Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Madhouse again. . . and it's someday . . not some day . .but someday . . .there's a subtle difference:

Someday . . .
I'll sell my land to a money-hungry greedy developer for less than it's really worth and be filthy rich and racked with guilt, but today I'm just glad we've burned all the shrapnel that falls off these damn trees and the place actually looks half tidy and there are no rats in my roof despite torrential rain.

Someday . . .
I'll give my daughter away at her beach wedding in little more than bare feet and a sarong but today, I'm wearing a suit and red-rimmed corporate glasses so that I look professional at two interviews I'm scheduled to attend.

Someday . . .
I'll travel the world and do the 'big trip', climb the Eiffel tower and visit far-away places despite my fear of flying but today, I'm cranking up the jalopy, slipping up to the dry cleaners in the pouring rain and chopping vegetables for a chicken casserole

Someday . . .
I'll be a 'qualified' Pets As Therapy handler and take the Lilydog to chat with the infirm and less able and put a smile on their face but today . . I'm waiting for us to pass our good 'behaviour' test

Someday . . .
I'll pay off my son's HECS debt and buy him a snazzy ute with "Garden Assault" graphics but today, I'm filling up the old Honda tank so he can drive to his girlfriend's in some level of comfort instead of taxing the van from hell with 417,000 kms on the dial!

Someday . . .
I'll let my hair go grey (thank you Collette Amelia) and not be concerned that it makes me look my age but today . . I'm touching up the roots

Someday . . .
I'll be nursing a grandchild and being thankful that it's happy, healthy and as beautiful as it's parent but today . . I'm wincing at the thought, they smell funny and leak at both ends

Someday . . .
I'll actually buy a lock for my bathroom door, but for now, the face cloth on the top of the door is enough to firmly hold it in place when the door's closed and provides us showertime privacy

Someday . . .
I really will really learn to knit a pair of woolly socks for winter . .today, I dragged out the half completed scarf that's been sitting in my dresser drawer for . . 3 YEARS!

Someday . . .
I'll give up smoking . . I think it might be Monday but for now . . .I'm driving my kids insane being home all day and lighting up every time I have a caniption. The Glade company are making a fortune in concentrated air deodorisers.

Someday . . .
I'll master the bloody manual settings on my camera but today, I'm just looking forward to having a whole day's workshop next Saturday with a Sydney photographer who will hopefully set me straight. Andy Piggot, my craft rests with you!

Someday . . .
I will find out what they put in sausages . .but today . . I'd rather not know!

Someday . . .
I'll actually dig out that pasta maker that the kids bought me for Mother's day three years ago and make something super delicious (probably involving crab or lobster) . .but for now . . I'm slicing open a box of Barilla Fusilli, it's so much quicker and oh so pwitty.

Someday . . .
I will realise that life is not a rehearsal and begin to breathe in everything around me, but for now . . .I'll keep banging my head against the wall wondering how I can be an instrument of change.

Someday . . .
I'll scoop up that massive dead rat that's carked it outside the roller door on the feed shed . .but not until it's nicely dessicated

Someday . . .
I could go on and on but someday, I'll actually stop saying 'someday' and get the bloody hell on with it!

*shutup Clare*


i beati said...

Embracing it all I see.....sandy

Grannymar said...

I have given up 'Someday'!

Well, this might be the only day I get and it would be a shame to waste it.

xxx said...

I'm with grannymar :-)...

great post Baino....

take care and where are all the Aussie bloggers hiding?

best wishes
Ribbon x

nick said...

It seems to me the last thing you see life as is a rehearsal, you seem to grab everything with enthusiasm and get as much out of life as you can. And I guess you'll have just as much joie de vivre in your nineties.

Rats in the roof? Eeeek! The worst I've had in my roof is all that old junk I've never got round to disposing of.

Mrsupole said...

Someday or some day, I had never really thought about the difference, but you are right, there is one.

I hope that some day you do get to do all those things you wrote about. I hope your job interviews work out great. And you are successful in quitting the cigs. I wish my daughter would stop. She smells like a dirty ashtray. Ugh.

God bless.

GayƩ Terzioglu said...

I didn't know you smoke/smoked!!!!!!

ian said...

Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero

Brian Miller said...

great post baino. we are all waiting on our some days, it seems. i hope that this is your someday for the job. good luck at your interviews today.

kids leaking out both now stuck in my head. ha.

happy someday!

JMLC said...

Good luck today! I'm with you on the stopping and breathing it all's my goal for the next two months. I'll think of you as I try, really hard!

Anonymous said...

Baino, do you really ever want to know what goes in those sausages?

And best of luck on the interviews! You "wow" them, wot? :)

Candie said...

Hi Baino!I just love that post!!Have a lovely day,let's not say someday,today!lol

P.S:it's better to not know what's in sausages,trust me,lol

Leah said...

I love how vivid your posts always are, Baino. And I agree with Nick--you are full up with spirit and joie de vivre! But your marvelous acerbity cuts it perfectly. It's truly a wonderful combination.

Now I feel a need to editorialize on some of the things I relate to...

