Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sculptures By The Sea

I feel a little about sculpture as I do about poetry. Really good sculpture/poetry is a joy, poor sculpture/poetry is a travesty and should be tossed in the ocean. Today, my bestie had to drop her husband off at the airport at some ungodly hour so at 5am, I hitched a ride and once divested of said husband, we headed out to check out Sculptures By the Sea. A month long exhibition on the Bondi to Tamarama Coastline that surprises, shocks, delights and disappoints. It was 36 in the shade and idiot here wore jeans. The cliff walk was lovely, some of the sculpture erm 'interesting' and the sea inviting . . not quite as inviting as the Gin and Tonic I had for lunch. Enjoy:

Bondi Beach at 8am

No idea but what a view

Looking along the cliff walk to Tamarama

Definitely reminds me of someone I know

I think nature's sculptures were hard to beat

A new meaning to 'grazing' at lunch

Leunig Like

Nice view

Life Boy

Gratuitous Hot Bods

Who snapped me sunbathing?

Car Door Fin

Footprints in the Sand

Snail Trail of Bottle Tops

First My Father Died, Then My Horse (seriously thats what it's called)

New Man, New Woman but it looks like he's pashing his cat

Thank you Sydney Water . . we needed it!

The Sky is Falling

So that's where my Rayban's went

Golden Boy

Paint Splodge

Bound Rocks
 And I don't care what anyone says, the sun here is hotter. A day in the French sunshine and I barely glow . . . six hours in Aussie Sunshine, lathered in sunscreen and I'm  looking like a beetroot.
Thank Goodness for the Sun Police


  1. Heh, love the sunbather and the views are amazing!
    You're right about our sun being hotter. People I know who've visited Hawaii have told me they could spend all day out on the beach there and just lightly tan, back here in Aus, they're slapping on sunblock by the bucketful 2-3 times a day.

  2. Some great sculptures there, very original. I love that coastal walk from Sydney to Coogee. I never noticed the Sun Police, what do they do exactly, tell people to use sunscreen? And surely sleeveless tops and shorts aren't much protection against the sun?

  3. Love the paint splat and the sunbather somehow looks like I would look if I dared to sunbathe. I have never heard of Sun Police before but they sound like a cool idea.

    Living in a semi-arid area must mean that we have the same sun as you. Fifteen minutes in the sun and you can turn red as a beet if you do not have loads of sunscreen on. But we did pretty good this summer with us staying pretty much under 100 degrees for most of the time. Last year, I think we stayed mostly over 100 degrees. This year was a lot easier on the pocketbook as to running our AC. And you know being in menopause makes the heat almost unbearable at times. It is still in the 80's and 90's here with the Santa Ana's blowing pretty well which keeps everything so dry. This also causes lots of static electricity and I hate it because it hurts when I get shocked. I just touched a light switched and I swear the shock felt like it burnt my finger a bit. I always have to watch out so as to not shock my laptop because I have heard that static can harm it.

    Thank you so much for leaving a message about our anniversary, 36 years seems so little compared to 60 years, I know that someday you would have made it that far if not for his passing. Your in-laws have set a fine example for your two young ones to follow. With laws that make it so easy to leave each other, I am suprised to hear on the news that more couples are staying together these days. They say it is the bad economy, but no matter the reason I hope it continues, especially where children are concerned. Coming from divorced parents, I still remember how hard it was on us and most of my siblings have lasted for a long time too. But wow, 60 years, that is just amazing and they still look to be in love with each other, that in itself is really amazing. Congratulations are definitely in order.

    God bless.

  4. Ohhhhhhhhhhh love them all ..I wish I had a chance to go ..I've never made it any year. Next year I will.

    And that is so ME sunbathing.

    Aloe vera for your skin darling girl. xx

  5. I love the views, and some of the sculptures. You can send me some of the heat if you like to warm my bones.

  6. wow. those are really cool. you could probably fill a book on the social commentary that could go with each...nice curves baino...smiles.

  7. Incredible photos -- and I love your captions! It looks like a splendid day by the sea.... much much better way to spend the day than mine, locked up in the old folks' home, cheating at Bingo under their watchful eyes to ensure they win...

    Oh that warm sand looks so good! I'm glad you had the break!

  8. Anonymous11:19 pm

    Absolutely awesome!Love the paint one!

  9. i love a sculpture garden, but i'm with you on nature being the best artist: the first photo shows my favorite bit of her work.

  10. haha...who snapped you sunbathing...don't burn your bum! :)

  11. What a neat exhibit. I so need to visit Australia.

  12. What fun...beautiful beach shots and interesting sculpture. I especially liked your photo of the bound rocks. Beautiful. And that paint squirting out of the tube sculpture was fabulous. I wish I could have been there in person.

  13. Gorgeous scenery and photos! Aloe vera works well for sunburn. My Nana swore vinegar took the sting of sunburn away but then one wandered around smelling like a giant pickle!

  14. What a beautiful beach. I would love to see it. My favorite sculpture is 'footprints in the sand.' The theme is appropriate. Lots of imagination displayed int the sculptures.

  15. Anonymous6:28 am

    Great pics of the sculptures - I see what you mean by "interesting". But I do like some of them. And better to pique our interest than be too predictable.
    Sitting in dark dank damp and a bit dreary England, your day looks just excellent. Only one thing I can do to offset it, head to the one thing we've got that you haven't - a decent pub serving Rebellion.

  16. This was great, I loved it. What a neat idea, sculpures on the beach. Thanks for sharing the photos, I wish I was there instead of raking leaves!

  17. I don't pretend to understand art but those sculptures are incredible. Wouldn't mind the wooden man and dog for our garden....

    The sun IS hotter here - just ask weatherman Love Chunks. I can get burnt in the middle of winter!

  18. damn! other than the scenic shots, nothing of interest...

  19. Fab photos and loved your captions. I think my favourites are the paint splodge and 'nice view.'

    Very interested to learn where the sun police keep their spare bottles of water!! :)

  20. My favorites are the bound rocks, the lunch table and the "nice view". But the natural and biological wonders were pretty nice, too!

  21. Thanks for that walk, I really enjoyed it.
    Some of the sculptures I saw here last year on Cottesloe beach.

    I love the bondi to tamarama walk and once upon a time I did that walk almost everyday. I miss it.

    x Robyn

  22. Wow, that looks like an amazing place.

    P.S. I loved your 10thDoM piece.

  23. Really enjoyed the walk with you. Had a good laugh about the guy and his dog. Liked most of the sculptures.

    The one that reminded you of someone you know, reminded me of the Suntan Police girl on the right side of the photo ;-)

  24. Just goes to show what you miss when you lie in on a Sunday morning.

    Great shots, Baino

    I'm still chuckling over the sunbathing one.

  25. Well, some of those are interesting, many want tossing into the sea (although that would pollute it, so I'd favour dumping into the artist's garden/yard), and some are okay. Like you, I'm not a sculpture or poetry person unless they're really, really good. ;)

    The only ones of those that I truly like in that setting - which is kind of important, don't you think? - are the first one and the bound rocks. Somewhere else, and I might find the grassy table set witty, and I'd be happy to smile at the paint splodge and the man and his dog.

    Oh, and I do agree - I thought that guy was kissing a polar bear! LOL!

  26. Great captures Helen! Some are so hilarious ("First My Father Died...") and some are just cool and then there's that rock sculpture sunbather. Too fun! Sending to my spousal unit. He will love the images. What fun beaches you have, my dear.

  27. Anonymous7:33 am

    Have you gotten yourself a new camera?

  28. Some interesting sights you spotted there and yes I thought that new man was pashing his cat too*!*
