Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday Firteenf Fuckwit

Some in the Northern Hemisphere are retelling their ghost stories this Friday 13th, but since it's now Friday night and it will be well into Saturday by the time they publish . . I've kept with the ghoulie theme . .well kinda . . . sorta . . .

Man Jailed for Whistling Adamms Family Theme to Annoy Neighbours

Briton Leopold Wrobel harassed the pensioners for more than four years, making them feel like prisoners in their home.

His victims, Michael and Kathleen Sharpe, said Wrobel had 'nearly succeeded' in destroying their lives.

Wrobel, 51, had been handed an anti-social behaviour order last December for harassing the couple, The Daily Mail reports.

But a court heard his nuisance behaviour, which had already lasted for four years, continued on the day the order was imposed.

The court was shown CCTV footage from cameras on the Sharpes' property, which picked up Wrobel's repeated whistling when they arrived at or left the house.

Michael Treharne, prosecuting, said each incident taken in isolation would probably seem silly or almost pathetic.

Mr Sharpe, from Wingerworth in Derbyshire, told the court Wrobel's behaviour had made his wife ill and she had started losing her hair.

'It's been devastating and it's done what he wanted to do, to try to destroy our lives,' the 68-year-old said. 'He very nearly succeeded.'

You're all humming it now aren't you . . some of you are lamenting that you can't click your fingers . . . have a great weekend everyone!


Ronda Laveen said...

Great post! The Adamms Family! Who da thunk it. "Fuckwit?' Does it mean what I think it means? Not a US term.

It is early morning and I just finished my kinda ghost story too. I went to post at the sites but they're not open yet. You were so here I am.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps while he's in jail his house might mysteriously be covered with graffiti? Or his garden might turn into the local tip?

Anonymous said...

What a strange man he must be! And to keep doing it after having an ASBO slapped on him!

Methinks he's a candidate for the lunatic asylums ... that we don't have anymore.

Mrsupole said...

The guy was a true nut case or he just really liked the song and it was his way of saying hello and goodbye. I do hope they get to say goodbye to him for a really long time.

I also love the Adamms family video, I have not seen it in such a long time. It worked so well with the Fuckwit. Who would of thought that it could. Great job.

My Ghost Story is up and posted too. It is a true story, so I hope you all like it. God bless.

Ces Adorio said...

Did he look like Lurch?

Susan at Stony River said...

That is SO funny, but I'm not sure which is my favourite bit... that he did it, or they complained about it, or that he's going to jail for it. What an odd story!

Myself, I looove that tune.

Brian Miller said...

and snapping our story.

Anonymous said...

Baino, this reminds me of a story out of Long Island New York. A parent was held responsible and later fined, when her neighbour called the cops to report "loud, annoying,noise". Turns out the "noise" was her daughter and friend playing "Marco Polo",in the back-yard pool. Hey, kids will be kids! Maybe the neighbour never had any fun,as one....And the Addams Family, is still one of my faves :)

Candie said...

Lol,this is mad!
The Adamms Family,I love it!

Anonymous said...

Very funny! yes i am humming it too!

Collect your lemonade Blog Award from my blog!

Christopher said...

Crazy. Absolutely crazy. My first thought was, "Okay, so he was whistling. Should they put him away for that?" Well, for four years, yes, and whistling so loudly his neighbors can hear him...I've had to put up with that myself and I admire them for going to court instead of killing him.

Grow Up said...

They should have started freaking him out. Start a chainsaw in the house at weird times of the evening. Get a friend to pose in a body bag and drop an arm out while you carry it in and he's watching. That sort of thing. If he wants to freak people out see how he likes it.

Ed & Jeanne said...

Bwahahaha. Too funny. I've got some people to whistle to in mind already! Thanks for the tip...

Cuppa Jo said...

That's just crazy. I mean, why didn't he... or they... That's just crazy! Who does things like that? And who's bothered by them? What kind of craziness is this?

laughingwolf said...

at 51 you'd think he'd have SOME kinda life, sorta? lol fuckwit indeedy!

pity the poor old folk, tho :(

Baino said...

Ronda it's very rude I know but there's only one term for some nutters and the Friday Dimwit doesn't really work for me!

Or someone might cut the top off all his plants and steal his light bulbs!

Must be a helluva whistler is all I can say Jay, I can't whistle a note without putting two fingers in my mouth!

Mrsupole, I used to love that show. The new remakes never seemed to cut the mustard . . It's Saturday here so I'm off to browse the haunted halls!

Haha . . no idea Ces, probably not Lurch was a man of few whistles.

Susan, I'm just in awe of their hearing . . never knew that whistling can make your hair fall out!

Hehe . . .some people just can't do it Brian!

Ah Subby, I remember Marco Polo, these day's it's backflips and swan dives!

We aim to please Candie

Grow Up, I like the way your mind works, much more innovative than a poo in a bag on the front doorstep!

VE Annoy away . . at least you can whistle.

Cuppa Jo, it's a mad world. Getting madder by the moment!

Wuffa true! He did it whenever they arrived or left the house so must spend his life sitting by the window!

Melanie said...

I only remember the version I knew when I was 10 and it doesnt go past "when uncle Fester farted" because my 10 yr old voice in my head starts laughing so no, you didnt manage to get that song stuck in my head. I live with someone that continually does that on purpose. The whole "getting a song stuck in some ones head" is a form of abuse particularly when its the dreaded Gilligans Island song..... maybe this Fuckwit you speak of has opened the way for me to have my husband convicted ..muwahahaha

Miles McClagan said...

I've got Addams Family Groove by Hammer in my head...that's just how I roll...

Terence McDanger said...

I always get the Addams family tune confused with the one from Inspector Gadget.
I'm an awful clown.

Baino said...

GAH Gilligans Island. Now that's stuck in my head! Poor hubs.

Miley, nobody rolls like you . .

Thanks Terence, now "Someday I'll Get you Gadget is in the brain"

kj said...

if i'm still hearing this tomorrow morning, you are in trouble!


Ronda Laveen said...

I don't think Fuckwit is rude. I think it is very funny. May I borrow sometimes?

Anonymous said...

Uh, I hated the cartoon about it and the story at all is not impressive to me.

Megan said...

Oh great. Thanks a lot. *Whistles off to do the chores*

Melanie said...

I have an award for you at my blog to collect because I totally love your humour and honesty and you use bad words almost as much as I do.
Have a great weekend

Anonymous said...

What a terrible man. I had a bad neighbour but not that bad.

CocoDivaDog said...

You're right! It irks me to this very day that I can not snap my fingers.
But I can whistle like nobody's business.
Glad I finally came over here to your blog.
Thanks for joining in the Ghost Post thing.
Dog Girl aka Auntie

John said...

slightly weird, all round!

Miladysa said...

Diddle lee dee!

Melissa said...

OH, that would have driven me MAD! And, yes, now that song is in my head. :D

I've just caught up on your last few posts -- loved the story of "running" away and how nice it is to have the "kids" home. Charlotte announced tonight that she was going to hang a photo of me in her room at college, but then got all teary-eyed at the thought of not having bedtime stories anymore (so I promised I'd read them over the phone to her). :**) LOVED all the shots of Lily and your favorite family things!