Monday, September 06, 2010

Au Revoir and Throw Me a G & T

No big deal for you northerners but 22  hours in a tin can is kind of daunting for us Aussies. So tomorrow at 3:30pm I'll be nervously downing a gin and tonic or ten and feeling that horrible rush as a plane far too big to float screams down the runway at Kingsford Smith Airport and  hoping it doesn't blow up like a frigging Concord. 

No, I am not a good flyer but I am an awesome traveller. Clare's surprised at the lightness of my backpack. 

However, once the light goes ping and I can move around the cabin I relinquish my control freak urges and relax but until then, the heart palpitates and the nerves frey. Today I've been a complete neuropuss. Combine that with an inability to smoke, tiny seats, alcohol only served with meals and the possibility of sitting next to the Christian Biker from Hell (oh yes that happened) and I'm a possible mess but it will be worth it.

For decades, I've wanted to visit Paris. Not sure why but on various trips to Europe Paris has eluded me so  this time, my glorious first born is taking me there for a week, then down to Bordeaux to stay with a gorgeous man she went to school with followed by a week of not sure where, then a week  in Tuscany with a backpack and a shared bathroom. I'm looking forward to it. Really I am.

Not sure about the posting situation, we're not taking a laptop but I'm sure I'll sate my addiction in some internet cafe at some point. 

Thank you Adam and Amy for housesitting, snugglebug my Lily  for me and feed old Laurie. Don't demolish the house. 

As for the rest of you . . be good to each other. Miss me a little. Jeff, remember to vote for me on 10thDoM and well, if I crash and burn I'd like these for funeral songs.  BYO lighters and crank it bitches.



  1. have safe travels baino and lots of fun along the way...

  2. 22 hours. that's nuts. take lots of pictures and go up top of that thar tower them thar folks got...i hear it's a doozy. air reevwere un belle!

  3. Have a ball, and we will wait patiently if not a little green of eye for your return!

  4. Wishing you a safe flight and congenial fellow-travellers.
    Looking forward to seeing the photos :)

  5. Have a fabulous trip. I am beyond jealous. Looking forward to hearing all about it when you get back.

  6. Have the BEST time!!! I know you will!

    You will be out of that tin can in no time, enjoying yourself.


  7. OMG I don't fly. Claustrophobic and Acrophobia does not equal plane.

    Safe travels and an enjoyable trip!

    <---- Jealous!

  8. As Bugs Bunny used to say: "Bon voyagee!" Have a great time, and please try to check in from time to time via internet cafe.

  9. Baino--sound like an amazing trip!!! Enjoy--Bon voyage!!

  10. If you have a bit of time before you go why not take a look at the Professional Pilot's Rumour Network site (, I always think that it is required reading before a plane journey. Have fun. Safe landings (wherever they may be)

  11. Fly, my pretties! Fly!

    Oh, wait... that's about monkeys, isn't it?

    Ah, well...

  12. what awaits far outweighs the anxiety - a bevy of pics please..sandy

  13. Happy landings and enjoy the change in phwarrr! candy - forget height and muscle content, best things come small and stylishly wrapped. Enjoy the bum pinching*!*

  14. Hope you have a fabulous time & just think - we'll have a new government when you come back - that's something to really look forward to! Have a bella vacanza!

  15. Have a GLORIOUS holiday and take LOTS of pics...I will look forward to hearing about your adventure. Could you please start by having Clare blog about your plane trip and your behavior following the ten gin and tonics??? Please?? ;)

    Have fun.

  16. oh YAY, Paris, aaah, have a wonderful time!

  17. have a grand time, baino!

  18. I'll look forward to hearing about your Parisian adventures. Oui oui!

  19. Oooh! Tuscany! I love what I've seen of it on TV, please take lots of pictures there. But most of all, have fun!!

  20. Bon voyage and you won't crash. Don't be silly. I'll miss you lots! Looking forward to the stories and the photos. Have a wonderful time. Relax!

  21. Anonymous11:53 pm

    Long journey Baino. I'd like to be at a funeral that had that music selection playing.

  22. Have a great trip! You might have actually arrived already - over there in France (just 40 miles away from my current location). Looking forward to hearing all about your travel adventures.

  23. Paris is my absolute favorite city in the world. I hope you have a blast there. As for the 22 hour flight, when my daughter was 2, I flew her from Albany, NY to Adelaide, Australia. All told it was a 30 hour trip. I think you'll be just fine!

  24. Anonymous2:08 am

    Have fun!

  25. Anonymous1:50 pm

    enjoy every minute - you deserve it!

  26. WOO HOO! Have a fantastic time!

  27. Anonymous8:25 am

    Have an awesome time Baino!

  28. missing you a little

    hope you're having a fab fab time
    (and not missing us at all)

  29. straighten up and fly right! ;) lol

  30. Agh!

    Oh, Hell... the word verification is "bhole."

    I can only ponder what that could mean.

  31. I know that you will have a wonderful time and I hope you know that you will be missed.

    Big love to you and please have some fun for me too xoxo

  32. Anonymous12:30 pm

    Bienvenue and happy landings in la belle pays.

  33. I hope you are having a FAB time!!!

  34. How incredibly exciting for you, Baino. hope it is going well. you must tell us your travel neighbour stories upon your return1 :)

  35. The worst kind of annoying person is the guy that's interested in you for no other reason than you are female!! Try that one day and you will be begging for the christian biker!

  36. I know you're having ridiculous fun and I don't begrudge you a single moment. But do I miss you!!!

  37. Oooh, sounds like a blast! We're going to be in Tuscany around the same time - wouldn't it be funny if we bumped into each other?

  38. You wouldn't make a v good crack addict if you don't even like the "horrible rush" of a plane taking off!!!!

    I hate the confined crampedness of it all. Flying by plane reminds me of taking National Express Coaches, except up in the sky...

    ... yesterday I ponced the Sunday colour supplements out of my neighbour's recycling and saw the interior of arms dealer Adnan Khashogghi's private jet, plus a couple of others. The journalist called them "vulgar" ~ which is what all bourgeois people say when they haven't the money to do something themselves ~ these planes were AMAZING. Like a living room in the skies. I really wouldn't mind flying in one of those...
    Hope yer having a cheery trip!!

  39. 22 hours in a tin can! HA! Try 14 days luv!! Happy hols on your Euro-trip :)

    The Asleep @ th' Wheel vid kicks :D

    xoxo~~frae Subby

  40. O come on you've been gone weeks now. And I know it doesn't say so, because your comments aren't date stamped, but I left the last one ages ago
