Tuesday, June 09, 2009

I'm taking a little break from blogging, not for long, just until I get myself out of this unemployment malaise. Life at the Bainbridge Homestead is a little topsy turvy at the moment. I will still visit your wonderful blogs but having spent so much time in front of the PC, I'm only interested in grabbing my emails and the odd post on Facebook. What was fun, has temporarily become a chore.

I'm spending at least six hours a day on recruitment sites, looking for work, registering interest joining 'mature age' employment agencies and online resumes, making appointments with the 'overly optimistic but nothing to offer tweens' who probably still live at home and have more disposable income than the CEO of most major banks. Then, if I find a job, I spend another two hours meeting their specific criteria, filling in forms, customising the CV and schmoosing with whoever is necessary and I'm exhausted.

Frankly, I'm stunned at the lack of temporary positions even though I've told them that I'll work for whatever rate is going. I am demoralised, dehumanised and thinking about what the hell to do next short of a full page advertisement in the Sydney Morning Herald, now that might get me some much needed media exposure. I need some income and I need it fast. Frankly, I don't think there's a lot out there and more and more are being laid off each day. This, two days after Kevin Rudd announces we have avoided a recession because the numbers stack up and we're .04% higher than the stats that would officially declare us as such. Listen here chickens, I've lived and worked through two recessions and I've NEVER had a problem getting a job. So what's different this time? Oh hai . .I'm 52 . . .It's very hard not to hate my previous employer for not negotiating a wage freeze or even decrease right now.

Amid my current search, which I have discovered doesn't even qualify me as a mushroom picker and to be honest, I'd be quite happy picking mushrooms, my children's businesses are beginning to take off so here's a shameless plug. And I'm serious . . .if either one does hit the floor running I will be eternally happy.

Spesh Design is going ballistic. So much so, that she hasn't had time to upload her latest web designs. She's focussing on small 3-5 page websites for start-up businesses and the kid is working 11 hour days and delivering well priced websites so if you need one, or know of someone who does . . she'll create a custom site for a reasonable price. You want SEO or shopping carts, that can also be arranged. At last, four years of agonising design study at NSW's most prestigious University is reaping rewards. All payments in Aussie dollars but hey, we know our maths and can convert. It doesn't matter whether your in Manhattan or Mumbai . . Seriously, if she takes off, she may employ me.

For the locals (although I'm sure if you sprang for the fare he'd be willing) AB's Garden Assault is the new website for the horticulturally challenged. Hire a handsome hard working son of an unemployed woman and he'll assault your weeds, ballistically build your retaining walls, pwn your pavers and give you an outdoor room that will never see you crawl back indoors . . .he's the guerrilla gardener of your dreams and he'll give you a good price. Hey, he'll even be your pool boy!

And moi? Well I'm still getting over the fact that I am not 'experienced' enough to pick mushrooms or too overqualified for a 'Girl Friday' . . . and not pretty enough to pole dance!

So don't delete me from your reader . . .I'll see you on the flip side! Hopefully sooner rather than later.

And special thanks to those of you who have emailed encouragement, it means more than you will ever know.


Mrsupole said...

Take all the time you need. I felt the same way when I was sick.

I wish I needed a website, but if she has a advertisement thingy I can post it on my site for free, if she shows me how to do it. I will need very easy step by step instructions. And I mean easy. Do you know how many years it took me to learn cut and paste. Don't ask, it is embaressing. I think I just learned last October. I was so proud. Finally I knew what others were doing. And I was happy.

Well just keep on trucking and eventually it will come. You are a worthwhile individual and someone will discover your value. I hope you know this. We do. I wish you the best in your search. And if your son hands out flyers of himself advertisiing the pool boy thing, he will get business. Pool are yucky to clean out. And to keep clean. Youngest daughter has one and because she does not have a pool boy, her pool is very ucky. What a waste when she bought that house.

Okay, rest and relaxation for you.

God bless. We are here for you.

Grow Up said...

Best of luck. I'll keep sending the funnies.

Sarah Lulu said...

Everyone needs a little time to themselves ...but if you change your mind tomorrow or feel like a now and then post ...DO.

