Thursday, April 15, 2010

Let's Do Lunch

Liquid lunch . . .

Light lunch . .

Quick lunch . . .

Sweet lunch . . .

Hot lunch . . .

Oh alright then . . one for the lads . . .COLD lunch:

Theme Thursday again . . c'mon you didn't think I'd gone all cerebral now did you?


  1. Can I have the "Hot Lunch" please.

    But now I am hungry and the liquid lunch and light lunch both look so good.

    Okay, gonna go visit the kitchen now.

    God bless.

  2. not all lunches are edible, are they? ;) lol

  3. I'm for the hot lunch also, but at my age the quick lunch looks pretty good too.

  4. Hmmm, you like your pizzas very well cooked. And your cupcakes with plenty of cream. And your men with rather alarming stares and the tell-tale marks of their normal knickers. And your women on very uncomfortable positions on nasty rocks.

    Oh go on then, pour us some bubbly....

  5. look, i thought we talked about you using pictures of me without asking...

  6. I adore sweet lunch..I'm just past everything else.

  7. Well that was an interesting way to start my day. . .

  8. My favorite TT so far and will probably remain so today. Too frickin' funny girl.

    I want the Hot Lunch too! Did you see his package? Whoa!!!!!

  9. Heh, heh! Good take on the theme. Although I might have gone with a pint of Guinness for the liquid lunch; it's a little more literal, given the sheer weight of stout.

  10. Anonymous12:07 am

    One evening I was watching Travel Channel and I was surprised that you have champagne and vines.

    It is not about the topic but the girl on the 4th photo looks good. :P

  11. A glass of champagne and the Hot Lunch, please! But save a piece of that pizza - I will need it when I'm finished with the Hot Lunch. ;o)

  12. Great pics of all kinds of lunches! Liquid lunch and hot lunch really rang my chimes.

  13. Something for EVERYONE!!!!

    I would like to mix the liquid lunch with that scrumptious veggie pizza please! WHO SAYS you cannot have champagne WITH pizza??????

  14. there's my new wallpaper...not just for lunch anymore!

  15. Great pics! I had nothing for this theme but really enjoyed this post. Yum!

  16. I'll be in the kitchen cookin' with Hot Lunch. No, that's okay, we really don't need any help:-)

  17. Sorry I'm late... Mmmm!

    I hope there's a slice of hot lunch left for me!

  18. hahaha, you remind me of renee sometimes, hells.

    hahaha, i wonder where preferences fit into these lunches? heeheehehe

    this is very cute and very clever. i want more of these please.


    word verf is comyin. i swear it is.

  19. Is that broccoli I see on that pizza? BROCCOLI?? That's just wrong. So wrong. on the other hand, my K says the same thing about pineapple.....
    The sweet lunch looks more like my kind of thing. That plate with the potatoes and chicken looks more like dinner to me. In my house a quick lunch is a slab of bread with butter and vegemite on it.

  20. I suspect I would go for the liquid lunch rather than the cold lunch which just shows how old and boring I have become. Could I possibly swap the champers for a decent pint and use the money saved to tempt the barmaid?

  21. i meant to say MY preferences.

    going from the general to me-me-me makes a difference int this case, sexual preference being its own interesting factor...


  22. Is Hot Lunch taken? Ah well.... I'll make up for that with a liquid lunch. Cheers!

  23. Anonymous7:06 am

    Superb Baino :-)

  24. This was great! I'll go for the liquid along with the hot lunch.

  25. Oh it's the sweet lunch for me. Every time.

  26. wow,
    hot Theme Thursday post!

    Happy Saturday!

  27. mmmmmmmmmm

    thats all i'm saying

  28. I'm so late for this post Helen. Great pics and erm pecs.

  29. too funny!

    is that hot lunch having a wee?

    xx Robyn
