Thursday, July 29, 2010

Sweetness and Light

Theme Thursday here again and I've been a bad blogger.  Things are about to change. All of a sudden I'm involved with three private blogs, an admin for another and two of my own. How did that happen? 

The big news . .  I left my job today. It's the first time I've ever resigned, all three of my past long term jobs have either ended in redundancy or the business has wound up and I've been left on the pavement. This time, I handed in my notice, had a wonderful lunch, nice speeches, gifts and flowers and a weight is lifted from my shoulders.  I'm writing short fiction, I have a new job starting on 9th August. A little sad that one of the bright lights in my life is, well, heading for the bright lights of LA but I know he'll shine. 

My son, who had a job, then didn't, now does . . . for the first time in a long time, I think there is a little light at the end of the tunnel.

*I  seem to have given the impression that it's Adam going to LA, he's not, he's remaining at home, it's a friend who's heading for Hollywood.

So, time to put a little light on the subject:

Christmas Lights

Angel Lights

Black Lights

Candle Light

Dappled Light

Night Light

Evening Light

High Light

Awesome Light

Light of my life No. 1

Lights of my life 2 and 3

Now run along and trip the light fantastic with others who are posting on "Light"


  1. Happy Changes! You've Seen The Light!

  2. Your journey is progessing right into more lightness and joy. xxx

  3. I love your lights, especially the christmas lights and the night lights.
    Of course the lights of your life are the best.
    Here's a coincidence; I used a "light" photo in my post today and I didn't even know today's theme was Lights.

  4. P.S. Six blogs?? When do you sleep?

  5. That rain pic is awesome!

  6. light rocks in your life...

  7. A new chapter always brings a sense of new adventure. Well done on the escape.

  8. beautiful pics...particularly under the docks...and the night light...good for you baino...hope all goes well with the new job...

  9. nice collection of photos...

    Change is good, welcome change is better.

    ps.I'm a bit afraid of 'the tenth' as words a really not my first language... but I'm thinking about it.... -j

  10. Congratulations Helen! You need to give more details about your new job.

    I know you're sad to see your son move to LA but, think of it as a new place to travel.

    More details on the new job please...and when do you leave for Paree?

  11. As ol' Hank wrote: "Praise the lord! I saw the light!" It's about time you had some good things happen!

  12. Well, you made light work of that subject. I like the pic of Dappled Light - something about the textures and colours. It's very soothing.

  13. just don't make light of the good changes ;)

  14. deLIGHTFUL all around.

    there is nothing as empowering as resigning a job that is stressful/un-fulfilling/ or all around 'bad fit'

    congrats on that and having the other job secured in order to do that!!!

    change, change, change

    yikes we had no idee as to your bloggy commitments!!

    with a son in l.a. it won't be long till you HAVE to make a visit - YIPPEE - i feel a big convergence to welcome you to north america!!

  15. Congratulations for the changes in your life... I'm sure they are full of light

    Love all your pics.. they are full of life and light ;)

  16. Sorry I should clarify, not my son going to LA, its a close friend.

  17. Light illuminates the shadow and finds the hidden treasures in all of us. Happy TT

  18. Some amazing lights you have there! :)

  19. I'd say all of those are extremely happy lights! Yay! :)

  20. Well, if all of that doesn't brighten up your life... Enjoy the days of freedom before you start the new job ;-)

  21. So many happy lights. enjoy.
    word verification is bonny, so maybe the lights are more bonny than happy?

  22. things are looking up! here's one for you, by Lone Justice: You are the light in my dark world. Give it a listen

  23. Congratulations on your new job. Now lighten up and enjoy the changes.

  24. wow! lots of changes!
    beautiful pictures! and I loved the theme throughout!

  25. You missed out Marlboro Lights, haha!

  26. And you sacked them. Good.

  27. I'd recognise that Irish Canterbury rugby shirt anywhere!

    Well done for resigning your post. You say it's a weight lifted off your shoulders... I guess you must feel LIGHTER?

  28. the spotlight is on you!
    well done.

