Monday, February 23, 2009

Oscar Night

No time to post tonight. It's Oscar night. Hey we all need a little fantasy and to imagine what we'd look like in that dress?

Ahem . . well perhaps not that dress . . .

Akshully, it's because Hugh Jackman is hosting . . .*and I have nothing else to say*

You Would Win Best Documentary Feature

You are very curious about and engaged with the world. Everyone is interesting to you.

You have a variety of interests, and you delve into them quite deeply.

People are impressed by the sheer quantity of stuff you know, and you're learning more every day.

However, you're not just informed. You also are very informative. You share what you know in an engaging and interesting way.


  1. Anonymous7:50 pm

    Oh, that dress is divine. I'd just love to flounce into a swanky do in a dress like that. Well, if I was a girlie, that is.

    What would I win an Oscar for? For steadfast refusal to do anything remotely trendy or fashionable, I suspect. So naturally I would decline the Oscar and say it was just a bit of glittery flimflam.

  2. Sod the dress, I'll take the contents!

  3. I wonder if something is wrong that I could care less about the Oscars or just about any award ceremony. Sometimes I do enjoy seeing the dresses. That is a pretty dress.

    So I guess I would not want to get an Oscar either. I am just so happy with "Comments".

  4. Not sure.... too much to list :-)

    You're funny.
    I enjoy my visits.

    best wishes

    PS... not really up for another Oscar to dust

  5. Anonymous1:47 am

    I rather like that dress. Of course, I would look like a badly made wedding cake in it, but she looks OK.

    I first saw Hugh Jackman in Kate and Leopold, which was a charming movie. He was very good!

  6. oh... a doc on the dresses seen that night? :O lol

  7. rats, was shooting for producer...

    Best Actor/Actress

    You are confident and talented.

    When it's time for you to shine, you step up.

    You have a strong personality.

    You love attention, and you can command an audience of any size.

    You tend to be a bit obsessive.

    You're the perfect person to immerse yourself in a big role.

    You're both empathetic and expressive.

    You understand and communicate well.

  8. I was just blown away by Hugh's performance. I knew he'd do well, but it was amazing how well he did. They should have him hosting every year.

  9. Anonymous3:42 am

    Is she your daughter? If yes, she is nice but if no, it does not exclude she is nice. I should write something else to procrastinate my homework but I am not really interested in Oscar Gala.

  10. Anonymous4:28 am

    Any chance of an Oscar for collecting toyboys?

    Never was fond of meringue dresses, I prefer simple & elegant.

    We missed you on Saturday night.

  11. we used to get dolled up in NY and make a night of it - miss that as it's not the same on a different time zone

  12. Oh Nick you know it would come in handy as a doorstop!

    Only until you heard her speak or sing!

    Mrsupole I think the dress looks like she's stolen some Stegasaurus spines! Seriously - I went to bed well before it was over!

    Ribbon, think of poor Ms Katherine Hepburn who has four to dust!

    Jay, I think few people know that he made his name in musical theatre long before he took on the Wolverine. He's just a lovely bloke! The dress .. .eeeuuwww

    Pretty much Wuffa ... a Baino Bitchfest although we thought that Penelope Cruz looked lovely. You could be Wolverine without the makeup?

    He's a natural isn't he Christopher?

    No Ropi, that's Miley Cyrus and you're right, get on with your homework!

    GM, well you know I'd have been there with bells on if not an 'Oscar' frock. I'm waiting for the gossip email!

    Really Quickie? I never thought of that. Probably would be OK if it wasn't on a Monday night! So are you a meringue type or prefer the tux?

  13. Anonymous6:52 am

    Hmm, I don't know her but in return I may know historical figures you don't know. Hmm, Horea and Closca?

  14. hugh jackman was quite impressive. but kate winslet was all i needed. i am in love with her...

  15. Really, who is she?

  16. Oh Ropi, you've made me Google!

    kj she's pretty awesome isn't she. Sadly, she's straight . . .

    She's Miley Cyrus GrowUP. Daughter of Billy Ray Cyrus (remember Achey Breaky Heart? Hahah you will now!)

  17. Yeah, I just saw it on the news, scratch my comment on legal grounds!

  18. baino, it's her smile. i melt. fortunately i have a vivid imagination.


  19. nah, too pudgy :O lol

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Oops sorry I left out a very important word:

    I make it a point NOT to watch the Oscars. I could care less about Hollywood. In fact I hardly go to the movies. I wait for the DVD and buy only the classic ones. The Oscar winners they choose are based on the leftist liberal agenda. What is the big deal about a homosexual mayor who has not accomplished anything? His only claim to fame is the fact he is gay. The best actor winner should have been O'Rourke for that wrestler role but liberals do not like a story about a man who rises from all odds. Also Sean Penn was so "eloquent" when he said that America elected an "elegant" president. Say what? What an idiot that Spicoli. My daughter said that Hugh Jackman is hot. I reminded her that he is an old man (but not old for me). Hugh Jackman was the only good thing about the event and Kate Winslet - she is a class act.

  22. kj of course it is . . of course it is!

    Wuffa, cuddly not pudgy.

    Oh Ces! I thought you didn't watch the Oscars ergo how do you know what Spicola said! Hey, he's known for his left wing views, I'd fallen asleep by then but heard he was very restrained but had a go at the passing of Prop 8 - I back him there. You don't think Barack is elegant! Oh I do, he looks lovely like Denzel Washington.
    Very important to remember that people who support gay rights are not communists. In fact communists have an appalling record with gay rights! However, as an artist accepting an award for portraying a character who gave his life for gay rights, I think he did what actors are trained to do: used the the camera to portray a message!

  23. The Oscar for the most pointless swearing at Sean Penn for screwing La Rourke? Mine!

  24. That's a pretty spectacular dress,and the bottom ruffle doubles as a carpet sweeper.

    Oscar? pfft! I'll take Hugh Jackman instead.

  25. I liked Penelope's dress better.

    I liked the telecast.

    Hugh kicked ass!

  26. Awww Miley and I thought you'd vilify me for criticising Ms Cyrus' dress! Haven't seen The Wrestler but poor Mickey looks a little 'stretched' across the face to say the least!

    Cute as a button init River . . that lucky Debra Furness!

    Ah we are of the same mind then Megs

    Ooh I've been spammed by a horsey dating service "FAIL"

  27. How can not one know what was said and happened? They are flashed everywhere in one of those television screens we have in our elevators. Even the WSJ talks about the oscars. I listen to radio, the ones the left wing want to abolish with the Fairness Doctrine because liberals can't compete for ratings. My argument is not about gay rights but rather by the way the academy selects winners - appeasement.

  28. They really slammed that dress but for her age, i thought it was great . Evisdently I was alone according to critics.If i were a Disneyite I would pick such a dress.

  29. Hugh Jackamn was slammin great as usual.. He got critiqued as well from those of little talent of course..hahah Sandyu

  30. My little girl likes THE dress - then again she is only 7 :D
