Saturday, March 19, 2011

Flash Mob Fuckwits

I love the concept of a flash mob . . a group of people who gather surreptitiously in a public place then break into dance. 
Hundreds of flash mobs occur each year and while the majority of them take place without legal consequence there have been notable occasions from around the world where flash mobs have resulted in legal actions taken by local authorities or the government against flash mobs or its participants.

In the United States, in 2009 and 2010, the city of Philadelphia experienced a wave of flash mobs that either started with the intent or led to the destruction of private property, rioting, violence, and personal injury. As a result, police used pepper spray to disperse crowds and arrests were made.Law makers and lobbyists in the city are pursuing enacting bylaws to counter flash mobs by extending curfew hours, limiting the hours of bus passes, and holding parents more accountable for the actions of their children.

Legal actions have been taken in other countries to stem flash mobs for reasons other than violence such as the disruption of business and service. The city of Braunschweig, Germany has stopped flash mobs by strictly enforcing the already existing law of requiring a permit to use any public space for an event.  In the United Kingdom, a number of flash mobs have been stopped over concerns for public health and safety.

Well I think those who try to stop it are sad sacks and fuckwits frankly and on St Patrick's day, Sydney commuters at Central Station were treated to a flash mob incident put on by the Irish Tourist Board and starring the cast of Riverdance who are touring at the moment - aweseome fun.
Thanks Sara Lulu for the heads up!


  1. Awesome! I love Irish dance and wish I were coordinated enough to do it...

  2. nice. i love flash mobs...have a friend that organizes them here...a trip to watch...

  3. I have been a big old McCrankypants today, and that video may have just snapped me out of my bad mood. I've already watched it twice.

  4. It's the Puritans all over again; they have no clue as to how to have fun, so they outlaw it. Classic fuckwittery.

  5. Nice, I feel like joining in, but that would definitely cause a mob;)

  6. That was so much fun to watch. I loved it!

  7. Babysis11:43 am

    You know what - I hate that
    Riverdance crap! gimme fatboy slim "Praise You" flash mob anyday!

  8. Oh how fun! Love to see them dance. Saw a video of one in Grand Central Station once. But why the violence and destruction? Why not just dance? ha.

    Love the clip! Speaking of dancing, how is your knee?

  9. here for $20 to the high school , you can be flashed one morning by a few hundred plastic pink fla mingos. I would be thrilled to death if it happened to me .

  10. "Flash mob . . a group of people who gather surreptitiously in a public place then break into dance".
    We call them Morris Dancers over here.

  11. The impromptu Irish dancing was a great idea. Looked like they were really enjoying it.

    Don't have any experience of flash mobs myself, but I guess if they cause serious problems, some sort of restrictions are called for.

  12. I love these flashmobs - there is so much spontaneous joy to get from them - too bad for the troublesome ones. I would love to stumble on one, but I guess I stay away from places where they congregate - ain't gonna happen in my back yard eh?

  13. great way to garner publicity.

    how's the job hunt going?

  14. if they're destroying property, they're no better than looters... should be shot!

  15. I don't quite get the name. I mean, if it's planned and choreographed, and all. But I do love to watch the videos and I'd love to be around one. Maybe not in Philly, though.

  16. Oh youre talking about kids. They shouldn't be allowed to use bus passes for anything other than getting to and from a school that is more than two miles away and that is that. I hate school kids they should be turfed off buses they intimidate the local populace and everybody hates them. You wanna hear what people had to say about them on the talk shows. Nothing good!

  17. Well, certainly if they gather intending to commit violence or cause damage they must be prevented. That's a no-brainer.

    But to stop ALL flash mobs, who offer huge amounts of smile-inducing entertaining because of the actions of a few? Shameful and ridiculous!

    Where will it all end? Surely at least we'll have to ban the motor car because of all the accidents it causes?

  18. Oh, I love to watch a flash mob (the dancin' type not the violent kind of course!) Our huge University an hour from us staged one that was nothing short of spectacular! Hope you are well.

  19. Dear Baino, take a break or create a new blog, that may help. I missed Maureen of Island Roar, and Rowe and I shall miss you dearly, if you stopped blogging. I have stopped and I in a way regretted it but yes, we are tired of blogging. I am too just as I am speaking to you now. But, during the period that I did not blog, I was okay for a while, after about four months, I began to talk to myself;)

    My interest now is really in reading the meaning and understanding the Qur'an. That is where my passion is, in my other blog the Journey. But my friends are at Live High. So I manage both blogs and keep my drive.

  20. I did not know that the perfume Angel was dangerous – I have a bottle hardly started. I enjoyed the wedding – that was a grand affair. I have never seen a flash mob – that would be fun really. We are getting into spring, so are you getting into fall? I always enjoy reading your post – you have such a way with words.

  21. Anonymous5:22 am

    That was funny. It was if some strange virus was spreading through the station concourse - turning people Irish - but only temporarily.

  22. I love the idea too. I wish something like that would happen someplace I am. Or an entire group of people breaking into song (would that be a "song-flash mob"?) as they do in the movies. "Day-O" in Beetlejuice (though they just lip-synched Harry Belafonte) and "I Say a Little Prayer for You" in My Best Friend's Wedding come to mind. The closest I've ever come to it was an entire restaurant-full of people hanging spoons off their noses.
