I have nothing today. I'm ready to slash my wrists or enjoy a little Slash. Heavy rock is always a better alternative to self-harm I find!
I'm a little tired. Finishing Christmas shopping, ordering DrummerBoy about and pressure hosing our concrete which has blackened due to warm and humid La Ninia weather patterns and feeling ever-frustrated at not being able to do what I usually do. We're in get-ready-for-Christmas mode, tidying, refurbishing and redecorating. Nope, I'm not bending or lifting more than 5 kilos although it's killing me and I did give the Dyson a gentle push around the loungeroom to gather up a few Christmas beetle carcasses. I'm cranky and have fallen out with ClareBear about my expectations of her housekeeping and her lack of doing things when I want them done (which of course is now, if not sooner!).
Being a control freak has its downside. I've also managed to piss off DrummerBoy with constant demands and nags that he doesn't do things as well at home as he does for his landscaping clients or in the exacting timeframe that I demand . . . but hey, I'm in the throes of giving up nicotine, a prisoner in my own household and frustrated by doctor's orders that I take it easy for a month . . .I can't wait to bleach the bejeezus out of everything, get into the cobwebs and damp dust my skirting boards. I can't wait to clean out the cupboards and tidy my pantry. I can't wait to give the crevice tool a run around the window frames although the skinks are doing a good job of getting rid of the dead bugs that collect around the base. I can't wait to change my own sheets and plump up my sofa pillows. I can't wait to hang out my washing so that it comes in flat and foldable, not creased and crinkled. I can't wait to get behind the wheel of a car so that I can run up and get my own champers instead of demanding one of the kids do it, and now! I can't wait to crank up my leaf blower and do a proper job of removing gum leaves, cobwebs and dog hair from every external crevice. It is so frustrating watching others do things in a different way and in a laxadaisical manner and taking twice the time to achieve the result. I'm methodical, routine, a perfectionist and it's frankly driving my kiddywinks up the wall and me insane.
Ahh, but the Christmas shopping is complete, the tree is replete and the pressies wrapped and ready. Only one more challenge, the food shopping next Sunday and we're all ready to roll. Plus December 29 marks week 4 of my trials and I can drive . . I can get out of my own volition and run amok! And belive me much amok-ing is planned! So, in the absence of anything further to discuss today, I leave you with a little bit of tipsy Slash and Velvet Revolver - Oh and kudos to Arky for booking a flight to New Zealand to see KISS and Ozzy Osborne! Awesome my young friendling! (there's no accounting for taste in music!)
Now that we have heard your confession, sit back with another glass of bubbly. Dr Grannymar's orders.
How come enforced inactivity is so much harder than deliberate laziness? Unfair.
You can make it... just a little more than a week...
Well, I tell you what, when you're all better and well into cleaning and gardening mode, do you want to come over and do my place too?
For heaven's sake, woman, slow down, take it easy, rest up. Who'd have thought convalescing - which is what you're supposed to be doing - would be so difficult!
You're nearly there Baino..... Here I am supposed to be doing the Xmas clean all week and keep telling myself I can do it all on the weekend - with food shopping included! Sigh, I feel guilty now and only two more kid free days left! WHAAAAAAAAA
Heavy rock is self-harm!
I once saw a band called Girlschool in 1981 and couldn't hear properly for three days afterwards!
You're right girls. Enforced laziness is a killer yet I have no problem sitting on a couch watching videos on a wet Saturday. It's the lack of 'control' for this little control freak . . .
Ian, I have two words for you: ear plugs! (you learn a lot being a drummy mummy!)
How I wish I could set you free!
I can feel your frustration from here. It is all about LOSS. Loss of control, loss of freedom, loss of nicotine, and loss of hormones. I too am a control freak - I want things done my way and only MY WAY will do! But you know what - I bet you if you go give ClareBear and DrummerBoy a big hug, all will be forgiven you'll feel a hundred times better. And then go finish that bottle of bubbly!
btw I don't know why Blogger has suddenly decided I'm to be known as Biopsy - nuffing to do with me!
Can you email me today please?
Thanks for mentioning me in the post again! I'm fo shizzle excited about NZ :)
Steph: I'll be right, it's teaching me virtues such as patience and banging my head on walls!
GB: I expect photos of you and Jean Simmons and sharing an iced tea with Ozzy (he's off the booze apparently!)
"Shizzle" how very Snoop Dawg of you . . .I would have expecte more of a GB w00t!
slippers on, feet up baino, but no cigarettes. Take advantage of your holiday while you can.
Meanwhile, i must have demolished half of mums xmas grocery shopping in the past 2 hours.
Ryan: Watch the nibbly bits, you'll get fat! Pistachio nuts! Great nibble, obstinate shells and good for you!
One word, Xanax. I doesn't get the housework done any better or quicker but hey it won't bother you as much. Heh heh.
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