Because I've started to feel you ...

I'll miss you ...

You are in a challenging phase, make sure you keep a cheer squad handy ok?

GO you GO you.

I'm a keyboard away if you need anythinng.

Sarah Lulu

Anonymous said...

HI Baino. I remember being labelled as "over-qualified" for a security job. Yeah. Right. Was it the fact I was qualified on 20 different weapons systems( including nuclear ), or was it due to my menacing appearance( I still wonder about that, I mean, I'm a big teddy bear, really ). Then I find out I'm too old for "border patrolle"( over 40 ) but not to old to be recalled into service. And both are gov't agencies!!!

Here's well wishes to the kids and their endeavours. Who knows? Maybe you will work for them, one day. Chin up :)

nick said...

Goodness, so many people taking declared or undeclared blogging breaks, must be something in the air. Sorry to hear your job-hunting situation is still so desperate, I do hope something comes up soon. Best of luck anyway while you absent yourself.

Anonymous said...

Take all the time you need, hon, and know that we're here - all over the world - cheering you on!!!

((((((((BIG HUGS))))))))))

Brian Miller said...

Baino, understand how you feel, and the wine that goes with unemployment would have to be cheap so maybe a crazy horse? keep at it and i am sure you will find what you are looking for. hoping the best for you! see you soon!

Susan at Stony River said...

I've been wondering how you've been managing so much job-search time and everything else. It seems that soon you'll be well qualified to be one of those job-search agents!

I'm in desperate need of a landscaper, but too far away to be of use; I'll definitely pass along the Spesh link however, and keep hoping for the best to come along for all three of you.

I miss your posts and comments, your sense of humour and insight: I'll be glad when you're 'back'!

Grannymar said...

Baino, give it time, but do come back. I wish you well in your search for gainful employment, who knows what new direction you will take, in the next six months. Hopefully you will look back and wonder what you worried about.

Take care and keep in touch. Big Hugs.

Kate said...

Hey Lady - take heed from this older lady - if I can do it - you can do it!...Keep at it and when you get fed up email me if you want some more encouragement.

I never thought I would end up in this job - it is so different to anything I have done before and I thought I was too old.

Guess what? My age was a plus! I won't be leaving to have babies - I won't take sick days unless necessary and I (supposedly) have a maturity that is wanted!

And - like you my written skills are good and my computer skills better than most people's of my age!

Keep at it my friend - its just around the corner!!!

Anonymous said...

@Brian, cheap wine=Boone's Farm ( shudder ).

Don't Bug Me! said...

Good luck, Baino, and I hope to see you back here very soon!

hokgardner said...

Good luck with the job hunt. I hope we see you back soon.

Colette Amelia said...

Know how you feel. The job search is certainly not for the weak at heart. The rollercoaster of riding the peak of hope when you get a call for an interview to the depths of depression when you don't get the position is crappy.

perhaps pencil in a day or two to rest from the whole ball of wax to re-energize.

good luck!

Anonymous said...

Yes it is quite hard to find jobs. Companioes looking for young but experienced people. What I find weird is that everywhere they ask for experience but if you haven't worked before how could you start??

My father lost his job due to Hungary's EU join in 2004 and it was really hard for him to find a new job and it is much worse than his former job.

Brian Miller said...

@subtorp - strawberry hill (((further shudders)))

laughingwolf said...

good/bad news indeed, baino... g'luck to all three....

Sandy Kessler said...

I say again / Invent something and market it on the internet. Some skill. My girlfriend writes resumes and other English type things and makes quite a bit..Me I'm looking for something on the computer since its so hot sandy

Ed & Jeanne said...

Good luck! I'm in line there too...but not for long. I have so many business plans...it's just a matter of moving forward on one.

Ronda Laveen said...

I'll be here when you get back. And will check in and drop a line occasionally. Yes, I was thinking that I Clare's biz takes off, she can use your help. What a wonderful family joint venture that would be.

You know, the phenols in wine are very anti-aging. In spas across the world they are doing "Vinotherapies." So, in addition to putting it inside, add a little to your moisturizer, use as a toner, soak your feet. I could be a write-off for your job search.