  29. Sounds like congratulations are in order. Thanks for the photos and share of your personal enlightenment.

  30. Wow! All the trials and tribulations of your working life all gone? Yay for you!

    And you have a job writing fiction?? I'm so jealous!! How did you get that and what is it and when do you start and why haven't we got the details?

    *taps fingers*

    Love all the light pics, by the way - and congrats to your son!

  31. I love your light photo collection...especially the lights of your life 1, 2 & 3. Congrats on your resignation, and I hope the new job wonderful.

  32. Wonderful post, Baino!

  33. Spectacular photos, lovely lights and a new start for you, how wonderful is that!

    I hope all is good for you!

  34. Bler... nyer... :P

  35. I'm rather relieved to see that neither the 'Light of your Life' numbers one, two or three is standing under a RED light!

    I hope that your new job is, oh about ten thousand percent better than the one you just left.

  36. I have one private blog. So there!

  37. i love you, hells.

    this makes me thoroughly totally absofuckinglutely happy through and through.

    this could be the nicest post i've read ever.


  38. Congrats on the new job and for sticking with the old one until the right one came along! I love the photos especially the dappled light through the trees.

  39. Anonymous9:06 pm

    Well, it sounds better to resign, than being made redundant. It gives the impression that the workplace didn't live up to your expectations and not the other way.

  40. Anonymous9:34 pm

    Enjoyed your pics - lovely post Helen and to see the loved ones who light up your life.So glad about the new work offers for both you and your son. A great reason to visit the bright lights of LA at some time in the future!

  41. I rejoice at the light at the end of your tunnel but suspect the real light will be when you can devote yourself to writing in a full time capacity. Your skills are developing so quickly I have a feeling the tunnel might not be a particularly long one.

  42. Where's Friday Fuckwit?

    We want Friday Fuckwit!

    Where's Friday Fuckwit?

    We want Friday Fuckwit!

  43. Anonymous6:10 am

    What a cool post!:)

  44. You simply shine!

  45. I feel very enlightened by this post! lol

    I think that your job was really dragging you down and I am glad to see you free of it!

  46. Your moving into the light ;)

    best wishes Helen for all things good and lots of dollars too xx

  47. You think YOU'VE been a bad blogger! I've been very bad! Neglected so many people lately (sorry folks, it could not be helped).

    I can see why they are the lights in your life - they are all lovely.

    Well done on the resigning front and well done on the short fiction writing. Would love to have a sample to read.

    All the best,


  48. GREAT light coming from your part of the world. LOVE the photos but can only think it was a GREAT MOMENT of pure empowerment for you when you resigned to do something YOU want to do!

  49. I always love your pictures.
    I also wish you best of luck on your new job Aug. 9th.
    Now I am going to quickly look at that other post, with all those tantalizing pictures....hmmm, spot the freckle? lol

  50. oooh, I picked the right day to stop by!!
    Lovely post Baino. Very thoughtful and creative.

    And I'd love it if you could join up with us in P-town! In some ways the world is so big, and in some ways it's small. At least it's amazing that some of us have managed to find each other this way!

    Congrats on giving your notice. That means you did something for yourself and something better is ahead. yay!!


  51. Admit that it does feel better kowing that you can walk away from a job; especially if'n you dinna like it...

    Congrats and huzzah!

    And excellent photies :)

  52. Baino--congratulations on the new job and getting to resign from the last! I hope all works out. Well, i know you surely type a lot better than i so perhaps you can also keep up with so many blogs. I couldn't. LOl

  53. Well now I know what "angel lights" are. i din;t know that!

  54. Congratulations! Sounds like an exciting time.
    I seem to finally have some time to thank you for your comments and support. It has been and can still be such a hard time. I am so grateful for you to take the time to say a few words. It really has meant a lot to me.
    Much love,

  55. at times you are my light godspeed into new job sandy

  56. hi Baino
    i'm a bad blogger too. SOOOO much catching up to do.
    Congrats so much on the new job, good for you.

    lovely photos - the evening light and the next two esp. are just gorgeous.
