Friday, September 03, 2010

Friday Fuckwit Goes to Ground

I've often wondered about infidelity and the complications the subtefuge of having a husband and a lover might cause.  I think it would take some intestinal fortitude for a man to deal with two women, especially if they're hot blooded Latin types:

ONE of the trapped Chilean miners is dreading his rescue after his wife met his secret mistress at the entrance to the San Jose mine.
Yonni Barrios' wife, Marta Salinas, and his lover, Susana Valenzuela, were both holding vigils for him outside the mine.

Ms Salinas, 56, was stunned and horrified when she heard Ms Valenzuela shouting his name amid a crowd of miners' loved ones.

However, she is determined not to give up her man to her love rival.
She told friends: "Barrios is my husband. He loves me and I am his devoted wife. This woman has no legitimacy."

But Ms Valenzuela said the 50-year-old miner, who she met on a training course five years ago, was planning to leave his wife for her. "We are in love. I'll wait for him," she said

As a dear friend of mine would say "Mmm hmmm?"

I bet he's not so disappointed about the prospect of a 90 day stay of execution.

Have a wonderful weekend darlings. The passport has been renewed, I am now officially on leave and counting down the hours.  I'm still thinking of pinching Adam's laptop but trying to see if I can survive a month with little more than internet cafe's to sate my addiction! Also meeting the future in-laws on Sunday and have been warned to say nothing incriminating . . .really, doesn't he trust his mother?


  1. haha. have a wonderful trip baino...look forward to hearing all about it...

  2. Amazing story here. It's extraordinary what can come to light when someone gets buried underground.

    Nina Simone is breathlessly wonderful - this other woman, this 'lonesome queen'.

  3. woo hoo! have a fantastic trip! lots and lots of pics so we may all share your experience.

    that mining story is too funny... particularly your comment about the "stay of execution".

    Au Revoir!

  4. Have a great trip. As far as I recall, you are not coming to the UK this trip : if I am wrong let me know and I will get the drinks in.

  5. Hmmmm... All his chickens seem to be coming home to roost with a vengeance!

    Have a great trip!

  6. I'd nick the laptop if I were you - wifiing is so much better than internet cafeing. Have a great trip!!!!

  7. That trapped miner...deep shit all around. As for you, have a wonderful trip!

  8. I saw him first bitches.

  9. bon voyage, youse twos...

  10. Reminding me again ho much I love Nina.. Have you ever watched Paris Je t'aime..somehow that is flying about in the nebulous gray matter upon reading this- cherish it all p's and q's on the inlaws- we love you take lots of pics for us ..sandy

  11. one woman is too much. two?!

    hey, hope you stay in touch, looking forward to pictures and posts!

  12. What a wonderful story. The sort of unexpected debacle you don't allow for when you think you've done everything to cover your tracks. Wait for him to announce that he would be happy to stay underground indefinitely....

    Have a fantastic holiday! Looking forward to the fearlessly frank post-holiday resumé....

  13. Have a wonderful, wonderful trip! take lots of pictures and relax lots

  14. Bon voyage. In every sense of the words.

  15. Fuck me, I can't cope with 1 woman !!!

    Happy travels, if you get lost in central europe, drop by pls x

  16. Bon voyage, dear Baino - France had better prepared!

    I reckon there's a few Chilean miners who might be a bit happier to stay stuck down in that hole for a while longer!

  17. Eat macarons and drink well. Say Bonjour to Paris for me.

  18. Oh, great story. He's so fucked!

    Have a wonderful wonderful time in Europe. Stay safe, keep us posted if you can. Looking forward to the photos. (Just like the rest of us Baino-stalkers ;-))

  19. I haven't known you as long as Adam has, but I think he's right to be a bit wary, after all two mums together, with plenty of baby and toddler memories between them.
    Have a wonderful time in France, and yes, take the laptop.

  20. Don't take the laptop!

  21. Irony. Time for him like a rabbit instead of a snail. He will have to very angry women waiting for him when he gets out of that mine.

    Have a great trip.

  22. Safe journey to you. Hope it is a blast.

    The naughty side of me encourages you to be a bit SASSY with the future in-laws but your sweet son would not be grateful for that would he??


  23. I used to have trouble getting dates and this 50 year old dude is a mile in the ground with women fighting over him?? LMAO!!

  24. Bon voyage my friend - have a superbly wonderful time and don't give another thought to the infidelity of men - if they can't work it out - why should we??
    Can't wait to hear all about it and if you get bored (?) come to the uk- we'd love to see you!!!

  25. Holy sheep shit, can you imagine that stare down?
    One relationship is enough for me thanks (never mind the one I have and don't have with myself!). Good Gawd!
    Happy travels. All the best.

  26. Anonymous11:55 pm

    Superb song selection for this post Baino. Brilliant.
