Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Ciao Bella

Sad news today. No, unfair and tragic news today. A blogger that I often visit but rarely comment and have seen making comments on many others' and one with whom I identify closely now . . . lost her husband on Saturday. He passed away suddenly reminding us all just how fragile we are.

Even though I don't know her, I know many who are extremely close to her and the shock ripples have reached the antipodes with lightening speed. I'm always amazed how bad news travels so fast.

I know it happens every day. I know there are many worse off but my heart goes out to this woman who now finds herself in the same predicament I did so many years ago with two young children and without her life companion by her side. Very sad and right in the middle of their prepared move from a position in Japan to back home in the States.

She will be traveling with one less precious member of her family to start a new life back home. She doesn't comment here, we've never emailed, yet I feel and identify so closely with everything she's going through right now and am deeply sad for her loss. So bless you Bella and your sweet children. I hope things go smoothly with the move and be assured that whatever you're going through right now, has the potential to touch people you don't even know.

Funny isn't is . . .we never fully comprehend the impact of our thoughts, words, actions and interactions or life events on others. If this affects me so deeply, I can't imagine how I would feel to lose any of you. So stay safe, be well and know that for many of you, someone you've never met, values your contact and friendship more than you'll ever know. This song was played at my dear and gorgeous friend Paul's funeral . .it's been chosen by my best friend for hers and just reminds me of those I've loved and lost . . I hope it brings you comfort.


Kate said...

Beautiful words and a beautiful poignant song... Peace and love, Kate

Grannymar said...

I am sure those words will be appreciated.

We never know when we hit that publish button who will read our thoughts and be touched by them.

Susan at Stony River said...

We're so lucky even when we're not feeling it, aren't we? After my mother died suddenly, every time I felt like saying something unnecessary to my husband I'd stop and remember that one day it will be the last day I ever spend with him, and I probably won't even know it. What if that day is today? Every minute we spend with someone might be the last chance we ever have to let them know how much we mean to them.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and such a wonderful song.

Brian Miller said...

every day, we sit behind a monitor and type away a small portion of our life and gift it to another we may never know or hear a comment from. your words are powerful. what great power and responsibility. my heart goes out to her. losing a loved one is never easy. thanks baino.

ian said...

Read this just before heading off for graveside prayers on the first anniversary of a guy who died in his taxi four months after getting married last year :-(

i beati said...

fabulous post - lefe can turn on a dime I hear people grumbling like yesterday and I think oh it could be so much worse. You could wake up with an awful disease or even not wake up as my friend last Christmas??

Mo said...

Sigh. Beautiful song.

nick said...

That's so tragic when someone's cut down like that in the prime of life. I'm sure I would feel equally sad if a blogger I visited regularly suddenly died. Of course I may not have met them but I know so much about all my favourite blogmates they feel like old friends.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry about that. Once everyone dies and we have to accept this.

Anonymous said...

Very sad- her tragedy resonates with you deeply because you have 'been there'. You are able to share her pain.

Beautiful song.

laughingwolf said...

thx for this, baino...

bella has been a good and kind friend to me over the months, always so positive in all things, especially with her delightful art....

Ces Adorio said...

Ah, but life has no guarantees and if we start looking at some situations as unfair, we end up being bitter. Life has no template, it is what it is for every human being and it is part of the circle of life. The more open we are the lighter our hearts become. It does not mean to say that we skip mourning because it is an integral part of moving on for those who live. I am deeply saddened for Bella. She is my sister-friend. I love no one else in the blogs more than I love her. She is deeply loved and a true builder of sturdy bridges and all the outpouring of love shouldd be a great comfort to her.

California Girl said...

that is sweet Baino. we are lucky.

Mike said...

What a sad story and inspiring sentiment!

kj said...

baino, everything you've said here i acknowledge and feel for you. i would be devastated to lose you, or to know you are suffering. i think i know how much this brings up for you. i saw your comment on bella's blog and your loving offer to reach out to her.

it could be over in a flash. we know that. the tragic loss faced by a wonderful woman and mother is a loving reminder to each of us to hold tight those we love and whisper 'thank you' for all we have.

love you friend,

Kath Lockett said...

One of my most favourite songs....

And you're right - life is precious and even across the internet or email or skype or Facebook it is still possible to feel the pain of someone we've never met.

My blog from last year - http://blurbfromtheburbs.blogspot.com/2008/08/day-thirty-one-appreciative-august.html - still resonates with me as I realise how far I've come, how incredibly grateful I am and how so many randomly tragic and cruel events can affect so many.

xxx said...

I didn't play the tune... too sad for me as I've said good bye to far too many loved ones in recent years.

Ribbon x

Megan said...

I don't know what to say. Do I compliment you on a well-written and moving post? I guess that's what I do.

River said...

It's so sad when loved ones go unexpectedly.

Anonymous said...

indeed the connections made are by far the greatest reward I have received through blogging. Lovely post.

mouse (aka kimy) said...

your and others kind and loving thoughts, prayers and wishes are making that ripple such things make in the cosmos - i'm sure the friend-you-have yet to meet is comforted by them.


we are a fragile species living on a fragile planet....all we can do is take care and care

namaste, sweet baino

Renee said...

Dear friend: this was beautiful. I am so sorry that you too had to have your heart broken.

Fields of Gold one of my favourite songs.

Thank you.

I am sure that Bella would love this.
