Friday, July 13, 2012

Friday Fuckwit

Alright, six bloggers did donate to the Kickstart for Dog and I promised them a Friday Fuckwit. I was torn between the teenager in America's south who swam in aligator infested waters and wondered why one of these highly territorial but normally calm predators decided to nab a forearm and death roll him for dinner....seriously son? Shouldn't you have avoided the murky waters and gone for a dip with the floaters and toddlers in the local pool.. you fucking idiot. I hope you're left handed.

But's Darwin Award and dual Friday Fuckwit goes to the knob who decided that playing with oversized pussycats after hours was a good idea.

In Copenhagen, Denmark, an unnamed 20-year-old Afghan man was killed by tigers in the city's zoo after he climbed a fence and crossed a moat into the animals' enclosure, early this morning.
He was found dead, surrounded by three Siberian tigers when the zoo staff arrived for work.
It is unknown unclear why the man entered the tiger area, but police have not ruled out suicide.
According to the Danish newspaper Ekstrabladet, the young man lived alone in a flat near his family in central Copenhagen and was just about to finish high school.
Superintendent Lars Borg told Ekstrabladet: "We received an emergency call at about 7.30am that a person had been found lying in the tiger pen and that three tigers were surrounding that person."
"The tigers attacked him and killed him. It is likely that a bite to the throat was the primary reason for his death. He has been in the water and the animals must have seen that and attacked him."

Perhaps it was a better alternative than landing on Christmas Island in a leaky boat and waiting to be processed in a detention centre in Australia.

Have a great weekend folks and don't forget to support the yarts and give the price of a cuppa to my darling man....


Grannymar said...

Those guys make my life seem boring. Wait now....I am alive and thinking about what I am going to have for lunch, not whose lunch I am going to be!

Good to have you back again.

Brian Miller said...

lol....wonder at what point he realized he had really made a very poor decision...

Siobhan said...

I'm left-handed...

Janice said...

Definitely fuckwit worthy. I am constantly amazed at how stupid some people can be. Good one!

Roy said...

Ahhhh! The Friday Fuckwit is back! My life is now complete.

River said...

I'm wondering if he was drunk or severely depressed and saw no other direction for his life. Sad really, unless he was stupid enough to do this on a dare.

PattiKen said...

Suicide by tiger... Yikes! That's literally terminal... um, fuckwittiness? Fuckwititude? Fuckwitity? Whatever, I bet he's sorry now. said...

There's a fuckwit in every crowd! Both these guys deserve an award.

Gledwood said...

You never told me you were blogging again you cow!!

Tomorrow I will put you on my blogroll. I can't do it now as I'm at an internet cafe and too scared to sign in.

What's happened to Bimbimbie by the way? Please tell me in a comment but if you can't say it in a comment send an email but if you do email please let me know in a comment; I get so much spam these days everything that's important just gets lost amonst the whirl...

Tom said...

ha. whatashmuck, and not a fun way to go but noteworthy I suppose. blargh

Baino said...

Gleds I'll email

Baino said...

Gleds I'll email

Anonymous said...

Yay! The Fiday Fruckwit is back!
(decided to stick with my spelling error - it has a certain kind of originality).
Only one more day to wait now for the next one hopefully!

Unknown said...

Thanks for posting. I really enjoyed it. I love watching cartoons and this one's my favorite. God bless!

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