Monday, December 21, 2009

Felicitations . . .That's posh for Merry Christmas

Thank you everyone not just for commenting on my site but for emailing, Skypeing, posting wonderful tales of family, friends, travels, your fears, your joys, your lives and your loves, your fiction and your truths and allowing me to have a sneak peek into your world. I have met amazing acquaintances and incredible friends over these past years.

I can't see me having much time to post between now and Christmas so let me wish you all a safe, happy and wonderful family holiday. Whether you're wrapped in a blanket of snow or walking barefoot on the beach, resisting the urge to take drugs or enduring the trials of illness, being reunited with returning soldiers or sharing this time with those whom you hold close.

You have made what was an pretty horrible year for me, very tolerable. I know some of my wonderful commenters are not having the best of times whilst others are reunited, happy and fulfilled. You are a diverse bunch and my life would not be as rich without you.

I value your contributions to this humble blog and your friendship. To those for whom Christmas is not going to be such a festive season, I can only offer my support, friendship and an open heart and let you know that you are in my thoughts and have touched my soul.

To those in happier circumstances, I congratulate your verve and lust for life, your humour and your candour.

To those who are planning holidays and a celebration, enjoy it as if it were your last.

Hold those who are alive and close, dear. Remember those who are no longer around with warmth and affection. Wishing you all the very best of the season, no matter your race, colour or creed.

Oh look . .I'm trapped in a bauble!

To any of you . . should you be brave enough to venture to Sydney, and some actually have! There is a sofa bed with your name on it, cold chardy in the fridge and a tour guide for free.

So from the land down under where Santa arrives with six white boomers and is left a coldie and a bag of beer nuts, to you and yours. However you celebrate the festive season. . . much love . . warm wishes and I'll see you on the flip side!

And thank you. No really . . thank you . . .More than you will ever know.



Brian Miller said...

heart warming post baino. thank you for making this year extra special as well. always look forward to your words...and you made looking for a job telerable at times as well. best wishes this holiday! merry christmas!

Kate Hanley said...

What an absolutely lovely post. I read is as I stare out at a foot of snow, school is delayed by 2 hours and I have to re arrange my priorities the week before Christmas...but now, I know what my priorities are: family, friends, love, warmth. Thanks for the reminder! And a Happy, Joyful Holiday season to you and yours!

nick said...

And the feelings are reciprocated, for sure. It's been great fun reading your blog over the last year and I hope there are many more posts to come....

I hope you and yours have a Very Happy Christmas!

kj said...

if i weren't getting ready for work i would write a book on how much i love you and how silly lovely your friendship is to me.

i will carry that image of you in the bulb-bubble with me all day today, and i will smile thinking of you.

oh this is getting too mushy. it's enough to make me want to swear. maybe i'll return at the end of the day and throw in a quick 'fuck' adjective.

Anonymous said...

Happy Christmas to you. Looks like the bauble is just the place to be!!

kj said...

i shouldn't have said the f word on your christmas-holiday greeting.

it wasn't tasteful for the season.

i am sorry. i am repentant.

hee hee

hokgardner said...

And thank you for letting me see Australia from your perspective. Someday I will make it down for a visit and take you up on the offer of the sofa bed.

ian said...


'Felicitations'is posh for Happy Christmas? It reminded me of funerals, there's a line in the burial of the dead that goes,the souls of the faithful, after they are delivered from the burden of the flesh, are in joy and felicity'!

Nollaig Shona.

(Oh, and do make a resolution to be nice to PM Kev, he's a whole lot better than the gombeen we have)

Don't Bug Me! said...

Even I can't say Bah Humbug! after that. Hope you have a great Christmas and that the New Year offers new challenges and a break from old ones.

Lisa Ursu said...

Happy solstice, happy holidays.
All the very best,

Roy said...

The thanks go right back to you, Baino. I can't imagine sitting down to the computer in the morning without your blog showing up in my sidebar list. Have a lovely holiday!

Kate said...

Happy happy Christmas my friend!!
That was beautiful!
Here's to blogging, Skype and a glass of wine for without them I wouldn't have the fun conversations, serious moments and happy memories of moments with my alter-ego in Australia.
My sofa awaits your trip!!!!! x

Anonymous said...

Thank you. I personally am not the greatest fan of holidays. I like the everydays more. However I have to work harder in 2010 because in the last 1.5 months I felt very exhausted and it had some signs on my marks ... not too significant but a slight decline. For instance on friday I felt that I collapsed in mind when I couldn't concentrate on my history test which is like an Armageddon in my case.

Anonymous said...

I've definitely got the blanket of snow, wot? Cheers to you and yours Baino and well wishes :) HUGS!!

...and nice bauble shot, there!

tut-tut said...

Thank you, Baino. Your correspondence among the social networks have cheered me during my v depressed state earlier this year, even if you didn't know it! Merry Christmas, Happy Solstice, Happy New Year et al.