Gledwood said...

Every kind of wine goes with unemployment. Every kind of alcohol, in fact...

best of luck with the search. I dunno why so many employers seem to have a downer on the more "mature" end of the workforce... if I wanted a general office assistant for example I'd pick someone with a few decades' accumulated common sense over a school leaver ANY day of the week

California Girl said...

@Brian & subtorp: Ripple. I've got you both beat. It was chemically produced wine! The cheapest you could get in CA when I was in h.s. and college.

Baino: Hang in there! Maybe you should look in fields that interest you where you don't think you have a prayer. Your passion might get you into something new. There's an old saying "Those who don't know they can't, can" or something like that. I was taught that when I first went into sales and I still have to remind myself that it's true.

Megan said...

You'll find something. I'll see you on FB and I'm cheering for you always.

I will disseminate CB's info, as well.

Anonymous said...

Every good luck with the search Baino- we'll miss your witty posts so be back soon :)

Renee said...

Baino the kind of wine you can use and never do is this 'whine'.

I have this economy.

In Canada they say we are doing great too. Bullshit.

My husband has to take this week off because they are so slow at work. So both he and I are carrying the monkey on our backs.

As you know, aren't the three of us to old for this shit.

Everyone says a recession and that is because they still have jobs. When they lose theirs, they will be calling it a depression too.

Take care dear friend.


Shammickite said...

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you, I wish it would make a difference but it probably won't.

e said...


Good luck! I wish I had a pool or needed a website, too! Clare could visit and so could you!

You'll find something wonderful, and anytime you feel like a pop over, I'm merely an e-mail away...

I'm feeling a bit discouraged myself. It seems I need to come up with $10,000...(yes, those zeroes are correct!) so I hope something great is around the bend for both of us before we both go round the bend completely!!


Anonymous said...

back@Brian***b-b-b-b-rrrrrrr*** Chilla Cella!

Nancy said...

Good luck to you, Baino.I hope you land a great job before long.

If only those companies with the gum chewing, bad spelling, worse smelling staff knew how much they are missing the boat by not hiring you; they would be lining up to add you to the company roster..And they would be the lucky ones.

Don't worry, it has to happen. You are too good at what you do to not have someone realize what they are missing and swoop you up.....

Hope you come back soon and tell us all about your new job.. We'll be waiting and wishing..

Kath Lockett said...

Baino I thought of you last night when Sapphire and I were watching our current favourite DVD, 'Dr Horrible's Sing-a-long Blog'.

Penny tells Bob (Dr Horrible) "Everying happens," and he interrupts with, "Don't say for a reason", and she assures him that she wasn't going to say that, just, "Everything Happens."

There is no reason or sense behind the situation you're in now. It's unfair, mean, incredibly stressful and f**ked up. You DO NOT deserve to be in this situation but - maybe not today - things will improve.

It might be wine for you as it was/is the treadmill for me. And a fair few hugs of the dog sitting at my feet. My thoughts are with you. I won't say 'prayer's because I'm not into that palaver and your own skills, humour, experience, maturity and natural spunkiness will see you through.

K xo

Ces Adorio said...

My dear Baino. All I can do on my end is to pray for you. Good luck and God bless you!

xxx said...

Beautiful Baino... so sorry to read your stress. Your humour through all things is awesome.

Feel free to take some time out. The lovely thing about blogland is just that... it's lovely :-)

take care and we all look forward to your return.

best wishes always

xxx said...

PS .. the wine that goes with unemployment is called food :-)

kj said...

from the ashes comes the phoenix. (did i say that right?) i still feel you are going to have a happy choice.

you totally rock. xoxo

River said...

Don't despair Baino. Jobs are hard to find, it's true, but not impossible. Many of us felt discouraged time and time again when we didn't just walk in to a new job. I spent three years looking for work, with a short stint as a volunteer for the green Resrve (a branch of Australian Conservation Volunteers, for the older volunteers), I applied to factory after factory, only to finally, desperately settle for a "Christmas Casual" position with Coles. Almost 7 years later, I'm still with Coles. I'm no longer comfortable applying for factory work, since so many of them are closing and moving overseas. I'm resigned to it, but at least there's rent money coming in. I'm sure if you keep putting yourself out there something will turn up for you. Perhaps you could volunteer somewhere that needs you and they won't want to let you go and offer you a paid position?

