Sunday, November 30, 2008

She Rendered me Shmooshy

I wrote a huge soppy post about how much I'm looking forward to connecting with Clare and how proud I am of Adam, and what great people they are . . .but as Im' waxing lyrical . . .The boy walks in after his 2nd Anniversary weekend in the city with his special gift from Amy, wrapped in paper and tucked gently under his arm.

He bought her tickets to Chicago next year even though he's not a fan of musicals but then he unwound the newspaper and brown paper wrapped thing on my kitchen bench . .

Two frames with black and white photos of them each in various "Facebook" style poses, and then . . a massive frame . . . the love of his life has crafted a charcoal sketch. It's beautiful . . personal . . romantic and frankly, it took my breath away and brought me to tears . . mainly because it was such a gift of love. She's drawn it, framed it and given it . . I can only imagine what he felt when she gave it to him. Clearly she agrees with my opinion of my son. Isn't it fabulous?

I'm so over whelmed that I need a dose of Transformers . . .


John said...

jeez baino, you're about as romantic as I am, which is to say, very. And they are fabulous. Long life and happiness to them both (and you too).

Miles McClagan said...

My favourite band at the moment are called Smoosh, I thought you might have uncovered their indie kid charms...god, is that relationships now, you have to draw! I'm stuffed...I can barely draw a stick man...

Susan at Stony River said...

Wow. When you said 'charcoal sketch', I wasn't prepared for something that gorgeous! She's talented AND sweet and thoughtful.

What a lucky family, to have those two in it. (I got a Kenwood mixer for my anniversary woohoo; now I can make Himself twice as many pancakes on Sundays? *sigh*)

Anonymous said...

Well, I lack romantic feelings but it is a happy thing that you are happy.

Anonymous said...

Young love is wonderful! I can wait :d

That is one very talented lady!

Anonymous said...

It's utterly gorgeous, Baino

Amy has a good eye in more ways than one!

Oh, for that passion of young love!

kj said...

baino, you must be overbrimming with love and emotion today!!

i will be thinking of you with your children. and this "sketch"--WOW! their smiles are fantabulous.

Miladysa said...


Awesome :D

Baino said...

Oh Ernest we all have our soft side. I'm an Amazon most of the time. Just a moment of weakness. They're so cute together tho. Call each other 'honey' I don't know whether to smile or hurl.

Miley, I'm a little concerned about your fondness for teenage girl bands. We'll you can't draw but I believe you make a mean Lime Spider with a bendy straw!

I thought it was a photo at first Susan, I knew she could draw but that one took my breath away. I am lucky. My best friend was once given an iron for Mother's Day by her husband . . .it ended up on the lawn. This year she received some hedge clippers but didn't seem to mind that as much.

Oh Ropi . . you'll have to 'love' up a bit before too long! You could take lessons from my lad. That's what happens when you're raised in a house full of women - you get in touch with your feminine side and have an inkling what women want!

Haha . . you and I both Grannymar! She is very talented indeed. She sews as well!

Yeh Steph, I remember it well! *sigh*

Thanks kj. I had a dream that she wasn't on the plane and was holed up in some stinky hostel to afraid to tell me she didn't want to come home. Then the dog rolled me out of bed and I realised it was all a bad dream.

Cute as buttons aren't they Miladysa! I just love that she put in so much effort. Gifts like that are so precious.

Movie Snap Studio said...

It is a very good charcoal drawing! Have fun with your daughter.

Anonymous said...

Oh when's the Wedding? Its just gorgeous...I had no idea she could draw...I just thought her fringe was her art! I love them - their so cute....

Baino said...

That it is Movie Snap and thanks for popping by

Babysis, she's done a few smaller drawings before but never a life study that I've seen, it's so gorgeous. Bless her little Fringelet!

Anonymous said...

OH, that is sweet!

You know, for the past few years, one of my sons has been producing beautifully framed paintings and drawings of my dogs for me for my birthday, Mothers Day or Christmas gifts. They are all different styles - he likes to experiment! - and all so beautiful.

You're right, it's a personal gift from the heart and I value them highly.

laughingwolf said...

awww... sweet kids! :D

Megan said...

That's pretty awesome. No one's ever felt that way about me before. I hope my son gets as lucky as Adam obviously has...

Paddy in BA (Quickroute) said...

ah young luv!
Have a great reunion tomorrow / actually today your time !

Kath Lockett said...

Wow! Not only is she very talented but they both look so happy in the portrait! Awwwww....

i beati said...

it s fabulous an smaltzy and I will think of it all day and often that's just the kind of hopeless romantic I am !! So there.. sandy

Anonymous said...

It's midnight, so Clare has been back in Oz for a few hours now, probably tired and jet lagged poor thing. How good a shower feels after a long ass trip!
I remember my mum meeting me at the airport when I visited first after moving Oz, there were lots of tears and rib crunching hugs.
I am very happy for you!

Anonymous said...


Oh well, each to her own!

Mo said...

OH MY GOOODNESSSS!!! That's so pretty!

a. said...
