Monday, November 15, 2010


It's La Ninia  er Nina year here which means after a long and cold winter (by Antipodean terms), spring has been cool and wet. Over the past couple of weekends, it's been hot and wet which if you're embroiled in a sexual embrace is titillating If  you're trying to sleep . . not so much.

I talk with a couple of Skype friends at night and they've commented on the weird and very loud noise they can pick up on camera. Apparently, and rarely, the culprit is a 'Bleating Tree Frog'. To be precise this 45cm er 4.5cm frog has invited its friends into my Gardenia hedge and is quite frankly deafening. Thanks to hot days, wet afternoons and stormy evenings it's interrupting my Skype activities, keeping my brother awake but frankly, I find it rather soothing. Or perhaps they all go to bed at the same time as me.

So irritated by the background noise, one of my nightly contacts finally found what I could not. A soundbyte of the little buggers. Here's one . . I think I have 50 serenading me tonight. Hey it beats traffic and brawls.  I find it quite calming. I wonder if I kiss one will it turn into a prince?


  1. I would not kiss that frog!

  2. Cute little fella...

  3. That frog is adorable! But 45cm! Whoa, that would be one hugemongous frog!! So, I had to check - sorry. Length is 45mm, not cm. Phew!

  4. 45cm! That's not a frog, that is a genetic modification.

  5. Well, he's cute even if he is loud. I like toads. They're dry.

    Is 45cm alot? I don't and never will understand the metric system unless somebody MAKES ME!

  6. kiss the frog...big frog = big prince...

  7. i'd sleep through that 'noise'...

  8. Be careful. LOL You might get more thsn you bargained for!!

  9. Cute frog. Glad it's not 45 cm!

  10. I love that sound, it translates as "I love your healthy garden". Go Sydney Summer, La Nina version. I enjoy rolling round in a perpetual glow of perspiration. Not.

  11. When I google that URL it just takes me back to Baino's Banter. But I can't believe that tiny little crittur can make such a deafening racket.

  12. Ah, I've traced the audio now. I see what you mean, it's a very raucous sound, could be very annoying if you don't like it.

  13. it is a funny sound, not very froggy as I am used to.

    So...are you trying to sleep on these hot muggy nights, or no...???

  14. I love the sound of frogs, not that we get many down south.

    Our two years in Darwin were a different matter. LC swears that the boy frogs were literally croaking out 'Bonk Bonk Bonk' every night. Hopeful little buggers.

  15. Anonymous12:36 am

    I know they do so much noise!But they are so cute!I love frogs(and not to eat)specially the small and green one :)

  16. aw, i think he's smiling at the thought!

  17. I dare you to try it. If the frog really becomes a prince, you win! :)

  18. VERY cool frog! We have bullfrogs in our creek near the to my ears on warm summer nights!!!

    Ummmm, do NOT kiss the frog!

  19. i listened to the sound bite and all i can think is "guess what frog is gonna get lucky?"

    reminds me of field trips where harry the frog man got all excited about frogs in amplexous and we were up at midnight trying to triangulate and find them

  20. reminds me of when you first hear loons and then they grow on you !!hahah

  21. I always think of a frog as something that lives in ponds. A treefrog seems a weird idea to me.

    I got into a real tiz just now. It is going mental at mine with comments pouring in about this gear shortage we're having. People are starting to get seriously desperate.

    If you have anything you can say to these kids please say something, anything and tell them about the person you know who was on it all those years. It's here

    about 5 down from the top, it's the one with all the comments.

    If you can say anything that might help please do people are getting really desperate and it's doing my head in. I am writing a post about what you can do in an emergency, but it's doing my head in talking about mental hospitals, casualty and clinics and telling people what NOT to do e.g. don't take handfuls of paracetamol and codeine the paracetamol is deadly and codeine barely will touch you. Then again I don't even want to broach it if it's a stupid idea. This is totally doing my head in. I don't want anyone to die. I want to save lives. What shall I do?? Please answer sorry to be a pain


  22. i like the sound of frogs too, hells, makes me feel part of a larger whole, but i recently learned i am afraid of frogs and i jump more than they do, even a little 2 inch scardy frog.

  23. I like cute little frogs, but I'm not sure I could sleep through a couple of dozen all croaking at once.

  24. hehe you trying to keep the tourists away ;)

  25. i love it! love those globulous toes (fingers?) and the red around its eyes.... oh i do like frogs.

    but, a gardenia hedge? i am very envious