RLM Cooper said...

Happy Holidays, Baino! And the very best and prosperous New Year.

Baino said...

Brian, Waystation one is almost at the bottom of my blogroll and a site I visit every day. I'm like a man who reads the sports pages first . . .I start from the bottom!

Kate I think there are going to be a few Christmas disruptions thanks to your recent snowfalls, lets hope the snow stays and the roads clear. Have a good one!

Nick you know I wouldn't dare go to Ireland and not look you and Jenny up for another deep and meaningful conversation and a baguette! Yes there will be more to come.

Oh kj, I know, you don't have to say anything. You're a dear friend! Now now, mind your language, Christmas is coming!

Same to you Unstranger, I'm going to visit you more often I swear.

No worries Heather, I've enjoyed the year with your family and watching little Elizabeth find her feet. You're more than welcome although with your lot, you'd better bring a tent!

Ian Poulton, only you would think of Felicitations and funerals in one go! Well I hope I feel felicity without shaking this mortal coil! I'd be nice to Kev if he was ever in the country! Merry Christmas, I know it's a busy day for a man of the cloth. Hope you have time to celebrate with your own brood!

Thanks DBM and keep posting those wonderful tales of your travels and possibly some of the best wildlife photography I've ever seen.

Thanks Liza, you're one of the newest commenters I think. Theme Thursday has introduced a whole swag of interesting people and stories. Merry Christmas to you.

Same with me Roy, you're also on the 'regulars' list. Interesting posts, fabulous pics and fun on Thursdays particularly. Try to stay warm and keep that camera clicking.

Thanks Kate, it's been fun chatting with you. We have so much in common it's scary! Be careful what you wish for! Haha!

Ropi, you and I have been chatting around for some time now. You were only 17 when we first started commenting on each other's blogs. Now you're almost ready for University! Time has flown. Thanks for being my Hungarian friend, It's a very tough year that last year of school with much pressure placed on students. You'll do fine. I know you will. Have a restful Christmas.

Thanks Subby, I thought of you last night. The snowfalls in the East are all over the news here. Pretty but making life difficult. Take it easy and enjoy Christmas with your mum.

Beth I had an inkling but you're like me. You don't spill all on the blog or Facebook it has been a tough year and in many ways, I've sought solace from people I don't know rather than those I do. You have a good Christmas break now.

Thank you AngelMay and the same to you. I'll be visiting each morning but may not have too much comment time so will catch all the back stories during my two week holiday.

Susan at Stony River said...

I love that bauble self-portrait!

Happy Christmas Helen! -- and I hope your holidays are wonderful for you and your kids and everyone you love!

Melanie said...

That was a lovely Christmas message. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a much needed, for many and all of us, happy new year.

Cheers Dahling!


e said...

Happy Christmas to you and Adam and Clare, Baino. The feelings are mutual. I hope the new year is a good one for everyone.

Rowe said...

A gorgeous, heartfelt and thoughtful post, Baino. That's what I like about you. Wishing you and your loved ones a fabulous time at Christmas. I hope you get some good R&R. said...

Santa gets beer and nuts down under? Count me in! Have a wonderful holiday!

Ronda Laveen said...

Oh, Baino, wishing this year to be better for you in all aspects.

In the power and light of the solstice, I do so claim this to be realized.

Peace and love.

Grannymar said...

These das I am always tail end. For one moment... just one moment I had the stupid you were calling a halt. Thankfully I was wrong. You, Clare and Adam have a wonderful holiday by the pool sipping chardy, while we freeeeeeze! I promise to catch you on Skype in the new year when I return from my travels.

Sarah Lulu said...

Happy Christmas Helen,

Same goes ...if ever you are up this way a spare bed awaits.


Colette Amelia said...

Hey Lady I am so glad to have met you and wishing you the best Christmas ever! I would say stay warm but I guess that is a given!

here's to shortning the queue on all those things you are waiting on!

The Jelly Monster said...

Oh my love! I hope you have a fabulous Christmas x

Tom said...

Merry Christmas Helen, hope you have wonderful days with your family; we will for of these years i'd love to spend Christmas on the beach--it would be very weird! Toodles.

Mike said...

I am not just saying this....If there was someone in the world that would make me think of taking a plane ride half way around the globe, it just could be you!! Merry Christmas!!

Anonymous said...

Baino, no worries! Besides, we're all dug out and roads are cleared( more or less ). The week-end rain will wash the rest away! Cheers and good tidings luv~~ XOXOX

Lizzie said...

Baino, wishing you the best Christmas and holiday season as well. :) Hugs!

JeffScape said...

Free tour guide, eh?


River said...

And thank you too Helen. You've no idea how much my internet friends have changed my life, how much you all mean to me.
Merry Christmas.

Candie said...