Barilla? OH yes. Quitting smoking? Check. I did it, sort of and it sucks (the quitting, not the smoking. The smoking is delicious. Not sure how one can be expected to quit at a time when they're under duress... ). Sock knitting--it is easier than you think and very much fun. But a scarf is good too!

It sounds as if you are embracing your Now with a very good sense of humor.

Kate said...

I am afraid I do not do some days any more but I applaud people who do!

I'm with you on the hair colour - I'm doing mine this weekend!

Good luck with the interviews!!!

Susan at Stony River said...

I really enjoyed the spirit in this list; lots of great somedays!

Good luck on those job interviews, too.

Don't Bug Me! said...

Someday I will stop reading other blogs and go and write my own. The trouble is, I really enjoy other people's blogs, especially yours! Thanks for keeping me entertained.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed that one ... you should have added, Someday, all our bloggers will meet ...

steph said...

I like the 'Pets as Therapy' idea, a lot.

Do you have to do a good 'behaviour' test too? ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hmm, someday I will cry in the US and ask myself what I am doing here.

If you sell your land under price please call me. I can pay less than it worths, trust me. Moreover then I won't be in the country which starts with "U" and ends with "nited States of America". :D

Anonymous said...

Someday is Today Baino! Go on...let the hair go grey- it is very liberating!

Colette Amelia said...

This was brilliant! I have kind of put somedays on hold. I kind of miss them they are kind of energizing and hopeful giving you something to look forward to.

Thanks for awakening the someday thinking!

laughingwolf said...

what about snow white's lament: someday my prints will come... or was that: some day?

English Mum said...

D'ye know what, Baino? That's almost a bucket list. That's another thing I keep meaning to do. Oh, and I have it on good authority from my Disreputable Dad that sausages are made from lips and arseholes. I still love them though x

kj said...

this is an awe-some post! here's wishing your someday is this day soon enough. and you know, baino, so it will be.

i discovered something about you i didn't know. can you guess what?


Baino said...

Trying to Sandy but I am a bit of a 'someday' rather than live in the moment person.

True GM, I'm working on that too!

Dunno Ribbon, we'll have to get onto the Aussie Blog site and see who's buzzin' Actually I don't have many Aussie commenters.

Only one shot Nick but sometimes the turkey's get me down and I forget how good life actually is. I know, when it rains the buggers move in!

Gawd, I know Mrs, I've resisted sharing that fact for a while!

Sorry Gaye. I gave up for a while after Clare left but fell off the wagon . .Monday . . I can't afford it any more so I'm 'driven'.

True Ian, I trusted tomorrow 5 years ago and it still hasn't come! Seize the day indeed!

Thanks Brian. I have two .. one temp, one permanent although the temp one sounds more exciting. I've realised that I don't have a suit!

jlmc, I tend to forget to breathe, except on Sundays when I really focus on what's going on around me.

Not really Subby . .I think in this case, ignorance is bliss!

I know you're right Candie!

Leah I'm planning on finishing the scarf as part of the non-smoking thing, keeps my hands busy! Then, maybe onto socks.

I think some people suit grey Kate, such as Collette but I'm just not ready to go there yet! I think it's easier if you're a blonde to begin with.

Thanks Suze. I should add that someday, I'm going to lose that weight and not feel self-conscious in a bathing suit!

Oh DBM, you might not post often but when you do, it's spectacular!

Wouldn't that be great Moon? It's on the Agenda anyway.

Steph, nice to see you back! We both have to be tested for good behaviour and temperament! Lily will pass . .not so sure about moi!

Ropi I'm sure you'll do just fine in Europe but you're welcome over here any time (bring your sunscreen!)

Cinnamon, I will . .but I'm fighting the ageist employment thing at the moment so faking it for now!

No worries Collette, I'm a bit of a dreamer sometimes. I need to work harder at actually achieving these things.

Wuffa you're pretty cheesy, you know that?

EM that's one of my favourite sayings!

kj I know, filthy smoker . . I didn't used to smoke much but being home is driving me insane and I'm doing it too much.

tut-tut said...

hullo, Baino. Send me your mail address. Let's send postcards. I'm happier right now in the real world. but put out that butt now (breathe, think, breathe . . .)

California Girl said...

good bunch of "some days". your first paragraph qualifies for TT cuz you refer to rats in your roof.

ahhh, who wants to go grey anyway?

Bimbimbie said...

TODAY, start finishing your scarf ... then in no time, Someday this winter you'll be wrapping it around your neck telling everyone you made it ... so go get clickity clicking*!*

Kath Lockett said...

You will. I just know it!

River said...

I love "someday" moments, I have lots of them, they're a lovely way to pass a few minutes of otherwise boring time. Most of my moments involve obscene amounts of money and never working again, but then I start to wonder what I'd really do with the 18 hours or so that I'm not asleep.
Mmm, lobster ravioli with a cheesy spinach sauce. Get out that pasta machine!

Kate said...

You're right but then isn't it always easier for blondes?

I always wanted blonde curls but was blessed with dark brown pump water straight locks.

The good thing about it going grey is that it is far easier to dye! So it is now red at the back and blonde at the front - hard work to keep up but I think its worth it!

Megan said...

Dammit, I thought you were taking a break?!? Argh must catch up. This post is stellar.