Sunday, August 08, 2010

Dog Day Afternoon

Little to report other than my internet is still intermittent. Awaiting a second line test on Tuesday. Although I've had a few hours access today.

As it seems, is communication with my brother who lives next door and just emailed me to tell me that my nephew is getting married here, on our property on the 4th March. Of course I already knew but strange that someone living within 10 metres doesn't actually announce it personally.  At least there will be refurbishments prior to the happy event and I get to buy a new frock and drink his piss. He tends to 'contribute' to maintenance when there is an event to celebrate.  Families are weird. Dogs are predictable. I like dogs.

So  the big deal today, little more than a dog day afternoon on a sunny Winter's day:

Billabong . . love the word but Aussies rarely use it

Billabong, Lily has no idea what it means but it's good to splosh in, even when laden with red gloop

Another dip, another shake

Hate it whe water gets in yer ears

Toit as a toiger

Spring is approaching *hatchooo*

Even the weeds are looking happy


  1. great pics...esp those yellow flowers...nice color...

    "drink his piss" can i get a translation on that just to be sure i have the right mental image...

  2. I had a black lab and a cousin had a yellow one. One day he came over with his dog and we ran them thru the woods and in lovely ponds - they had a ball. But when we got home I pointed out to him that his yellow dog was so dirty - look at all the mud on his yellow fur! - and my black dog had kept himself nice and clean with no mud to be seen. I vowed never to get a yellow lab.

    This is along the lines of my favorite way to clean house - take off my glasses and VOILA - no dust in the corners.

    Dogs are predictable - and terrific.

  3. There are no weeds, only wildflowers! This particular wildflower is a Thistle.

  4. I love a bit of thistle on a sunny Sunday. Nice pics Baino.

  5. billabong is word Americans never use...we have ponds i guess. And how can such a noxious ornery crabby pokey weed like thistle have such a quaint purple puff..? Toby says hi to Lily!

  6. Isn't a "billabong" what's called in England a "large puddle"..?!?


  7. Anonymous10:49 pm

    My brother send me a happy birthday email to me from the neighbouring room and he didn't tell me personally. I was very upset and I told him that I knew we are in 2010, but he shouldn't have relied on technology that much. Of course I wasn't that sophisticated and I used such words as "fuck", "jerk", "asshole" which are not widely used by me.

  8. A billabong is a pond? That's it? I always expected it to be some kind of watery thing but not sure what, maybe more of a lake. Is this mostly in the interior vs near the shoreline where it's less critical or is that a disingenuous question? Why am I rambling?

  9. Love the pictures of Lily in the billabong! What's the red gloop?

  10. billabong? that is a springy word!

    i have vowed to never break up with anyone, express real anger, or substitute hugs through the internet.

    of course i HAVE to hug you this way, but if we are in the same house, i will call out your name instead: 'hells! hells! it's me, kj!"


  11. Those aren't weeds! They are Scotland in a plant! :)

  12. I know what a billabong is! And,yes, dogs are more reliable. I loved the pictures of Lily.

  13. Great photos. The nice thing about a wedding in the garden is you can drink all you want and roll into bed when you have had enough! Enjoy!

  14. Nice to know you and your family are 'closer' than ever!!!! I'm sure it will all turn out okay....

    its great watching dogs isn't it - they just get on with things - no stress and the next day they wake up bright eyed and bushy tailed ready to go again!!!!!

  15. I love a bonzer billabong, cobber....

    I thought a billabong was actually a temporary pond or lake, one that comes and goes according to the amount of rainfall. But what's the official Aussie definition?

  16. I had never heard the word billabong before so I learned a new word today, but am not sure which definition is the correct one.

  17. Lily is enjoying her swim was she joined by any jumbucks?

    Ha, sounds like your brother's wife might have been asking if he had told you about the wedding plans yet and he said yes whilst pressing send *!*

  18. I imagined billabongs to be somewhat cleaner, if rather busy with sheep, kangaroos and singing swagmen.

    Love the pictures - especially the Lily ones - the 'tiger' is lovely!

    But I need a translation on the 'drink his piss' thing, too. I'm sure it can't be what it sounds like ... LOL!

  19. Anonymous8:19 am

    The gloop is RED is not a noxious weed but some people do find it obnoxious...if you want/need to eradicate it get hold of Mr Golightly & his friend Mr Prettydog, experts when it comes to the Sisyphus principle, (substitute pool net for boulder)...or you could just get some DEGLONE and follow the instructions very carefully regarding aqueous plants
    I have no pics of our dam full of 'gloop' but other intersting things round here, including Zoe the tart, can be found on the lovely Isabella Golightly's blog
    PS I really, really like this blog

  20. Anonymous8:22 am

    hmmm, obviously my spelling is excellent when it comes to BIG words...substitute interesting for intersting please

  21. i love this post and agree with all your words... :)


  22. I noticed that the Almond Trees had blossom on them yesterday. We haven't really had a winter yet.

  23. somebunny gots to have fun! ;)

  24. Lily is The Queen of all she surveys isn't she?

    One of the things I love about dogs is their utter joy at being able to go for a walk outside with so many things to chase, sniff, roll in, investigate, etc.

    My Milly doesn't dare get her stomach wet, so the 'red gloop' would remain a mystery to her.

  25. Hi there, Baino! Nice shots!

  26. I was wondering what the red gloop was, but "anonymous" has anwered that.
    I love the wattle picture, I've found that wattle doesn't set off my hayfever, so I'm free to smell the very delicate scent the lemon ones put out. Lots of wattle around here is coming in to bloom now too. I haven't seen a thistle in years.

  27. Well, when it comes to the correct definition of billabong, I think I'm still up a gum tree.

  28. Do you hear a swagman when you pass the billabong?

  29. There is a Jacques Brel song called "The Girls and the Dogs" which has a verse which goes :

    "But the dogs
    Well, they're only dogs
    Just wagging their tails
    As they watch it end
    Oh, the dogs
    Well, they're only dogs
    And maybe that's why
    They're man's best friend"

    Your post made me think of it. Stay well and get a decent connection soon.

  30. Those thistles look suspiciously like a botanic import from Scotland...

    ... same kind of thistles you get a pingy little dormouse clambering up ...

  31. ah Lily candid pictures of the girl I'm happy fro the newness in your life esp.job and Spring!!sk

  32. Brothers... (rolling of eyes)!!!

  33. What a refreshing treat along with series of great photos! Have a nice day!

  34. i love dogs
    and i love mimosa
    which i can almost smell, great photo