River said...

@ Gledwood, there seems to be some kind of misconception going on, where employers think that older people are more "set" in their methods, while a younger person, or school leaver, can be more quickly trained to your specific office methods. It's complete rubbish in my opinion, older people can be flexible and learn new ways too.

Baino said...

Thank you and bless you all. I had a call today from Miss Perky tits to say that a job I was perfect for, was not presented to me because the "employer wanted someone with no experience so they could 'train' them into the position. . " Bullshit, why did they advertise the skills they wanted in the job ad? Anyway, I have an interview tomorrow for a job that sounds great but it's in a suckhole location . . .It's not really about the job search as much as being sick of the PC by 5pm.

I won't be gone for long but I hate it when bloggers disappear for no reason, so thought it only fair to let you know that I'm burned out.

I haven't heard from the Lehners in France, Anonybird, Ernest de Cugnac for ages and I often wonder what became of them . .I'm really talking a very, very short break I'll be back before you know it. Who'd have thought this little bloggy thing would have reached so many people in such diverse places!

Your messages of support are really, really keeping me buoyant so thank you so much. I'm very lucky to have such a wonderful bunch of commenters and stalkers. You're great . . .

Really . .

no I mean it . . .

I'll be back next week most likely!

kj said...


you are so selfish. what's more important, keeping your legions of blog buddies entertained or supporting yourself?

for someone with a good head on her shoulders, your priorities need a talking-to.

(please smile)

guess who

Anonymous said...

Good luck at job hunting. And don't be surprised if my blog doesn't exist by the time you are back.

Jefferson Davis said...

Take your time, Baino. It is bad everywhere, I'm afraid. I noticed yesterday that the jobs section of the local newspaper was only 10cm long! It used to be one to two full pages of job listings!!!

Chin up, gurly. :)

Unknown said...

Good luck with the job hunt and take your time. I'll be thinking of you way over here in the city of Boston...

Cuppa Jo said...

Makes me wonder what's going on in the world because I think the scarcity of jobs is becoming universal. Good luck with everything, and your kids too. Like the rest, I'll still be here.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I found a centrist way to continue it but I will reform my blog so probably I will change the link as well but you will be informed. In email you mentioned something about my development in English? What do you mean about that? Oh by the way according to you, could I "survive" in an English speaking country? Like getting a job or to be able to communicate.

kj said...

there is a picture of this fabaroo woman on my blog today, photo used without permission and with hope that it brings a smile, not a lawsuit.


jay said...

Ah, I'm sorry, Baino. I hope the break won't be too long. I'll miss you. :(

Been there, done that, on the unemployed and overqualified front, though I was younger. I really don't fancy my chances of looking for work now as a 55 yr old with fibromyalgia, two wrecked shoulders and what feels like tennis elbow, who can't get up on time to save her life (and if she does, she'll fall asleep at her desk at around 3.30). Lucky I ain't looking, isn't it?

See you on FB maybe. ;)

Renee said...

When you tell me how you feel. I believe you.

Renee xoxoxo

The Jelly Monster said...

If I had the money I would hire you to walk around with fan on me so I looked like I was in a rock music video. Best of luck chicken, I'll rub buddha's belly for you!

Anonymous said...

I made a new blog but deleted the old one. It is my cnservative way of solution. You can find the link in my profile.
Good luck atjob hunting.

Candie said...

Hi Baino!I'm going to miss your posts but I understand and I hope you'll find something really soon.Be well and take care.I see you soon.

Mo said...

Life can really be hard... Don't stress about blogging, you've got enough to worry about. Hugs.

Chris said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Christopher said...

I'm confused about one thing. Why aren't you qualified to pick mushrooms? How hard is it? I've grown mushrooms in my basement, with no formal training at all. I even picked 'em myself. And cooked 'em. They were delicious.