! He's a bit out of focus thanks to the struggle with the dog! I hope he hopped home! The dog has a snowball's chance in hell of catching anything other than a lame duck but I'll give her marks for effort!

  15. What a beautiful walk Lily took you on, Baino! I love the shot of her "powdering her nose" (cough). :) With good lorikeet lookers like you, Jack'll be spotted in no time!

  16. JACK IS BACK! In a hurry ... *flutter*!

  17. Anonymous5:17 pm

    BWARK! Hello non vulgar Lady, ignored any PET rabbits lately?

  18. Jack you're a very naughty bird. Can't wait to hear the continuing saga of your disappearance, I'll send you my chiropractic bills!

  19. Hello Baino .. I'm following the adventures of King Jack .. hope your neck is beginning to feel better *!*

  20. Tsup! Bimbimbie, Haha . . the neck's fine thanks. I'm grateful I don't have to inspect every lori in the treetops! I do drop over to yours now and again . . .lovely back yard you have . . I'll visit more often just to boost the Aussie contingency! Cheers and welcome. Jack's back eh . . lot of good karma working there!