You're a wonderful woman!thank you and i'm wishing you to have a great time with your family!Merry Christmas and talk to you soon!Much love!:)

Baino said...

Thank you everyone. You are wonderful.

Lisa said...

It was the most heartfelt and sincerest thank you.

I thank you and wish you the happiest of Christmas and holidays.

Jill from Killeny Glen said...

Helen...I trust your holiday will be GRAND! I so enjoy popping over to Australia to see what it is you have been doing there. Your Christmas tree bauble "self portrait" is BRILLIANT!

Have a wonderful week. Oh, and I hope you will share what delicious entree you make for your family. I SO enjoy that! Funny how thoughts of blogland friends pop into my head.."wonder what Helen decided to make for the holiday meal??"
Happy Christmas.


Carolina said...

Oh dear, a small lump in my throat :-)
You have a great way with words and I love this post. Heartwarming indeed!

Wishing you a warm and wonderful Christmas and a very lovely New Year.

(Our foal has her own comfortable wintercoat/fur. We've shaved the other horses, hence their 'overcoats'. They just spend a couple of hours per day outside due to the weather. The rest of their time they spend in their stables.)

laughingwolf said...

back atacha and yours, baino...

just learned today of the death of an elderly native american lady, a dear friend... she never mentioned she was ill, but was always full of fun and a great spirit... r.i.p. pattemye, you will be sorely missed :(

i beati said...

I AM Not a stalker but would like tyour address for cards here and there Too late this year I garner but have a drink or 2 or 3 for me and lots of sweeties hug loved ones near. this time never comes round again..l. sandy

English Mum said...

A very merry Christmas to you too, Baino. Thanks for being there through good times and bad, love, loss, baking disasters and general life issues.



California Girl said...

Hi Sweetie: what a nice post. I hope you are liking your new job. It will take me quite a while to get caught up. You are a cool lady and good stuff should be in store for 2010. I mean, no sense gettin' up in the morn if you don't think it will be a brighter day.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. You always see the New Year first down under, dontcha? Hey! That means you get to say good bye to the old year first too!

xxx said...

Big love to you... one of my favourite fellow aussie bloggers.

You're a gem

best of the best wishes for the coming year too

xxooxx Ribbon

Kath Lockett said...

And thank YOU, too!
I hope you and your lovely kids have a great Christmas and silly season and that your working life in 2010 gets better and better and better. K xo xo xo

Megan said...

You got it all wrong. It's WE who should thank YOU.

I do hope to take you up on that offer someday. Wouldn't it be scrumptious fun?

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to Adam and Clare and Laurie and Chippy and Bro and Sis and ah darn it the dog's name escapes me but especially to wonderful YOU.

Mim said...

Lovely post ms. B - and one of the best parts of this year has been beginning to get to know you.

Santa Claus said...

Ho Ho Ho!! Merry Christmas!! From me and my buddy Otin

Gledwood said...

wishing you the season's best and a most excellent 2010...

doesn't it feel weird ~ all the tinsel, evergreens and mistletoe (do you even get mistletoe out there?) in the Australian climate..?

All the very best



jay said...

Aww .. Merry, Merry Christmas, sweetie! I know you find the season difficult, but look how many friends you have! Can't help but celebrate that!


Paddy in BA (Quickroute) said...

Baino, I hope and the young uns have a wonderful Xmas and New Years. Been an interesting year for both of us and I look forward to following your tales and adventures in the future

ratatouille's archives said...

Hi! Baino,
This is my first visit to your blog and I'am so glad that I visited you, for the first time...because I feel that no
truer words were ever spoken...

"To those for whom Christmas is not going to be such a festive season, I can only offer my support, friendship and an open heart and let you know that you are in my thoughts and have touched my soul.
To those in happier circumstances, I congratulate your verve and lust for life, your humour and your candour.
To those who are planning holidays and a celebration, enjoy it as if it were your last..."

Here wishing you a Merry Christmas!
and a safe and pleasant New Year too!
Take care!
DeeDee ;-D

Unknown said...

Hope you had a totally wonderful Christmas, dear Baino! Hope too that 2010 will be filled with all sorts of wonderful things! xxx

New Yorker wannabes said...

This is the best wish-post I have read!

I feel fortunate to know a person like you exists in the world! May your holidays be filled with health and happiness!


Renee said...

Dear friend you are truly one of a kind.

I smirked at you being a bauble.

Love Renee xoox

kj said...

whew! it's time to send you an email. the kids just left, i;m exhausted, and it was two plus days of good fun--easy going low stress fun!

how much chocolate did i eat?

the answer is not pretty.

i think today is your christmas day so to you my one-of-a-kind honey hells, merry christmas and looking forward to 2010.

love love

Dot-Com said...

It's always great to read your blog - it's honest and so well written. You rock! I hope you had a great Christmas and look forward to reading your blog posts in the new year.