I once wrote a story about a man who got himself into a bit of strife with the wrong woman but more than one Chinese policeman managed to emerge red faced after a daring rescue.
The phrase "inflated body count' took on new meaning for 18 cops in
China's Shandong Province who worked together to save a sex doll they
thought was a drowning woman. (No shit...cos we all look the same to them?)
The incident happened July 11 when officers responded to a report
that there was a lady in distress in one of the province's rivers. The
crew worked frantically for nearly an hour to rescue the woman,
according to Digital Journal, and in the process, attracted a crowd of about 1,000 curious, excited and anxious spectators to the scene.
It took more than 40 minutes before the officers were able to recover the pleasure toy.
After confirming that they had indeed run around in a panic for
nearly an hour over trying to rescue someone’s blow-up girlfriend, the
police presented it to the anxious crowd, who quickly covered their
children’s eyes and walked
ha. talk about deflating ones ego....
It took 'em 40 minutes to realize it was a doll? Man, that's fuckwittery in the extreme!
I've seen those sex dolls in joke shops why the hell would anyone want to fuck that? And why would a Chinese police person think it was real..??
I have seen the most disturbing of sex dolls at shops here, I just don't understand
I love both stories!
ha. call it a training exercise. weee
Oh, I have missed the Friday Fuckwit! Hahahahaha! How did they NOT notice?? Did they think drowning people turn to plastic part-way through the process?
If 18 cops can't tell the difference between an inflatable doll and a real flesh-and-blood woman with all her various accoutrements, they must either be blind or stupid.
Oh come on Bainbridge post something else!
Sorry re the email, I'm going to have to get a new address. The old one is so deluged with spam that even when I know someone's sent a message and approximately when it STILL takes ages and ages and ages to find the blinkin' thing!
O by the way I used to know someone who had a blow-up sheep in her kitchen. She said her weird pisshead waste of space of a best friend (we were all so disappointed when this fabled person who had been out in South Africa for months actually appeared) anyway he fucked it in front of her. Why don't they make blow up aliens? I say. Do something creative for a change. Or make necrophilia rotting corpse dolls or something interesting. I watched that film Quills with Jeffrey Rush (what an A1 Aussie!) how I laughed and laughed at the graveyard tale!
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